Dinner Talk With Sammy & Family

Dinner talk with Sammy & Family

Good evening friends.

Once again Friday always seem to show right on time.  Its great to be here with everyone.  My favorite part of each day is checking in with all of our friends in the mornings and touching base again in the evenings.

The mornings we all pump each other up for the day, and in the evenings on ELS, it’s kind of like families that gather around the dinner table where each family member has to say something about their day.

So I will start.  Today, woke up and had two hazelnut flavored coffee, then like everyday, immediately regretted it because then my hands shake for two hours.  Then i take care of all the posting throughout all our social platforms and website. After that, I take all the dogs outside, first Sammy & Jeffrey, then Kelly, Patrick and Henry together.

Then i usually tell Jorge, Vanessa’s dad that I am exhausted as if i put in a real hard day.  After a 30 minute rest, i usually start working the platforms and website again.

Then i annoy Vanessa to leave work early everyday for at least two hours.  Then the next morning, I hit the replay button and pretty much do the exact same thing.  It might now sound sexy, but its peaceful and I’m happy.

How was your day friends ?

Signing off from Puerto Rico on Day 76, Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.


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