Happy 47th birthday and day 500 in Puerto Rico

Birthday 47

Good morning friends.

Thank you for stopping by for my birthday. Yup, 47 big ones. Or said another way, I’ve been alive for 17,265 days.

I don’t really like making a big deal for my birthday other than to use it as an excuse for all of us to get together.  I apologize we did not put a video together, i have been slightly under the weather. I am on the mend now though. In a couple of days we will put a video out when I’m 100 percent.

OK, so day 500 here in Puerto Rico. And because of my birthday and this 500 day milestone,  I am going to share 3 very quick stories.

1. This one is for all the kids out there. As the summer approaches many of you will head off to sleep away camp for 7 to 8 weeks. This was a big thing in the Northeast.  As it turns out, it was actually more of parents wanting a break from their kids really. Now its true, many kids ended up really loving sleep away camp. And some of us did Not. I absolutely despised it.  If you are one of those kids who gets homesick and did not like camp, I have a no lose strategy to share with you.   Continue reading

Poppy Rocky Tuesday on Tuesday, May 17th, 2016

Poppy Rocky Tuesday on May 17th, 2016

Good morning friends.

Happy Poppy Rocky Tuesday. A day filled with Hope and Possibilities. Remember, if the Pops and Rocky can make it, anyone can.

I love Poppy Rocky Tuesday. It reminds me that anything is possible. It really is true what they say, “Where there is a will, there’s is away”

OK, lets kick this day off with two positive notions.

1. We do the best we can with what we have. Taking anything personal is counterproductive.

2. Today has a great shot to be a good day. Let’s give today a chance.

Have a great Tuesday friends. Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

It’s Going Around

No matter what time, day or part of the year it is, if you say to someone, “I think I have the flu”, they will respond with, “I hear it’s going around”.  So essentially the flu is going around all year at all times.

The flu is going around

Poppy Rocky Tuesday evening on May 10th, 2016

Poppy Tuesday on May 10th, 2016

Good evening friends.

Thank you for stopping by. We hope everyone had a nice Poppy Rocky Tuesday. Life was good today on May 10th, 2016.

In continuing the spirit of Poppy Rocky Tuesday’s, we will stay with the theme of Hope and Possibilities. I really have come to love Tuesdays. Hope is an incredible resource in this life. Let’s take a closer look at why Hope is so important.

When someone feels down and out and in total despair, they feel hopeless. They don’t see a way out. And yet another person, with the same circumstances, feels hopeful. So its no surprise whose life is on the upswing and whose is not.

How do you get hope if you feel hopeless ?  That is the million dollar question. The answer can be many things.  But to name a few; a great night sleep can do miracles for your perspective. Reaching out to family or a friends can lift someone’s spirits. Just a few key words or phrases from the right person can changes a person’s thinking in an instant.

Taking it slow until you feel grounded again. Nobody needs to make life altering decisions when we feel so down. When we realize that, it takes the pressure off of trying to rebound to quickly. Taking a walk helps. They say when we move muscles, we can change our thoughts. Also is important is take deep breaths.

Small tweaks, big gains. All of these tools are actionable, doable and effective.

We will see you in the morning.  Day 477 in Puerto Rico and day 167 since we rescued Rocky. Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

Poppy Rocky Tuesday on May 3rd, 2016

Poppy Rocky Tuesday on May 3rd, 2016

Good morning friends.

Happy Poppy Rocky Tuesday.  A day filled with Hope and Possibilities. Remember, if the Pops and Rocky can make it, anyone can.

There’s a lot of zeal in the air, I can feel it.  Today has a good shot of being a great day.  Let’s give today a chance.

OK, lets kick this Tuesday off with two actionable positive notions.

1. If we did our best, that’s always good enough. From there the cards will fall where they fall. There is nothing to take personal.

2. Today is another gift. Many people that were here with us yesterday, are no longer with us. For them and us, let’s make the most of today.

Have a wonderful Tuesday friends. Day 479 here in Puerto Rico, and day 167 since we rescued Rocky. Serious stats, right ?  See you tonight friends. Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

Pigs Lives Matter

Pigs lives matter

Good evening friends.

Dr. Harp Seal here. We have an important message tonight. While I know this will not influence everyone, I sure hope it influences some.

Please consider giving up Pork. None of our appetites are important enough to inflict such suffering on animals. Please try Soy Dogs. They’re very tasty and more importantly, you will be sparing these beautiful animals from such pain. Pigs are as sweet, intelligent and loyal as dogs. Try to think of it those terms because that’s how it really is.

None of us can change everything, but everyone can change something. Leaving Pigs alone would be a great place to start. Let’s remember, all lives matter.

The Path to a better world flows through the Humane treatment of all animals. Without that, we have nothing.

Sincerely, Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

Picture from ‪NaturalGeographic

To learn more on Dr. Harp Seal 

ELS and Miracles

ELS and Miracles

Good evening friends.

Thank you for stopping by.  We hope you had a nice day today. As a former misery addict, its overwhelmingly gratifying to come before all of you animal lovers as a positive spirit today. Let’s remember friends, the down moments will pass. They always do.

Let’s keep the faith and hope because the sun is right around the corner starting immediately. If you doubt that, think of me and don’t doubt it.  I have been lower than hell, put there by myself of course, and I am a happy man today. So use my trials and tribulations to avert further complications and have faith that you are on the rise.

Its very helpful to have visual associations to resort to like a reflex. Kind of like the Doctor used to tap our knee with a tiny rubber hammer to check our reflex sensitivity

I would like to offer my friends a visual association when you are feeling down and out that you can refer to on a dime.

Here it is.

Remember the Pops, a sweet little guy that kept getting marked down at the store because nobody wanted him.  Remember that Rocky was living on the street thin as a stick and infested with large ticks. Remember Jeffery who was rescued by Vanessa and her dad from a very abusive life.  Remember me who had severe life threatening problems and was a walking dead man on and off for 8 years.
On April 13th, 2012, I was arrested for my reaction over the worst betrayal I had ever seen or experienced in my life regarding Sammy. I am sure many of you saw that in the media. The four year anniversary will be coming up in 6 days from today. I can confidently say that 4 years later, I would go to war again for him or any one of my other 5 dogs in heartbeat. Fortunately I don’t have make those kind of distinctions anymore as I have smartened up regarding the selection of the company I keep.

I remember when I was in the back of the Police Car, I smiled and told the arresting officer, I am going to turn this into the biggest positive of my life.

From there, I met Vanessa on Instagram. The ELS community is much better and bigger than what I had built before. I have now been living in the Caribbean for 451 days today. I live with Vanessa, her dad Jorge, who fought in the Korean War for the U.S. when he was 19 years old, and our 6 dogs.

The ELS story is a story of miracles. One miracle after another.  So if anyone asks me do miracles exist. My answer is simple; “You bet they do”  — The one caveat is that a miracle requires the heart and the guts to believe you are worth receiving one.

I will close with this. I tweeted Irene Cara the other day to remind her she has one of the greatest voices of all time. Irene Cara was on of the stars of the 1980 movie; “Fame” — My lord that gal can sing. If you never heard her, please take a listen to; “Out here on my own”, “What a feeling”, “Hot Lunch”, and the song, “Remember my name”

See you tonight friends. Life was grand today on April 7th, 2016. Scott Smith for Sammy & Family. #Gemini

Poppy Rocky Tuesday on April 5th, 2016

Poppy Rocky Tuesday on April 5th, 2016

Good morning friends.

Happy Poppy Rocky Tuesday. A day filled with Hope and Possibilities. Try to remember, if the Pops and Rocky can make it, anyone can.

I find Tuesday’s to have a great sense of Zeal to them. Its very refreshing. Its like we are on an upswing or something, and that’s good.

So being we are on a upswing, lets start the day with two Positive notions;

1. Let’s be open to a great day. Today is a gift and could have a lot in store for us.

2. If we do one thing today that we have been avoiding, but we know we have to, tomorrow we will feel very good about it.

Day 449 here in Puerto Rico, and day 139 since we rescued Rocky.  That’s pretty cool, right ?  See you tonight friends. Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.