8 Movie Quotes To Inspire Us by Dr. Harp Seal

These 8 Movie quotes can really jump start your day, take a listen;

If you prefer to read the post, here it is;

Good morning friends. Dr. Harp Seal here. Thank you for stopping by.

I want to quote 8 different movie lines to help inspire us. We all know them, but this morning I am going to zero in on them.

1. From the origianl movie Rocky when Rocky is talking to Adrian, the quote is; Nobody’s ever gone the distance with Apollo Creed. And if I can go that distance, I’m gonna know for the first time in my life,that I wasn’t just another bum from the neighborhood.

2. From the movie Cast Away; The quote is; I know what I have to do. I have to keep breathing. And tomorrow the sun will rise, and who knows what the tide will bring in.”

3. In the movie Hitch, the qoute is; ” Life is not about the Amount of breaths you take, its the moments that take your breath away ”

4. From the movie Vanilla Sky; ” I dont want to dream anymore, I want a real life. That’s is a personal favorite of mine

5. The Movie Braveheart ” Every man dies, not everyman lives ”

6. Vanilla Sky again, heres the quote; Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around.

7. From the movie Dumber and Dumber, this is also one of my favorite quotes

” I’m sick and tired of having to eke my way through life. I’m sick and tired of bein’ a nobody. (pause) But most of all,… I’m sick and tired of havin’ nobody ”

8. From the Movie 8 mile. The quote is; ” If something needs to happen with this shit, it needs to happen now ”
The summons and substance of all these quotes is what are we going to do in the face of adversity, fight or flight ?
Have a great day everyone.


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