Sammy & Family says goodnight on May 31st, 2015

Sammy & Family prayers on May 31st, 2015

Good evening friends.

We hope everyone had a nice weekend.  Sammy wanted to come say goodnight to everybody.  Life was good today on May 31st, 2015.  Nothing Climatic and nothing bad, translation, peaceful.

I really appreciate our friends that have confided in me and gave me a glimpse into your lives.  I found the dialogues very constructive and I hope I helped some of you ease your pain.  And remember, even if I didn’t, time will take care of you.  Tomorrow is a new day, but equally important is that tonight is still alive and we have remind ourselves to stay in the day that actually is.  Tomorrow will be here soon enough and then we can live that day. My life is right now talking to all of you that have been nice enough to drop by.

Lets close with 3 positive notions;

1. Thank you God for this gift of life today.  Many people around the world yesterday did not receives life’s gift today.  Let pray on those people and be grateful we even got the gift of today.

2. The mistakes of the past or today have nothing to do with a new day given to us tomorrow God willing.  I am Not defined by the past, my mistakes or regrets. I am defined by seeking happiness constructively and helping animals and people along with the way.

3. It is none of my business what people think of me.  What is my business is my conduct and the oxygen that flows through my body.  I’m defined by me.  I don’t seek approval from others to determine my importance.  I have my own committee for that.

Signing off from Puerto Rico on day 140, Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

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