Lets hear it for our team August 24, 2013

998631_673449822685217_2271054_nAs long as oxygen is running through the bodies of Jessica and I, our first and foremost function is Everybody Loves Sammy and Dr. Harp Seal. We will never stop spreading the joy and the awareness for animals all over the world.

Jessica, myself and Alexandra want to thank our team; Vanessa, Laurie, Raquel, Morgan and Amy. You all know how i feel about my boys. I want to assure everyone that our almost finished website is going to be a safe haven to check in and get your daily dose of Vitamin-C for a better day. Stay Tuned. I guess Justin Bieber was right when he sang ♫♫♫ Never Say Never ♫♫♫.

Thank you. Scott Smith

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