Poppy Tuesday, a day of Hope on July 14th, 2015

Poppy Tuesday, a day of Hope

Good morning friends.

Welcome to Poppy Tuesday, a day of Hope.  Today has great possibilities written all over it.  Anytime I get in a little rut I have to remind myself the story of Poppy.  If he can do it, so can I.  Little Patrick is truly the quintessential underdog, pun intended.

OK, let’s get this day started with two positive notions;

1. The Acronym for Hope is; “Hopeful Opportunities Presented Everyday”

2. I’m going to keep and open mind, open heart and I’m going to remain focused.

With that friends, have a wonderful Poppy Tuesday.  Its great to be alive on July 14, 2015

Poppy Tuesday, a Day of Hope

There's no place like Home

Good morning friends.  Welcome to Poppy Tuesday.   Poppy Tuesday’s are filled with hope.  Just remember Patrick’s start in life, not an easy one, but now he has a life with an overabundance of love and happiness.  Many of us personally and our pets can relate to that.

Sometimes through adversity and hardship life throws us a gift.  The key is to hold on to your hope and faith.  I’m sure during Patrick’s 10 months in that cage his little spirit must of been on the brink of breaking, but he held the line and now we’re all together happily in the Caribbean far from a little pet shop on 61st and Lexington where we found him.  I can tell you hundreds of stories of my 4 decades in NYC, but this Patrick story is 100 percent in the top 3 stories of my entire life in NY.  The other 2 two stories in the top 3, are Sammy & Henry.

I mention this story because its for all of us.  Keep your hope alive, the best days of your life have not happened yet. Life will try to test everyone at some point on another.  The question is do we let life break us where we end up missing the best part of it.  I would like to offer anyone out here some inspiration, life is never going to break me while I’m alive, no matter what hits I take.  I will not be broken and my reason is simple, I want to be happy.  And I can only have happiness it life does not break me.  So hang tough my friends, we have to roll with punches and take constructive happiness wherever we can get it.  After all, What are we all here for ?

Have a great Poppy Tuesday.

I’m defined by me

I'm defined by me

Good evening friends.

It’s great to be here with everyone.  Life was great today on Jun 1st, 2015.  Feeling really grateful today and I’d like to share that with all of you.  Positivity is contagious just like negativity.  Some very smart people told me once the only one I can compare myself to is myself.  I always like hearing that, it keeps me grounded.

My friends I know I’ve been pounding the happiness drum lately, i hope it doesn’t come off  in an arrogant fashion, it’s not intended to do so.  After living in the dark for some many years, I’m just ecstatic to be free and happy. Hopefully those remarks can give hope to some of you in dark times now.

Nobody has the right to inflict their expectations on us, its our life, not theirs.  Keep that as mental capital.  That’s one of the main tickets to freedom.  Everyone in the world is as confused as you are, so your decisions are just as good.

Let’s close out with two positive notions;

1. I am not perfect, when i try to be perfect it causes me unhappiness.  When I’m just me, I feel happy.

2. This one needs to be drilled in our heads, I am not defined by what people think of me, I’m defined by what I think of myself.  If certain people don’t like me, that’s OK, i will find other friends that do.

Signing off from Puerto Rico, Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

Poppy Tuesday with Seeks

Poppy Tuesday with Seeks

Good morning friends and happy Poppy Tuesday.

Little Patrick came to say good morning.  He’s got a lot of love in his eyes this boy, you can see it. So let’s send everyone off to work with two positive notions.

1. Today works for me, I don’t work for today.  Its my life and my movie.

2. Let’s try not to fixate on people that rub us the wrong way, let’s just meet new people and invite new experiences into our lives.

See you tonight my friends.  Have a wonderful Poppy Tuesday.

Poppy-Seeks came to say happy Tuesday

Poppy-Seeks wanted to say happy Tuesday

Good morning friends.

Little Poppy-Seeks wanted wish everyone a wonderful Tuesday.  No matter what side of the bed we woke up on today, its another gift.

It can always be better, it can always be worse.  What am I grateful for today, that is the question ?  As for me, I’m grateful for being part of Patreeko’s life and seeing his happiness.

As I’ve said before, Vanessa and I might have rescued him, but he completed this family and brought us happiness to a whole other level.

OK, fun look back on today, April 14th, 1948 in history;  NYC subway fares jump from 5 cents to 10 cents.

Happy Tuesday friends.

Never Judge a Book by it’s Cover

Never judge a book by it's cover

Good morning friends.

Did you ever try to take a picture of 5 people with 5 dogs standing only 3 feet back ?

The entire room was in a state of disarray.  We took 100 pictures and this was the best we got.  I kid you not, Steven Spielberg and George Lucas could not  have pulled this off.

Vanessa took this picture and basically was leaning back on one leg, using one arm to get it done.  It might not be a great picture quality wise, but the execution of the picture was artistic.

Hey man, when it comes to family, if you gotta bob and weave, you bob and weave.  On the left is Myriam, Raquel’s twin sister, and Vanessa’s younger sister, then comes Jorge, he’s big Papa, on the floor in the middle is Myriam’s son Raymond, in the middle of the couch with Henry on his lap, is Mryiam’s husband Raymond, yes his name is Raymond also.  On the far right with Sammy on one leg, and Patrick on the other leg staring at his human is the lethally handsome Scott Smith.

And friends with that, happy Sunday Funday.  Signing off for the morning and afternoon on day 78 in Puerto Rico, Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

Dinner Talk With Sammy & Family

Dinner talk with Sammy & Family

Good evening friends.

Once again Friday always seem to show right on time.  Its great to be here with everyone.  My favorite part of each day is checking in with all of our friends in the mornings and touching base again in the evenings.

The mornings we all pump each other up for the day, and in the evenings on ELS, it’s kind of like families that gather around the dinner table where each family member has to say something about their day.

So I will start.  Today, woke up and had two hazelnut flavored coffee, then like everyday, immediately regretted it because then my hands shake for two hours.  Then i take care of all the posting throughout all our social platforms and website. After that, I take all the dogs outside, first Sammy & Jeffrey, then Kelly, Patrick and Henry together.

Then i usually tell Jorge, Vanessa’s dad that I am exhausted as if i put in a real hard day.  After a 30 minute rest, i usually start working the platforms and website again.

Then i annoy Vanessa to leave work early everyday for at least two hours.  Then the next morning, I hit the replay button and pretty much do the exact same thing.  It might now sound sexy, but its peaceful and I’m happy.

How was your day friends ?

Signing off from Puerto Rico on Day 76, Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.


Bailey Will Lead Us out Tonight

Bailey will lead us out tonight

Good evening friends.

Tonight we have Bailey leading us out.  He is a member of Linda Richards-Labrot and family. Bailey looks very much like Patreeko, Linda was saying they could be cousins, I think she’s right. As you can see Bailey is fit to be a King sitting high up on the bed like that.  It’s funny how are pets all seem to take over the home.

Family members all have their own room, but pets, they’re room is every room.  They are bound by nothing. Whichever room has something going on is the room they will occupy.

Sammy & Family would like to thank Linda for making the world a better place, one Bailey at a time.

Signing off from Puerto Rico, Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

Goodnight from Papa-Seeks and Scott

Papa-Seeks came to say goodnight

Good evening friends.

Hope everyone had a nice weekend.  This is me and Patreeko, my little boy.  I have a new name for him and I think it trumps all the other ones.  My new name for Patreeko is “Papa-Seeks”

Sammy & Family wishes all animals get a chance at a happy life.  Look at little Papa-Seeks here, he was a timid and insecure boy when we got him.  Now he’s filled with love and joy.  And what did Sammy & Family get in return ?  Papa-Seeks made our lives better.  We are all happier because of him.

Maybe we can’t change everything, but everyone can change something.  Papa-Seeks was one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done in my life, and certainly one of the most important.

Signing off from Puerto Rico.  Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.