Sammy the Pomeranian Reindeer

Sammy is a Part Time Christmas Reindeer

Good morning friends.

Sammy is heading to North Pole as you can see. Each Christmas Santa Claus needs extra reindeer to ensure that all gifts are received around the world.
Several years ago, Sammy was fortunate enough to be selected as one of Santa’s part time reindeer.

Now truth be told, Santa Claus does not know that Sammy is a 10 pound Pomeranian. As you can see here, we have applied some Toy antlers to his head.

The good news is that Santa Claus has a “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” policy for his employees, reindeer included.

Santa Claus actually considers Sammy one of his best part time Reindeer. This will be Sammy’s 4th season working in the North Pole.
OK friends, Sammy is preparing for take-off. We’ll catch up with you later.

Have a great day friends.

Prayers for Spunky

Prayers for Spunky

Good evening friends.

This little Pomeranian, Spunky, is fighting for his life right now. He’s 15 years old and his fighting heart disease and his kidneys are failing.

Spunky is member of our friends Don and Cindy Volz. Don is in this picture post with Spunky.  Don had a pretty serious accident two years ago and Spunky never left his side when he came home from the hospital. Cindy even smuggled him into the hospital while Don was recovering. Spunky was big part of Don’s recovery and became the family hero.

This little hero needs our prayers now.  Sammy & Family is really pulling for this little soldier. We need a big time miracle.

Keep up posted Don and Cindy. We’ll be praying for Spunky. Hang tough. Anything can happen on any given day.

Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

Rest In Peace KoKo

Rest in Peace KoKo

Good evening friends.

Tonight we pay tribute to a fallen angel named, KoKo. As many of you know, KoKo was a member of Janice Knecht Kolb & Family. He was one of four Poodles and is now survived by Mahlee, Kwinn and Kleiner.

This was a very tough day for the Kolb family. This morning in the very early hours KoKo had a seizure. Janice took him to the vet and returned home with Kolb by 9 am. Hoping to see improvement and watching him closely, KoKo remained disoriented. By 10 am, there was still no improvement. He was very uncomfortable, breathing heavy and kept getting up and moving to other spots all the while staying within Janice’s sight.

At 11 am, he slowly wobbled over to the office room and laid down. It was here when KoKo stopped breathing. Our dogs have incredible courage and loyalty. Even in their demise they think of us first. KoKo didn’t want to Janice to see him die. He decided to go into another room and spare her the pain.

Dogs know what to do when its their time. Vanessa has told me several times dogs do not fear death. They only fear hurting their human families.

Koko will be cremated on Monday. He will join Savannah (Pom), Tinkerbelle (Yorkie), and my 2 Dobies, Kassie and Kyzer on my bookcase. He would have been 10 on Feb. 26, 2017.

When Janice and I spoke today, she said life will never be the same without KoKo. We can all relate to that. Janice is very grateful to still have her other 3 poodles to console her.

Sammy & Family wants to thank Janice for making the world a better place, several animals at a time. Janice has been a big time friend to animals her whole life.

No lives will go in vain. No pain will go unnoticed. Amen. Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.


Bailey and Charlie lead us out tonight

Bailey and charlie lead us out tonight

Good evening friends.

Say hello to Bailey and his new sister Charlie. They belong to our great friend Linda Richard-LaBrot. Linda was kind enough to chime in on Poppy Rocky Tuesday with all the hope and possibilities that surround us.

We have shared the story of how the Pops and Rocky got off to a very rough start in life, and thanks to Hope and possibilities, miracles took place.

Tonight we share a miracle names Charlie. Charlie is the dog laying on the couch in the back. She started her life out on the streets and now is part of a loving family and home. It reminds us humans that when we rescue an animal, they rescue us. We call that a Win Win. We like those.

So Linda, this one’s for you for making the world a better place, one animal at a time.

No lives will go in vain. No pain will go unnoticed. Amen. Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

Vanessa and the Pops

Vanessa and the Pops

Good morning friends.

Happy Sunday Funday. Its great to be alive on August 7th, 2016. Little Pops and Vanessa came by to wish everyone a wonderful day.

We love Sunday’s. It’s our favorite day of the week. It’s such a newspaper and coffee kind of morning.

I love this picture and wanted to share it with our friends from around the world. Pops is the foundation of our family at this point. He’s the baby of the house. Even though he four years old now, he’s still the baby.

The funny thing is he knows that and uses it to his advantage everyday. Spoiling him actually makes Vanessa and I happy, so its all good.

Have a great Sunday Funday friends. Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

Poppy Rocky Tuesday on August 2nd, 2016

Poppy Rocky Tuesday on August 2nd, 2016

Good morning friends.

Happy Poppy Rocky Tuesday. A day filled with Hope and Possibilities. Remember, if the Pops and Rocky can make it, anyone can.

Its funny how conditioned we can become. Anytime its Tuesday, I can feel the Zeal in the air because of Poppy Rocky Tuesdays.

Day 568 here in Puerto Rico and day and day 258 since we rescued Rocky.

OK, lets kick this day off with two actionable notions.

1. Just because I was like that, does Not mean I have to stay like that. Today is a new day and another chance to be the best version of ourselves.

2. Let’s use the word “We” more and less “Me”.  There is no “I” in Team.

Have a fantabulous Tuesday. Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.