A nostalgic evening on February 18th, 2016

Grateful on Feb 18th, 2016

Good evening friends.

Its great to be here with everyone tonight. Day 405 here in Puerto Rico. We have some great friends visiting this weekend. That’s always nice treat for Sammy & Family. We will get some fun pictures for everybody.

My boy is going to be 11 years old on March 14th, 2016. This has been and still is such an incredible journey. I remember when Sammy & I were living on the 54th Floor in the sky on east 38th Street and first Avenue like it was yesterday. I could swear that building was swaying back and forth on the real windy nights. Thank God Sammy was with me back then. I was a lonely man on a very destructive path.

I remember many a nights wondering if I was going to wake up the next day. And no matter how sick I was, I always prayed to God to let me live for my boy if nothing else. God always delivered, I am certain of that.

I love that boy and always will. We have seen it all together.  I feel a tremendous amount of gratitude to be alive and well these days. If you ever find yourself questioning your faith, remind yourself of my story. I was a dead man walking, period. With this gift of life I have been given over and over again, I am at service for animals around the world, my friends and my family.

Signing off from Puerto Rico.  Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

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