Have No Fear, Globalization is Here

Father and Son conversation in the new world

Good morning friends.

We’re not just standing with the populace in The United States, we’re standing with the populace throughout the world.

It’s true, The Untied States of America has changed for the worse as of November 9th, 2016.

But thanks to globalization, the world is more one than ever before. And that is a great thing. After all, that is what connected all of us here, and many others around the world.

So if we take a look at things through sunny side up lenses, we’re really living in, “The United Countries of the World”

Thinking of the Apprentice from a global perspective, sure minimizes him in size to me.

Happy Friday everyone.

#Globalization #Trump #TheApprentice

The Three Musketeers

Gabriella Botalla-Bell and family

Good evening friends.

We have very special story tonight. Say hello to Gabriella Botalla-Bell and family. From left to right, Gabriella, Diesel, a 15 year old short haired male Chihuahua, Gabriela’s husband, Chris, and Gucci Bear, an 8 year old long haired female Chihuahua.

Gabriella and family also have a 5 year old bunny rabbit named Millie Vanilli. Yes, that Millie Vanilli. Gabriella loves music from the 80’s. We can all relate to that. I still have a crush on Debbie Gibson as you all know and my favorite band of all time is Def Leppard.

Now normally, one would think that two dogs and a rabbit would trigger the phrase, Three’s a crowd” — But not this time friends. Diesel, Gucci Bear and Milli Vanilli are more like “The Three Musketeers”. Things are so chummy with these Musketeers, that Milli Vanilli, the bunny rabbit, sometimes thinks he’s a dog.

Ok, we have some fun facts here on how Diesel and Gucci Bear got their name.

Let’s start with Diesel. — Gabriella loves the smell of gasoline, Diesel is an Italian Designer as we all know, and Gabriella’s mother is 100 percent Italian. Put it all altogether and it just had to be “Diesel”

Chris came up with the name for Gucci Bear – Gucci, as in the designer we all know, and Bear because when she was a baby she looked like a bear. Chris was always thinking about trademarking her name so nobody else can use it. For for all intensive purposes, please nobody use that name, lol.

When push comes to shove, no matter what their names are, Diesel, Gucci Bear and Milli Vanilli are the loves of their loves as Gabriella put it so perfectly today.

Diesel and Gucci are in love with Chris, he spoils them like crazy. I guess it’s true what they say, “Dogs are Man’s best friend.  I always thought they meant “Man” as a specie, but maybe it’s literal as in gender, lol.

As for Millie, that is Gabriella’s baby. He gives her kisses and behaves just like dogs do.

Gabriella and Chirs, thank you for sharing the story of your pets with us tonight. I really enjoyed learning about them. As animal loving people, we all have our own methodology of how we communicate with them and what we name them.

If anyone ever overheard me talking to my 6 dogs, anyone in their right mind would be like, “That guy is crazy, he literally talks to his dogs”

But in the end, whether its this idiosyncrasy, or that methodology, it’s like Gabriella said, “They are the loves of our lives”

Sammy & Family wants to thank Gabriella and Chris for making the world a better place, three animals at a time.

The Path to a better World flows through the Humane treatment of all Animals”

Sincerely, Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

Friendship Across Specie Lines

Friendship Across Specie Lines

Good evening friends.

Every now and then someone catches a picture that is an instant classic. We all see hundreds and hundreds of images everyday. We are almost desensitized by photos at this point.

When i saw this picture in my news feed, the light bulb went off in my head. I immediately knew this picture was very special.

This photograph comes to us from our great friend, Gill Griffith out of the UK. The young woman in the picture is Gill’s daughter, Helen. Also in the picture is the Pony that Helen rides.

I was telling Gill a few days ago that this image was a perfect depiction of what animals kindness is all about. When we show love and kindness to an animal, no matter what their might, they’ll be the gentlest of giants.

Gill, thank you for letting me share this with our friends from around the world. Helen, nice to meet you. One of the best pictures I’ve seen in a long time.

Love is the Universal Language. All species speak it.

Mr. Man, the Cat

Mr. Man, the Cat

Good evening friends.

Say hello to Mr. Man. Yes, the cat’s name is Mr. Man. How great is that ? — He’s 17 years old and a member of our great friend’s family, Amy Farris Kilbride.

Mr. Man was a rescue. He had one owner for all is 13 years until the owner relocated to Oregon and had to give him up.

Amy adopted him about 4 years ago on her birthday. Great birthday present by the way. Amy was decent enough to want Mr. Man to live out his life in peace and with pure love.

He’s a full blooded Maine Coon. Mr. Man is a big boy as you can see in the picture. But as the story goes with us animal lovers, Mr. Man has Amy very well trained, lol.

About 8 months after Amy and Mr. Man rescued each other, he got sick (gallbladder ) and the vet I took him to (who had the ironic name of Dr. Sunshine ) said, “Well, he’s old, so I understand if you don’t want to invest in him and just put him down.

Amy was appalled and left immediately. With loving care and a different vet, he recovered. through that experience, he learned to trust Amy and he firmly bonded with her.

Mr. Man is a healer. He rests on wherever she  has aches or pains, even Amy’s heart.

Amy, thank you for sharing Mr. Man’s story with us. Yes, too many times veterinarians are to quick to suggest putting animals down.  I’ve seen it and heard that quite a bit.

I was very moved by this story and wanted to make sure our friends from around the world heard it. Animals are healers, which is not surprising because they’re literally angels walking amongst us.

Amy describes it perfectly how Mr. Man is so keen on where she’s in pain. Nobody knows us like our animals do. Nobody.

Sammy & Family wants to thank Amy for making the world a better place one animal at a time.

A random act of kindness may not change the word but it changes the world for the recipient of that kindness.

Signing off from Puerto Rico. Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

Kristin to the Rescue


Kristin to the Rescue

Good evening friends.

We have a very special visitor tonight. This is our great friend, Kristin, and her rescue, Jaqen. — Kristin actually rescued Jaqen and his brother, Jon, who is not in the picture.  They are 8 months old now and were raised by a foster after their mother died.

These two cats were graced with two miracles. Firstly, with their foster, and secondly, when Kristin took them in permanently. The worst is officially behind them.

Sammy & Family met Kristin a few years back while she was visiting NYC. She’s a big time animal lover.

I really love this picture. I found it very moving. Animals are so healing. They really have a calming affect on people

One night Kristin wrote a story for our friends from around the world called, “No thanks, I’ll sit with the dog”  — The story is about a person who had social anxieties and took comfort in sitting next to a dog at a house party one night.

Kristin, thank you for sharing this picture with us. More importantly, thank you for making the world a better place, two rescues at a time.

None of us can change everything, but everyone can change something. And Kristin did just that by offering Jaqen and Jon a great life.

Friends, if anyone ever wants to share their pet’s or family’s story with us, we would be happy to write about it and post it throughout our platforms. We also would be honored to write prayer requests for animals and people in need. We also do really nice tributes for lost loved ones, both animals and people again.

As many of you already know, we’ve been writing across these topics for years. I personally find it very healing and humbling writing prayers and tributes. The people requesting the prayers and / or  tributes have always found it soothing as well.

I hope everyone had a marvelous New Years Day. Signing off from Puerto Rico, Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

Happy New Year – 2017

Happy New Year 2017

Good evening friends.

Thank you for stopping by. It’s always a privilege connecting with people from all over the world. It wasn’t too long ago that we only knew our neighbors on our streets, or the cul de sacs we lived on.

Today, the world is my neighborhood. Said another way, I can say hello to people in Australia, Germany, the Philippines and Brazil faster than I can cross the street and say “Good Morning” to my neighbors here in Puerto Rico.

I want to start out with a fun statistic, then some Baby Step New Year’s Resolutions for 2017, and then prayers for our fallen heroes and loved ones this year.  Continue reading

Lola is Rocking the Wheels off of Life

Lola is rocking the wheels off of life

Good evening friends. We have a very special story tonight. Say hello to, Lola.

Lola is a member of our great friend’s, Meri Puccio & Family. Lola is 5 years old now. Meri rescued just two months ago in October. Unfortunately, the former owner was not able to give her the care she needed.

As many of you probably figured out by now, Lola is Dachshund.  This particular breed has a tendency to have problems with their back legs because of their long shape. As a result, Lola has lost the use of her back legs 2 years ago.

Despite the complications, Meri stepped up in October and history was in the making. To quote Meri, verbatim, “She is the sweetest…delightful…affectionate little girl. We love her so much”

Currently, Lola is getting weekly acupuncture treatments and its helping a lot. Her legs are getting stronger.

Sammy & Family wants to thank, Meri, for making the world a better place one animal at a time. None of can change everything, but everyone change something. Meri stepped up and changed the world for Lola. And that my friends, is how we make the world a better place.

God bless you Lola. You’re such a little trooper. Animals are so amazing. They’re literally angels walking amongst us. They know nothing of greed. They’re just so grateful to receive love and care.

No lives will go in vain. No pain will go unnoticed. Amen. Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

The Holocaust is Not over, it’s been relocated to Aleppo, Syria

Aleppo, Syria

Good evening friends.

The Holocaust is not in the past, it’s just been relocated to Aleppo, Syria. What’s going on in Aleppo is nothing short of a 21st Century Holocaust.

It pains me to use that term, but it pains the people of Syria in real terms and real time even more. So it’s small price to pay for what those innocent people are enduring day in and day out. It’s also pains me to post something like this 4 days before Christmas. But how can one just look the other in regards to such devastation. The least I could do is write something about them and for them.

We have to remember, this all started with a 26 year year old Tunisian man, who lit himself on fire in defiance of a tyrannical Government trying to extort money from him, which gave way to the Arab Spring in early 2011.

Here we are, almost 6 years later and Syria is in the worst shape its ever been. Over 400,000 people have killed. And killed violently. Yes, you’re not misreading that. 400,000 people have been killed in Syria since the Arab Spring of 2011.

To put that in perspective, on 9/11, America’s worst tragedy in history, 3000 people were killed. Each and every life lost was significant mind you. No question about that. I’m simply trying illustrate the magnitude of the loss in Syria.

The Untied States has lost 5000 troops to date in regards to the 2003, Iraqi War. Again, 400,000 people have been killed in Syria since 2011.

As many of you know, my family and I run a large animal loving community around the world throughout social media. I’m bringing this up because over the years with respect to certain animal cruelties, we have referred to the Holocaust several times as well.

As an animal lover, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the Holocaust that is taking place throughout Asia in regards to the Dog and Cat Meat Trade, particularly in Yulia China and South Korea. The Holocaust has also been relocated to Canada in regards to the annual Seal Hunt, the Dolphins being brutalized to death in Taiji, Japan, the Pilot Whales of the Faroe Islands, The Bear Bile farms throughout China, The Fur farms throughout the world, factory farm animals throughout the world, bullfighting, dog fighting operations and so on and so on and so on.

A few years ago, I recorded an audio called, “Where is the Geneva Convention for Animals?” — It struck a chord with people all over the world. When you listen to it, please extrapolate the same principles regarding Aleppo, Syria.

There is no amount of money on earth or ideological differences that can justify what is going on in Aleppo. The world’s values are inverted. It’s supposed to be “Lives before Profits”, not the other way around. It’s supposed to be “Lives before differences in ideologies”

Until we put people and animal’s lives above everything else, history will keep repeating itself. It’s very sad because it does Not have to be this way. The Fruits of the Earth are plentiful enough for Animals and People to live in abundance.

Here’s the audio link;  “Where is The Geneva Convention for Animals?” 

No lives will go in vain. No pain will go unnoticed. Amen. Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

Brenda Limer and her two angels, Emee and Little Britches

Happy Birthday Emee

Good evening friends.

We have a very special post tonight. Say hello to Emee on the left with her brother, Little Britches on the right. Emee is 10 years old today. What a tremendous milestone.

Emee and Little Britches are members of our great friends Benda Limer and Family. Brenda is a big time animal lover. She has always been involved with animal rescue.

Let’s hear what Brenda has to say about rescuing Emee.

“I bought Emee when she was 3mos. old. I thought I had done all the checking on the kennel that she came from, but Sadly I didn’t know enough at that time. Our ride home with her was a nightmare. She had curled up in my arms and was sleeping to begin with. We had a 4 hour drive ahead of us. Not long after picking her up she woke up but was lethargic & a bit glazed in her eyes. I gave her some sugar supplement that I had brought with me, thinking it was just a matter of low blood sugar with all the traveling she was doing that day.

She perked up & was fine till we went to bed. A that time, I noticed she was not acting right. I again gave her the sugar supplement, but to no avail, Emee ended up having a really bad night.

I rushed her to emergency vet early the next morning. I found out she was so full of worms and they were draining her. Needless to say I was beyond upset.

After we got her medicine and fluids, I took her home to continue to care for her. She came close to dying on me that night. She is what made me do a lot of research on puppy mills and the lengths they’ll go to sell their puppies.

I’ve been an advocate for puppy mill babies, their moms & dads ever since. I’m very Thankful for this little girl who has given me so much joy when I needed it most. She is always by my side. She makes me laugh with her silly antics. She is still active at ten years old.  later.

Emee loves when a throw a ball to her. It depends on her mood if the little snits will bring it back to me to throw again. She is also the alpha of the pack here and let’s everyone know it. Typical for Pomeranian’s by the way.

What Emee says goes! The others tow the line with her around. She quick to give me her kisses & snuggle on my lap with the rest of the pack for a nap. She always has her special place in my lap and my heart. Her kisses lift my spirits & lets me know she loves me still. I will never regret the day I brought her home, the money we spent to buy her or the vet bill the following day. As they say “Who rescued who?”

Brenda, that was an incredible story. Thank you for sharing your journey with Emee with us. I was very moved when reading this story. It’s amazing how these little innocent souls take our lives to new heights.

Sammy & Family wants to thank Brenda for making the world a better place several animals at a time. Nobody can change, but everybody can change someone’s world. And Brenda has changed the lives of animals for the good over and over again in her life.

Happy Birthday Emee. Love Sammy & Family .

The Soldier of Love

The Soldier of Love

Good evening friends.

Dr. Harp Seal here. Thank you for stopping by. So tonight, I’m going to tell the story of Henry, the Solider of Love. We have written on this before. But I figured it would be nice to speak the message.

The Solider of Love comes from Henry’s ability to put Sammy and Patrick’s needs and wants before his own. Henry is happy when they’re happy. He is as selfless as they come. As a matter of fact, Henry and I have a pact, when Sammy and Patrick are happy, we Are happy. In many ways, Henry is like Batman. A silent guardian. A watchful Protector.

That’s how the story of “The Soldier of Love” came about.

To find out about Dr. Harp Seal, click here; https://soundcloud.com/dr-harp-seal/who-is-dr-harp-seal