Tonight we say goodbye to Patches

Tonight we say goodbye to Patches

Good evening friends.

Tonight the we say goodbye to Patches. This fallen angel crossed the rainbow bridge on Friday evening. Patches passed at 14 years old and was a member of Angela Murphy and Family.

We send our thoughts & prayers to Angela during this difficult time. Its never easy saying goodbye to our animal companions. They’re such a big part of our lives. Sometimes letting them go is the only loving move left to make.

Sammy & Family wants to thank Angela for giving Patches such a great life. That’s how we make the world a better place, one animal at a time.

Rest in Peace Patches. Gone but Never forgotten.

No lives will go in vain, no pain will go unnoticed. Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

Sunday Love

Sunday Love

Good morning friends.

Sammy wanted to bring everyone some Sunday Love.  Which reminds me of a new mathematical equation;  Sunday + Love = Bliss.  We are in a no lose situation today my friends.  Everything is aligned for us to have a great day. Even if you have a lousy day ahead of you, its going to be less lousy now.

Sunday’s are our favorite day of the week.  Its a newspaper and coffee kind of day. Its the one day we let imagination in the door and back into our lives. On Sunday’s we get to be us again. The people we set out to be from the very beginning.

Day 387 here in Puerto Rico, and day 74 since we rescued Rocky. Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.   See you tonight friends. #Statistics

The Caribbean Breeze

Smell the Roses

Good morning friends.

Its nice to take in some of the Caribbean breeze. As Ferris Bueller said in 1986;  “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it”   — That quote was 30 years ago. It sure did prove to be spot on.

Day 384 here in Puerto Rico. The quote above is precisely why I count each day since I got to Puerto Rico. I want to be present in this part of my life and going forward.

OK lets kick this day off with two Positive Notions.

1. Its Thursday, which is so close to Friday, we really can say; “Happy Thursday Friday”  — And that’s good.

2. I don’t need to be right, I want to be happy.  Of course, if you can be happy and right sometimes, sure, that would be great.

See you tonight friends. Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

To learn more about Dr. Harp Seal, here’s a quick audio to listen to below;

Prayers for Becky Flynn and Family

Prayers for Becky Flynn and Family

Good evening friends.

Tonight we say prayers for Becky Flinn and Family. Becky’s sister, Liz passed away about 4:30 pm this late afternoon. Liz had brain and lung cancer. Becky and i have connected several times the last couple of weeks. Liz was just diagnosed with cancer three weeks ago, unfortunately the cancer was is in its advanced stages already. Becky and I spoke about how this was more than likely the end.  The thing about losing loved ones, knowing or not, it still just pulls the rug right from under you.  Its a shocking experience no matter how much in the know we are. When they actually pass, it just seems surreal.

This is the same day Becky’s mom passed away from throat cancer 16 years ago today. She is in such despair right now.  Becky also lost her son at birth many years back.  If this is not an example of a person being tested, I don’t know what is.  She mentioned to me that her brother will probably be coming to get her tomorrow so they can all be together.

This is an important notion to remember when we lose loved ones. All that life that we lived and shared with our fallen loved ones is forever. Nobody can take that away from any of us. That’s what memories are made up of, and what memories are for. The fact that they are now gone does Not mitigate the lives we shared with them.

Sammy & Family and our friends from around the world have Becky and Family in our thoughts and prayers. Becky you’re not alone, we are all by your side right now. Thousands of people that will be reading this prayer tonight will be thinking of you. Those thoughts can move mountains. Hang in there. Its one foot in front of other until you feel OK.  During this mourning perios, time will ease your pain. Please stay closely connected during these next couple of days and weeks.

Life works in mysterious ways. I just put up a post today that we need to do more collective praying. I posted that because many people I know passed away this last year. Also friends of friends have passed, and i know several terminally ill people right now.

Sammy & Family’s evening Posts are on call for any prayers that are needed 7 nights a week. All other posts can always be posted on another night. Prayers come first. Whether its for animals, people or ourselves, all pray requests are welcome.  Please don’t be shy. Our collective prayers can make a difference.  My email is;

I will close with this; I want to thank all the loved one’s that I personally lost this past year for gracing me with their time while they were alive. What a privilege that was. What a gift they gave to me. I hope all of you can extrapolate what I just said into your own lives.

No lives will go in vain, no pain will go unnoticed. Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

The things we do for Love

Playground of Love

Good morning friends.

Its great to be alive on January 27th, 2016.  Day 383 here in Puerto Rico. So today’s post is titled to; “The things we do for Love”  —  Take this foolish man in the picture for example. What kind of person stands up on a 6 foot structure in a playground with a 10 Pound Pomeranian relying solely on his own balance.

Look, while it might Not have been a smart move, I just wanted to make my boy happy. Love makes us do crazy things.  Let me rephrase, love makes us do crazy and Dumb things.

And to be fully transparent, I have done a lot crazier and dumber things for love than this, lol.

OK friends, lets kick this day off with two questions and answers about Love.

1. Scott why do you look so happy ?   Answer; “I think I’m in Love”

2. Why are you acting so crazy lately ?  Answer; “I think I’m Love sick”

See you tonight friends.  Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

Poppy Rocky Tuesday on January 26th, 2016

Poppy Tuesday on Aug 4th, 2015. The day of hope and possibilities

Good morning friends.

Happy Poppy Rocky Tuesday. A day filled with Hope and Possibilities. Remember, If Poppy and Rocky can pull through, anyone can.

Do you believe in Miracles ?  Do you want to be part of a miracle or need one in your life ?  Well let’s keep an open heart because miracles are all around us. Maybe one even crosses your path today. We just never know.  But just like Poppy and Rocky, we have to keep suiting up each day and keeping our heads up.

We get design our day today, shouldn’t we design a positive day ?  I know about all the “But this, and But that”, we all have that. And even with that, we get to design our day today.

Today is a gift. Lets clear our minds of all the minutia. How do we know today is a gift ? Because many people that were here with us yesterday, are no longer here with us today.  And many of them fought very hard to stay alive.  So if nothing else, out of respect for those that lose their lives everyday, we owe it to them to live our lives to the fullest.

Day 381 in Puerto Rico. Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

Fox hole friends versus other friends that make you happy and laugh

Hi friends. You can listen to Audio directly below. Or you can read text below the Audio.

Good morning friends.

Dr. Harp Seal here. Day 409 in Puerto Rico. We have an interesting Post today.  The topic is the Fox hole friend versus other friends that make you laugh and you have fun with.

There’s an expression; “You find out who your real friends are in your darkest hours”  — Meaning the friends that would get into the fox hole with you when needed.  And that’s true. Most of us have friends like that.

But lets not discount the friends that might not get into the Fox hole with us. After all, life does not always put us in fox hole situations.  So what about the friends that in your daily life that make you happy and you have a fun with ? — Does that make them bad friends because they are Not the fox hole friends ?  The answer is No.

The friends you have fun with provide a great deal of joy in your life, that’s extremely important too. Here is the million dollar question ?   Can a Fox hole friend also be one of your fun and happy friends ? Absolutely yes.  Keep this in mind too, sometimes our fox hole friends that would jump in front of car for us, are also the people in everyday life that make us the most unhappy.  Meaning, we would kill for each other, but we don’t enjoy each other’s company or produce happiness when we’re together.

So Scott what is the point. The point is, the Non fox hole friends are just as important if they make you happy day to day.  I size up my friends not only by who will be there for me when things are bad, but also on who makes me happy when things are going OK.

Food of thought.  Have a great day friends.