Dislocation between a Multicultural Country and the Politics governing it

Dislocation between a Multicultural country the politics governing it

There is a significant dislocation between the multicultural country we live and the Political Landscape governing it. Something has to give or something has to break.

This election was a vote for “White Nationalism”, Not Democracy. The world is more one and more ethnic than ever before. That is an indisputable reality in this country and the world for that matter. “The Good Ole Boys” do Not like that. They want to keep it nice and whitey white.

The country is in a very strange spot right now. Globalization is taking us into the future and the President Elect and his cabinet members are taking us back to the past.

What I can say with confidence is that we’re Not in good hands right now. And until that changes, the GOP is in position to really hurt the poor, elderly, disabled and starts wars for no particular reason.

I hope I’m wrong.

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