April 30, 2011

[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”] “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds” Albert Einstein [/pullquote]

April 28, 2011

[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”] Something hilarious that I got from my hysterical friend Gary ~ WOMEN’S ASS SIZE STUDY… There is a new study about women and how they feel about their asses… the results were pretty interesting. 30% of women think their ass is too fat. 10% of women think their ass is too skinny.
The remaining 60% say they don’t care, they love him, he’s a good man and they wouldn’t trade him for the world.
HeHe [/pullquote]

April 27, 2011

[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”]

Me at 12 yrs old. Second from left~

February 8, 2013

This is a friends page.Check it out. :)

American Loners & Other Works
This site will highlight mainly original and sometimes “found” poems, “Songs Of The Day” links, and maybe (just maybe) excerpts from “American Loners.” Enjoy! PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS SITE WILL BE UPDATED MOSTLY ON FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. I APOLOGIZE IN ADVANCE IF THIS IS AN INCONVEN…
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February 8, 2013

600702_141695885994738_1148685750_nThis is Bradford.He is Rosalina’s father.He is the owner of a very famous museum in Nickstun and has made a lot of money.When Rosalina was much younger, he and his wife got divorced due to his wife’s drug addiction.Bradford won sole custody of Rosalina.Rosalina is his only child and as a result, wants to give her everything she ever wants and seems to have had the potential of spoiling her to a point.Luckily, Rosalina remained selfless and knew she was not the most important dog in the world.Unlike her rotten peers, she did not become spoiled or bratty.This is due to her fathers great parenting skills and his teachings of morals.Although she isn’t the type of person to demand anything that catches her eye, if she ever did happen to want something, Bradford ALWAYS gets it for her.Bradford has also enrolled her in the best schools in Nickstun all her life.Bradford himself is a very lively dog and optimistic about most everything.However he can be seen as clueless to a certain extent as Rosalina has been able to hide many things from him.

February 7, 2013

11781_141422712688722_2039205390_nConnor [Left] : Connor is Tommy’s father.He is a deadbeat who sits around all day and gets drunk.He was very abusive towards Tommy and would often throw empty beer bottles at him whenever he felt like it.His right eyelid is torn slightly and his tail was ripped off in a past fight he had.Tommy has actually mentioned that he wasn’t ALWAYS like that, however.Tommy recalls having memories of his father being somewhat kind and sober, Connor had actually defended him from his mother when he was younger.Tommy assumes that his mother drove Connor to the edge in someway and he had to become an alcoholic to deal with being married to her.Connor now seems to be very snappy and can get aggrivated at the slightest thing.He usually took his anger out on Tommy but had a huge fear of Abigail and would, strangely, never even raise a paw at her.Abigail may have manipulated him so well that he didn’t want to be abusive towards her or more likely, she may have physically harmed him so badly in the past, that he learned not to mess with her.
Abigail [Right] : Abigail is Tommy’s mother.Tommy seems to have disliked her the most.Abigail was very abusive towards Tommy as well.Not just physically, but verbally also.Abigail would usually only say very heinous things to Tommy and would snap at him if he even tried to talk to her, thinking he was “trying to bother her”.She appears to be more sociopathic and manipulative then Connor.She also appears to be in more control of their relationship, as she bosses Connor around on several occasions and usually threatens him if she doesn’t get her way.Abigail remarks that Tommy was her biggest mistake and isn’t hesitant in the least to remind him of it, over and over again.She is very cold and morally depraved.She has a criminal past of committing white-collar crimes.She spent time in jail for two years before she was let go, because of her good behavior.She also had a big gambling addiction and quite possibly, still does [The reason she has spade earrings.].

Connor and Abigail were two other pawns that allowed Nashira to manipulate Tommy.As she had abusive parents as well, Tommy was able to relate to her and get closer to her, believing that she was the only person who could really understand him.Fake empathy combined with a convincing smile, Nashira was able to convince him that she was like a guardian angel coming to save him and take him to a better life..Of course that was a lie.

February 6, 2013

557568_141075632723430_2091854722_nKaikala [Left] : Kaikala was Makani’s mother.She doesn’t seem to have much knowledge about what exactly happened to her husband.He disappeared right before Makani’s birth.She assumed that he simply got “lost” while lurking around the island despite her daughter’s firm belief that he left them, plain and simple.Kaikala refuses to believe that her husband would just leave her and had faith he would return someday.He DID treat her and their daughter kindly when he was with them after all.In fact he seemed to care about them more then he cared about himself.How COULD he just leave? He didn’t return however.Fortunately, she was fully capable of taking care of her two children by herself.She seems to be pretty optimistic and sticks by the quote “innocent until proven guilty.” as she will never turn her back on somebody until she knows exactly what happened.This is the reason she still thinks of her husband in a positive light.She is VERY superstitious however.She can also be thought of as disloyal, since she seems to be fully capable of simply dropping all contact with a family member on the spot.This is, of course, shown with Makani as she immediately turned on him the moment she learned of him killing Alemana and sent him away from their home.However, one has to ask themselves, what would you have done in that type of situation? Could you blame her? Kaikala’s name means “the sea and the sun” in Hawaiian.
Noelani [Right] : Noelani was Makani’s older sister.She, unlike her brother, met her father and she could confirm that he was a good dad.However, she seems to be very quick to make the assumption that he simply left them.She does have a very pessimistic demeanor, unlike her mother.Noelani seemed very hesitant towards sending Makani away and even tried to run after him.Kaikala stopped her and Noelani decided that her mother was probably right about sending him off.Noelani seemed visably more saddened by her brother being sent away in comparison to Kaikala however.Noelani’s name means “mist of heaven” in Hawaiian.

They only appear in flashbacks.

By the way, it may be hard to tell because of the lighting in this picture, but Kaikala has silver and white fur.Not pure white like it may appear to be.

February 5, 2013

72633_140737989423861_1784043870_nThis is Gaspar.He is a labrador mix.He was Rosalina’s boyfriend.He was very abusive and disrespectful to her.Along with verbal abuse came physical abuse and because he was much bigger then her, she wouldn’t be able to fight back most of the time.She DID want to get away from him though.However she was too afraid to go to the police, because she knew he would find out and try to injure her badly before the police could even get on the case.Rosalina just didn’t want to get hurt again.She decided that perhaps she should just try to simply break up with him and that maybe he would just move on to some other female, if she was calm enough with him.He didn’t however and exclaimed that if “he couldn’t have her, nobody could.”.He was going to attack and kill her right then and there, but Tommy just so happened to be passing by.Tommy barked loudly, to draw attention to the scene and Gaspar, not wanting to be caught attacking his girlfriend, fled the scene.After this, Rosalina finally got the courage to go to the police, but every time she would head to the police station, Gaspar would intervene and try to kill her once more.She usually escaped and even when she was close to being caught, Tommy would find himself running into them again and would save her in any way possible.Gaspar finally ended his mission to kill Rosalina when Tommy confronted him for the last time.Holding Gaspar at knife-point, Tommy told him that if he went near Rosalina again, that Gaspar would face MORE then just a beating from one dog.Tommy also stated that he would have to go into hiding.The threat intimidated him.With Tommy holding a knife to him and spouting such threats, Gaspar made the assumption that Rosalina must have connections with some sort of gang which is why they are protecting her.Gaspar immediately panicked at this idea, knowing how much danger he would be in if she did.He decided that she wasn’t worth it and fled for good.It is unknown what happened to Gaspar after this.In the scenes that Gaspar is seen in, he is very rude,hot-tempered and loud-mouthed.

Gaspar’s name means “he who guards the treasure”.Gaspar also has sectoral heterochromia [The reason that a section of his eye is red.] It is also hinted by Rosalina that she never told her father about Gaspar abusing her, as she “didn’t want to get him involved.”.Wether it be for his safety or if she just thought he would possibly make matters worse for her, it isn’t clear. ©

February 4, 2013

61688_140485359449124_894100636_n[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”]Princess Celestia from My Little Pony : Friendship is Magic.I can’t decide who I like better sometimes..Luna or Celestia! xD I like them both equally right now.She’s supposed to look younger here, explaining her size.Even though she had a pink mane when she was younger, I love her multicolor mane so much that I drew her with it.[/pullquote]