Prayers for the elderly August 26, 2013

971965_674551022575097_134085326_nHello everybody. Hope all is well tonight. I wanted to start out tonight paying our respects to the elderly in this world. We hear all to often how they feel discarded and that nobody cares what they say anymore. I wanted to point out to them, that they set the way for us, they hold the GPS on how and where it’s done in this life. They broke ground for the rest us of, that took a lot of guts and faith to have vision like that. Besides their teachings for the rest of us, their lives still exist, they need not say “ remember the good old days “, plenty of life for them to enjoy right here today. Let’s pray for the elderly who feel ostracized and discarded like old furniture.

Moving on to Japan and the horrifying acts they inflict on whales, I believe it’s call “whaling.” What is this you ask? Oh, just your basic genocide on these beautiful creatures. Why, you ask?  Because they can, that’s why. Shame on you Japan. You may get away with it in this life, but this life is short, and holy _hit are you going to pay in the afterlife for these dastardly acts.

To all our animal friends whose wills feel broken, we are with you and you are not alone. Your voices are heard and your lives me a great deal for us. All of you deserved so much better and shall have that in this life or the next.

Remember friends, small tweaks in our lives make can substantial differences in their lives, including life or death. Lets make those tweaks please, please, please, please.

No lives will go in Vain, no pain will go unnoticed.

Amen. Love Sammy & Family

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