Visual vitamin-C March 2, 2013

599183_585649131465287_969546188_n[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”] Good morning, happy Saturday. Well, we work hard, let’s play hard. In a constructive fashion, of course. Sammy brought us some nice colors this morning for a boost. Kind of like visual vitamin-C for the soul.

Vanilla Sky Rewrite tonight at 7:15, right here on FB. [/pullquote]

Shout out to Kristin from Finland March 1, 2013

484986_585337811496419_1657284189_n[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”] A Shout Out to our friend Kristine From Finland. Thanks for stopping by, this was a real treat for Sammy. Kristine, thanks for the chocolates.

Friends we got all the movie Rewrite Requests on a list. Tomorrow night we are going with Vanilla Sky. A very underrated movie, we will clear up the confusion and twist it a little. [/pullquote]

Everyday is a winding road March 1, 2013

542649_585210131509187_959758969_n[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”] Happy Friday. Dr. Harp Seal here. Just got to California, I have a house call for a little cat this morning. I brought Henry with me, he needs to see the world. We are getting some quality time together. Sheryl Crow was right, ” Everyday is a winding Road.” Cheerio :) [/pullquote]

Prayers for Felix February 26, 2013

1893_584096148287252_320056654_nHello friends, hope everyone had a nice day. I wanted to start by praying for Felix, a dog, who was in a horrible car accident in Virginia a month ago. Two other dogs in car found dead. Felix was out there alone for a month before he got picked up and found a new home. It’s always nice to hear a displaced animal finds a real home. We still pray for those two dogs living in a garage out of Jacksonville Florida. We continue to make efforts to get a change for them. As always we pray for all animals being mistreated or neglected, and we remind them, we stand with them. They are not alone, their lives mean a great deal to the world. We pray for these stray dogs being randomly taken down in Egypt. We pray for the wolves that are victims of these wolf hunts that go in this country, particularly Idaho. What a tragedy to have to endure that kind of pain, not sure what these people could be thinking setting traps like that. We pray for all animal victims of these senseless sporting events counting on their anguish and demise. No animal should suffer for our amusement. As we have said before, sitting in the audience watching these events is as bad as creating the event. It’s a total disregard for life.We continue to pray for Pit Bulls with all the hardships and misunderstandings they endure. As always we pray for Harp Seals, dolphins and whales, all enduring unspeakable acts. A Huge Shout Out to the people out there making a difference for the innocent voiceless animals. I should have done more in my life for animals, my family and I will be doing that now, and from now on. Please pray for my sister’s dog Weezer, who fights for her life everyday now, and Jessica’s 3 year old son who is having some concerning health issues. No lives will go in vain, no pain will go unnoticed. God watches over his angels. Amen. Love Sammy & Family.

My secret garden February 25, 2013

574899_583382285025305_488492671_n[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”] Good morning. Welcome to my secret garden, figured this would help chase the Monday blues away. Colors like these make me feel lifted. Kind of like Prozac. John Lennon once said, “ Life happens while we are making plans’. And with that, come take a walk with me and lets be in the moment, smell the roses if you will. It could make a nice start to the day. Happy Monday friends, why not ? [/pullquote]

The Notebook February 23, 2013

377727_582755601754640_1181386509_nSo tonight we are going to write about the Movie, “The Notebook,” In advance, let me say, this is a Movie Review. It’s not a Rewrite. The movie was perfect on all measures. This is the Greatest Love Story ever written, and yes, we are writing this as a fact, not an opinion.

Before reading the review, please take a moment to acknowledge the artwork designed by Alexandra Garcy’s Gallery. This image is a depiction of what the movie was all about. Alexandra is Jessica’s 13 year old daughter, and Scott’s niece

Let’s start with some quotes from the movie. Great life lessons are in some of them.

“If you’re a bird, I’m a bird” = No matter what specie we are, we are together.

“Your mother is my home” = Geography is meaningless, if you have love.

“Science can only take you so far and then there is God!”

This is when the older man was telling the doctor that he will be able to communicate with his wife with a reading of their actual love story, despite the degenerative nature of Alzheimer’s. He was right! Intermittently, depending on the reading, she would remember who she was and be herself again.

“There won’t be monuments or wings named after me, but I had a life full of love.”

This is a great message. Too many people worry about a legacy. Embrace the day, the love, the great things in your life now.

“What do you want?”

This is when the young man was saying directly to his love amidst her confusion, “What do you want, forget me, forget your new fiancé and forget your family. What do you want?” Remember, this movie took place in the 1940’s. During that era, there was very intense outside pressures, much more than today’s times. However, still today, too many people are living the lives other people wanted for them. We should all ask ourselves, “What do we want?’ I’m sure we would be a lot happier if we did what we want. I’m sure of that.

As for the concept of the movie;

The young man jumped on a moving Ferris Wheel for love. Later in the movie, he jumped off a moving bus for love, as well.

Despite being surrounded by pressure from her new fiancé and family, the young lady, wiped the field clean and returned to her real love.

Fast forwarding to the ending scene, they were both in medical care in the assisted living community lying next to each other.

When his wife with Alzheimer’s was having a back to reality moment asked, “Is our love strong enough to create miracles ?” The husband responded, “I think our love can do anything it wants.”

She then asks, “Do you think our love is strong enough to take us away together?” to which Noah replies, “I think our love can do anything we want it to.”
They then both die peacefully in their sleep together.

In conclusion, if you want that kind of love in your life, you have to fight for it. You have to earn that kind of happiness in your life. Sometimes the risk is worth the reward. Bravo to the creator of this movie, real love won all battles; the underdog fought his heart out to and got what he wanted. The young lady had the courage to walk away from all of it for the real life she wanted. This love was so strong; they had to leave this life holding hands, right up until the moment that they both passed on that night.

My friends, this was a masterpiece. We will go back to Rewrites next week. Like I said, “ The Notebook “, was written perfectly. John Lennon was right ” Love is all you need “

Movie time February 23, 2013

574531_582683835095150_155186170_n[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”] It’s raining pretty good out there. I’m smiling because it’s back to back movies going on in this house. Join us at 7:15 PM tonight, right here on Facebook, for our write-up on possibly the greatest love story ever, ” The Notebook “. Do not miss this one friends. [/pullquote]

Turn it all around February 23, 2013

318269_582550651775135_1628204950_n[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”] Good morning. Come take a walk with me. Let’s talk a bit. Just because each day is a gift, does not mean we don’t have down moments. So I would like to refer you to a quote from the Movie ——–Vanilla Sky ——-. ” Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around ” Better times stand right in front of us, let them in.
Happy Saturday. [/pullquote]

Lessons from Sammy February 22, 2013

21903_582075175156016_1661799658_n[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”] Good morning. Sammy taught me two things i would like to pass along.

1. Don’t ever lose your sense of humor, he has said that before.

2. Never tie twenty thousand helium balloons to the roof of your house for a party. Things can get dicey.

Happy Friday, have a great day. [/pullquote]