Poppy Tuesday, a Day of Hope

There's no place like Home

Good morning friends.  Welcome to Poppy Tuesday.   Poppy Tuesday’s are filled with hope.  Just remember Patrick’s start in life, not an easy one, but now he has a life with an overabundance of love and happiness.  Many of us personally and our pets can relate to that.

Sometimes through adversity and hardship life throws us a gift.  The key is to hold on to your hope and faith.  I’m sure during Patrick’s 10 months in that cage his little spirit must of been on the brink of breaking, but he held the line and now we’re all together happily in the Caribbean far from a little pet shop on 61st and Lexington where we found him.  I can tell you hundreds of stories of my 4 decades in NYC, but this Patrick story is 100 percent in the top 3 stories of my entire life in NY.  The other 2 two stories in the top 3, are Sammy & Henry.

I mention this story because its for all of us.  Keep your hope alive, the best days of your life have not happened yet. Life will try to test everyone at some point on another.  The question is do we let life break us where we end up missing the best part of it.  I would like to offer anyone out here some inspiration, life is never going to break me while I’m alive, no matter what hits I take.  I will not be broken and my reason is simple, I want to be happy.  And I can only have happiness it life does not break me.  So hang tough my friends, we have to roll with punches and take constructive happiness wherever we can get it.  After all, What are we all here for ?

Have a great Poppy Tuesday.

Happy Fluff Day


Happy Friday / Fluff ball

Good morning friends.

Friday the quintessential genius shows up right on time again, sheer brilliance.  There’s a lot of love in the air today on the platforms, I can feel it.  A lot of good things are in store for us today.  There is only one prerequisite for a good day, you have to give today a chance.

As you can see Sammy the Fluff ball is in great spirits this morning, but that’s not really uncommon.  I recently asked Sammy why is he always so happy ? So he answered my question with a question, he said, “Why aren’t you always happy?”  As I turned away from him it dawned on me once again, you can choose to be in the “Glass is half empty” category, or you can choose to be in the “Glass is half full category”

Like we’ve been saying keep and open mind and open heart.  Did I ever think I would be taking life lessons from a 10 pound Pomeranian ?  No, but with an open mind, anything is possible.

Happy Friday friends.

Esther the Wonder Pig

Good morning friends.  We are thrilled to be featuring “Esther the Wonder Pig” on “The Good News Channel” today. Esther is probably the most loved 700 pound pig in the world.  Dads Steve Jenkins and Derek Walter not only turned Esther into a worldwide internet sensation but a created a whole new movement for animal rescue, kindness, welfare, and equality.  Our “Everybody Loves Sammy” online community applauds Steven and Derek for making the world a better place, many animals at a time. Check out this fascinating story below;
Meet Esther-the Wonder Pig. Adopted by her Dads Steve Jenkins and Derek Walter as a supposed mini-pig three years ago, Esther had other plans and kept on growing. Turns out she was a full-sized commercial pig and Steve and Derek were duped. Steve said, ‘We just adapted and loved her more. What else could we do? It wasn’t her fault and we would never give up a pet.’
Esther 7
They fell madly in love with her and this tiny pig changed the course of their lives forever.  Living in a small city bungalow along with two dogs, two cats and 3 rabbits, and spending her days lounging on her couch, Esther won over the hearts of all who met her.
Esther 10
Realizing that Esther was originally meant to be someone’s dinner, Steve and Derek became vegans and in the process become accidental animal activists and vegan ambassadors. They are now much sought-after speakers at Veg-Fests across the country and have started an Esther’s Army page which advocates for pig issues and animal awareness, ‘the campaign headquarters for change’.  (https://www.facebook.com/EsthersArmy)
Esther 9
Her dads soon realized that Esther needed more room and so they started an Indiegogo campaign raising $440,000 in just 2 months time to purchase a farm property for Esther and to also start an animal Sanctuary to save Esther’s kind along with other abandoned farm animals.  (https://www.facebook.com/happilyeveresther) and the happily ever Esther website;  http://www.happilyeveresther.ca/
Esther 4
As Esther’s adventures are shared online, she continues to rack up thousands of fans and followers and in the process exposes the loving, compassionate, and extremely smart side of pigs and in the process has raised awareness about the abhorrent conditions of factory farmed pigs and their hellish lives.
Esther 11
Steve and Derek clearly share their intentions on Esther the Wonder Pig’s Facebook page:”We want to help show you that she understands everything we say to her. She knows what’s happening, and she feels every emotion we do. She is not a product, or a piece of pork.”
Esther 6
Esther is now an internet celebrity with over 294,000 Facebook fans, 156,000 on Instagram and 20,000 fans on Twitter.  She has many celebrity followers including comedian and well known animal activist Ricky Gervais who has visited Esther at her home.
Esther 12
Esther who is house-trained and almost 700 svelte pounds loves to relax in her swimming pool.
Esther 13
She has also become a fashion icon due to fans that send her in hand-made clothing.
Esther 5
Esther the Wonder Pig
 If you follow Esther online, you can’t help but notice how smart and sweet she is and her adorable pictures and witty captions will always make you smile.
Esther the Wonder Pig
This amazing story continues to grow and add fans on a daily basis, and it all comes back to Esther the Wonder Pig! Who won over two young men who took a chance and opened up their hearts, their home and their lives to the world allowing all to enjoy this amazing adventure. The lives of all of us who follow Esther’s pages have all have been made brighter all because of one not so mini, mini pig.
Esther the Wonder Pig

Thank you life for showing me the path to happiness

Thank you God for my happiness

Good evening friends.  What a great day in life this was today on June 11th, 2015.  I want to thank all our friends who reached out to me in time of need and I hope I put some wind back in your sails.  Many many people did this for me when i was down and out.  So thank you friends for confiding in me.  It never leaves you or I, ever.

I thank God everyday for my new family.  The odds on this happening were slim and none, and slim left the building years ago.  I could feel some of our friends rolling their eyes and saying here goes Scott on one of his happy rants again. It’s true its getting a little repetitive, but after 4 decades of being miserable, not only am I am happy, I am happy about being happy if that makes sense to you, it makes perfect sense to me.

I want offer all my friends in ELS that i love dearly the realities of hope.  I swear to God and on Sammy’s life, I was in the top 100 most miserable people on Earth.  It didn’t matter what i had or the nice gals and guys in my life, when i returned home each night, I was the most miserable lonely person on the planet. I literally could not stand being with myself for one second alone.   And the odd thing was, intellectually and in reality i knew I was a nice guy. But I was spiritually bankrupt, and no people or cash and prizes could restore my spiritual bankruptcy.

I thank God everyday now for removing the blinders i had on my eyes obstructing the obvious gifts that sat right in front of me.  Today I do not feel empty, i feel solid as any other happy person does.  And a result of liking myself and not feeling like a piece of _hit, I can understand that i deserve Vanessa, the sweetest gal on the planet who also at 47 has the greatest body that ever lived, lol.  What’s the point Scott you are rambling narcissistically ?  The point is that if a person like me, the most unhappy person on Earth for 40 years can have a spiritual awakening and give up the war for happiness, anyone can.

So despite the 960 i got on my SAT’s and graduated high school number 267 out of  a class of 275, eighth from the last, I manged to knock down many walls to get to #Happyville.  And because of that gift given to me, I want to give back to anyone who needs it.  And what’s my fee ?  Zero.

As people served me in darkness, I have an obligation to do the same.  I can say with complete confidence, I don’t have the GPS to the happiest life, but i do have the GPS out of pain and suffering and a great shot at happiness, and I am living proof of that.  Sammy & Family is here for anyone at anytime If you need a little pick me up which we all do from time to time.  My email is; smith7024@yahoo.com.   My name is Scott Smith, formerly the most lonely person on Earth.

Signing off from Puerto Rico on day 151, Sincerely, Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

Welcome to Poppy Tuesday

Poppy Tuesday is about Hope

Good morning friends.  Welcome to Poppy Tuesday.  We hope everyone a nice sleep, its very important and healthy get enough sleep.

Poppy Tuesday is about hope.  Remember we took Patreeko home after we saw him spending  many months at the pet store and kept getting marked down in price.  He did not have an easy start in this life at all.  But all that changed when we brought him home.  From being unwanted and alone on 61st and Lexington avenue, right across the street from Bloomingdale’s,  to living in Puerto Rico with three major animal lovers, Vanessa, Jorge (Vanessa’s dad), and me, not to mention 4 other loving dogs.

What I’m saying is if something like that can happen to Poppy Seeks (Patreeko), something like that can happen for anyone other dog or anyone of us. Life can change for the good on a dime.  Stay focused, keep an open mind and an open heart, the universe response to everyone’s energy, the good, the bad and the indifferent.  So choose the good energy and the universe will choose to send positivity your way.

So with that, have a great and hopeful Poppy Tuesday.  Sincerely,  Scot Smith on day 149 in Puerto Rico.

Returning to the Basics

Hi friends.  You can listen to this message on audio, or you can read it just below the audio.

Good morning friends.

Dr. Harp Seal here. Thank you for stopping by.  Monday mornings with Dr. Harp Seal was originally created to help people jump start the week on the right foot.  So let’s go back to the basics and run through the checklist.

1. I am not perfect, anytime I try to be it brings me unhappiness.  When I’m just me I feel happy.

2. If certain people don’t like me, that’s OK, I will find other friends that do.  We go with the flow, we don’t swim upstream.

3. We do the best we can with what we have, taking anything personally is counterproductive and is not intelligent. If you gave it your best, you’re a winner.  The universe does Not care what your score is, the universe wants your best version of yourself.

4. Today I am going to seek happiness no matter what circumstances I find myself in.  Everybody deserves happiness and has an obligation to seek it.

Have a great Monday friends.

Just another Magic Sunday

Just another Magic Sunday

Good morning friends.

Happy to be here with everyone on Sunday Funday. This is our favorite morning of the week.  Sammy is illustrating a depiction of letting imagination in the door and back into our lives.  Why ?  Because that’s what we do on Sundays.  We become us again, the people we set out to be from the very beginning.

Its just another Magic Sunday.   See you all tonight.  Yours truly, Scott Smith

Mom and Sammy waiting for the Subway

Grandma Jo-Ann and Sammy waiting for the subway


Good evening friends.   It’s great to be here with everyone tonight.  Life was good today on June 4th, 2015.  It didn’t have to be that way, thank God that it is.

This is Sammy and Grandma Jo-Ann waiting for the subway together.  Sammy caught Grandma Jo-Ann in one of her preoccupied states.  He reminded her, the only thing going on in her life right now was that they were waiting for the subway together.  The thoughts in her mind are just thoughts, they are not living.

Sammy loves the subways, you know why ?  Because he has no clue what stop they are getting off, but he knows its going to be an adventure.   There are two kinds of people in the world as an example.  Let’s say you go to the beach with your family, Sammy will charge into the water and accept the adventure that is sprung upon him.  Then there are people like my mother, that will walk near the water, maybe let a little of the water hit one of her toes and pull back and not return to the water all day.  Its not to say one style is better then the other, the real question about this picture is, why is my mother Jo-Ann Santoro Smith wearing a baseball hat, and carry another baseball hat in her hand ?

OK, lets close out with two positive notions tonight.

1. I fee like some people at work are jerks to me, I am glad I’m aware of that because there are other people at work that appear to be friendlier.  So instead of swimming upstream, I will swim with the flow and hang with the friendlier people.

2. God willing i wake up tomorrow, because if I do, I’m going to do the things that i wished I always did.  Its never to late to start anything.  That applies to even being a kid.  I grew up very fast.  And now at 46 I am a kid.  Some people say; “sorry Scott, your childhood is over”  — and they are entitled to that opinion.  And I am entitled to my opinion which is this, I never got be a kid, so now in my forties I’ve become a kid.  Who’s to say that is right or wrong.

Goodnight friends.  Signing off from Puerto Rico on day 144, Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.  Yes, I got a 960 on my SAT’s and graduated 8th from the last in my senior year of high school.

Love always, Scott Evan Smith :)

Jaye Watts; A Superstar that comes around once in a Lifetime

Good morning friends.  We are very excited to feature the one and only Jaye Watts on The Good News Channel today.  I met Jaye a couple of years back and she really made an impression on me.  I had heard about Jaye before meeting her being a gifted songwriter, singer and performer.  But the biggest gift she has is the person she is.  When you meet Jaye she will light up your soul.  We have all met people like that but there are so rare.  Jaye Watts has redefined what it means be positive, takes it to a whole other level.  Between her infectious smile and soulful eyes she makes people feel better instantaneously.  The world is most definitely a better place with Jaye Watts in it.  The stars are in the skies are beyond our reach, we are very fortunate to have a real life star walking amongst us, and that star is Jaye Watts.

The Story of Jaye Watts

She might just be  a young talented woman in the world. but she is wiser then wise.  No matter what crowds or ages of people she is in the company of, Jaye is always the light connecting us all.  Sammy & Family is a Major fan of Jaye Watts. And I mean all of Jaye Watts, her music, her songwriting, her videos, dancing, soulful voice, and her positive attitude. I have been a fan of hers for years and I can tell you this, Jaye Watts is a brilliant marketer, absolutely brilliant and as down tow Earth as they come.

Superstar Jaye Watts

 Don’t miss the next show at Santos Part House on June 14 @ 7pm located at 96 Lafayette St, NYC.  Tickets for sale on my website!!! $12  ….  http://jayewatts.com/

A sought after international recording artist and published songwriter filled with lofty aspirations and undaunted optimism; Jaye Watts is an industry commodity and mogul in the making. As a Dallas, Texas native, Jaye’s presence in the music marketplace is armed with a powerful and distinctive international sound.

Super Star Jaye Watts

Combining elements of Pop, Hip Hop, and that Skrillex electro-rock sound is NYC triple threat Jaye Watts. Not only can she sing, write a catchy tune, and look the part of a modern pop star (seriously loving the green hair)

She highlights a fusion of genres including electronic dance music and trap with occasional dubstep elements and a gentler side with soulfully acoustic and soft rock hues. Jaye’s rarely rivaled vocals coupled with her ability to write and compose coveted hit singles for herself and other artists make her the genuine article.   Combining elements of Pop, Hip Hop, and that Skrillex electro-rock sound is NYC triple threat Jaye Watts. Not only can she sing, write a catchy tune, and look the part of a modern pop star (seriously loving the green hair),

Superstar Jaye Watts

A published songwriter with licensed material on HBO, Nickelodeon and Disney, she has perfected the craft of pinning anthemic songs and receiving inquiries from some of the industries hottest recording artists such as Christina Aguilera and Jill Scott. Jaye’s ability to deliver a song is the reason she has been selected to open in concert for major recording artists like Atlantic Records, Trey Songz and merits phone calls from Clive Davis himself! In additional to her domestic shows, she heralds merit from living legends as the opening act on international tours all over Europe with artists and bands like Sister Sledge, Kool & the Gang and Earth, Wind & Fire, respectively.

Friends this video above is one of best I’ve ever seen on youtube.  Its called “Shaman” by Jay Watts.  It also available on Itunes right now; https://itun.es/us/0NVx6

Known for being a preacher’s kids twice over and growing up in a strict household where gospel music was the only option for listening pleasure, her musical foundation is predicated on gospel and contemporary Christian music. She attributes her love for beautiful melodies to the songs she sang while in the choir at age 4, and the violin she began playing at age 5. Country music she says, is culpable for her infectious songwriting prowess. “There’s nothing better than making the story unfold” she says of some of her favorite lyrically driven records like “Begging for More”.

The story of superstar Jay Watts

 Checkout her song “Thirst Trappin” — Incredible, also available on Itunes;  https://itun.es/us/sb1t7

In addition to her passion for creating music lies an intensity to create change for the generations to come. As a noted volunteer for several youth organizations and founder of her own non-profit, she has been petitioned to speak and motivate hundreds of youth; empowering them to discover their passions and encouraging them to take steps toward fulfilling their dreams. Her heart is in inspiring young minds like herself to believe in the cogency of limitless possibilities.  To book Jaye Watts for speaking engagements and motivational speeches, please see her website;  http://jayewatts.com/

The story of Superstar Jaye Watts

 When it’s showtime, I take it quite seriously. Shimmers, handmade outfits and a head of green hair with my incredible dancers makes me happy.

Picture from her "Lifeguard" album

This picture is from Her “Lifeguard album, the single “Lifeguard is available on iTunes; https://itun.es/us/e-tP1

Jaye 2

I LOVE accessorizing! Mostly with unique tattoos that mean a lot to me, but also jewelry lol. I call this ear decor, my “shaman” look :).

Superstar Jaye Watts

  Aside from working on records for my albums, writing songs for other artists and being a superhero, I sing background vocals at incredible studios in NYC for major motion pictures and other artists albums.

The story of superstar Jaye Watts

 Away from the studio, I try to keep calm and thirst trap lol. Just a little bit, gotta make sure I thorough embody the lyrics in the newest single ;-). #THIRSTTRAPPIN

The story of Jaye Watts

Friends I can’t say enough about the talent, the dedication and decency of this young woman Jaye Watss.  The second you meet her you will know you are in the presence of a star in every sense of the word.  Jaye Watts is making the world a better place, one song at a time and one person at a time.  At the end of the day the question isn’t, What does Jaye Watts do ?  The question is, What doesn’t Jaye Watts do ?

Jaye’s Facebook Page is;  https://www.facebook.com/jayewattsmusic?fref=ts

Jaye’s Website;  http://jayewatts.com/

Jaye’s Instagram account;  https://instagram.com/jayewatts/

Jaye’s  Twitter account;   https://twitter.com/jayewatts

People Watching

People Watching

Good morning friends.  Every now and then we all like to do a little people watching.  Well as you know, Sammy Loves the World and he really loves to people watch.

This little boy has mastered the art of making a day out of nothing.  Sammy is sitting alone and is as happy as a clam.  He is own source of happiness and contentment.

Ok, two positive notions to start today.

1. I look inward for happiness, nothing externally can make me happy.

2. I’m grateful I am alive today.  Many people from yesterday are not here with us today.  Lets pray on them and be grateful God has gifted us with this Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015.

Sincerely,  Scott Smith