Holidays approaching and my commitment to animals

Holidays approaching and my commitment to animals

Good evening friends.

As the holidays approach us, I’m reminded of the years I used to really struggle with them. Seasonal depression if you will. I used to find the holidays very lonely to be honest. So much takes place from one year to the next and the holidays seem to trigger a whole host of emotions.

When I decided to commit my life to animals, much of the loneliness disappeared. Animals give my life purpose. I stopped worrying about the daily minutia in life and was just thinking about them. If I knew then, what I know now, I would’ve surrounded myself with 7 dogs and rescue animals a long time ago.

But, now that I do know, I want to share my experience. To anyone going through tough times, nobody understands your struggles better than a shelter animal. If you offer an animal a bridge back to life, that animal is going to make you whole in an instant. You’ll have a best friend, a companion and an angel all wrapped up in one. How great is that ?

Have a great night friends.

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