Tips for homesick kids at sleep away camp

Homesick Camp Kids

Photo from here;

Good evening friends.

I see a lot of youngies went off to sleep away camp today. Tonight I have a great tip for the ones who get homesick and don’t like camp.

As we know, sending kids away to sleep away camp is actually more for the parents than the kids. The parents need a break, plain an simple. Now its true, many kids end up loving sleep away camp. But what about the one’s that don’t ? —  I absolutely despised it. If you’re one of those kids that gets homesick and don’t like camp, I have a no lose strategy to share with you. Pay close attention.

Tomorrow morning or the next day, immediately put a letter in the mail saying you hate camp and you want to come home. If you have access to smartphones and emails, even better. Your parents will receive your letter within a few days, or will immediately receive your emails and / or texts. Make sure you continue to send letters or messages frequently about how bad you want to come home. This way, on day 30 when visiting day takes place, your parents already know that you’re coming home. They won’t even bother trying to convince you to stay another 30 days until camp ends.

If asked why you hate camp so much, its a very simple answer; here it is; “I don’t like sleeping in a wooden bunk with 12 other males, I don’t like being woken up at 7 am to swim in a freezing lake, I don’t like bugs, and I miss my dog. Kids this is a bulletproof strategy. You’ll be home in 30 days or less. Double up on the canteen this weekend in celebration.

Keeping it real. Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

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