A Legacy of Love


Good evening everyone. Sunday night can be a challenging one sometimes. With the week ahead and the weekend behind you , it can be overwhelming. It’s hard not to think about Monday, but we would enjoy Sunday’s so much more if we did our best to just relax and stay in the moment. Enjoy every moment of this night of rest. No matter what this week holds for each of us, we will face it head on and just do the very best we can. 

I want to take a moment to say a prayer for all of you out there who are going through difficult times. Sometimes we suffer in silence. Sometimes for many of us, it can be difficult to even open up to the people closest to us. Sometimes even just talking about things can be too painful. I pray that each of you going through this are blessed with peace. Peace of mind and heart. I pray that all of your burdens be lifted and all of your pain be healed.  I always try to keep in mind that everything in this life is part of the ultimate journey that we’ve been put on this earth for. All that we have to commit to is to never give up. No matter what, keep on fighting. 

Our main mission here is to learn to give love to others, to be open to receive love, and to never forget to love ourselves and treat ourselves with the same kindness. It’s so important to not forget ourselves in the process.  When acting from a place of compassion and kindness from our hearts, it is the most beautiful we could ever be. In the end, what we own or don’t own, won’t mean a thing. Our legacy that we leave behind will be only about love, the love we gave, the love we left behind in the hearts of others, the way we touched this world with our love. 

Have a great night everyone. Rest well knowing that your life is a part of something even greater than us. Do your best to keep negative thoughts and regret out of your mind. Those things do nothing for us and only deplete our souls. Breathe deeply and peacefully knowing that your life is only ahead of you and beautiful things await. 

No lives will go in vain. No pain will go unnoticed. 

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