“The Town” Movie Rewrite

The Town

Welcome to the Movie Rewrite of “The Town”

Let’s pick this up right from the bank where “the Ben Affleck character” and crew abducted the woman, Claire and held her hostage, after robbing the bank. In the rewrite, unlike the actual movie, the gang doesn’t release her. They were too uptight to give up their leverage. The stakes were too high, and they knew all hell was about to break loose. So they laid low until the police and media quieted down. Over the course of the next two months, the men revealed themselves to her. Claire knew at this point she would not be harmed. And despite the insanity of the circumstances, some normalcy developed amongst them. Remember, “The Ben Affleck character” and his three friends grew up on the streets of Boston. Nothing came easy to them. Life had always been hard and cold on them, and a life of crime seemed very natural. They knew no other way. Claire’s decency started rubbing off on them. Nobody was ever nice to these guys, and despite her really not having a choice, it was still new to them nonetheless, and they liked it.

Claire started confronting them about all the heists they pulled. She was curious about what they planned on doing with all the money. Her point was, that if you’re going to rob banks, couldn’t you do something good with money? The crew said, “Use the money for what then?” Now if we remember, at the end of the movie, she used the money that “The Ben Affleck guy” gave her to refurbish the Ice Hockey arena for kids. Claire’s family was originally from Canada, which explains her interest in hockey. And Claire answered, “Get involved in fighting Seal Hunt’s in Canada, and dolphin slaughters in Japan. Claire explained, it doesn’t matter what you’ve done, it matters what you do now. The crew was in shock, it hit them like a ton of bricks. A life of purpose is something they never knew, and no amount of money can give you purpose. These horrendous acts of evil committed by Seal Clubbers and Dolphin Slaughterers had purpose written all over it. This was a reason to be alive and reason to leave a spiritually sick life behind. The crew looked at each other and silently consented. With all the appalling things they’ve seen in life, those acts towards Seals and dolphins are the most evil things they ever heard of. People who did such acts were damming themselves and their families.

Being the crew was on the run with the law, it was a perfect time to hit the road. Claire and “The Ben Guy” migrated to Canada and the other 3 guys went to Japan. And man, did hell fire break loose in both countries. They financed very large operations and hit these commercial ships where it counts. The crews were breaking every law in the book, but that was nothing different, that’s how they grew up. However, this time it was for the right reasons. The word “Compliance” was a non factor. They treated the divers and clubbers with zero respect like they deserved. Complete and utter garbage.

Eventually the commercial ships and their divers in Japan were too scared to continue operations. These righteous campaigns had global appeal. So much so, that Japan finally laid down the law on these atrocities. And low and behold, what do you know? Japan’s 30 year ailing economy started doing better. Businesses around the world applauded their efforts by giving them contracts and resources. People even started having families again, giving rise to a new Japan. Finally Japan woke up to the Golden Rule; “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

As for the Seal Clubbers in Canada, “The Ben Guy and Claire” felt it wasn’t good enough just putting them out of business. They financed additional operations to assure that the families had seen graphically what their loved ones were doing at work to these helpless animals. Needless to say, each family that was approached, picked up and left these dastardly murderers to start a new life. A massive movement was on the rise in Canada. It was called, “Don’t take your gripe out with the world on innocent animals.” The movement’s message was clear; just because a law allows murder, does not diminish the fact that it is murder.

The former crew from Boston rectified their spiritual sickness and today can proudly say, just like Muhammad Ali; “They shook up the world”

The End. Movie still would’ve been great.

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