Blooper Wednesday with Henry

Blooper Wednesday with Henry and two Positive Notions

Good morning friends.  Many a times we gave a Henry a shot at the spotlight and although a lot of times it did Not work out, some of them make great blooper pictures.  This is a Henry Blooper Classic.

Ok Friends, 2 positive notions for today.

1.  The things you’re going through, everyone has gone through and they made it through.  You are going to be fine. Deep breathes and baby steps.  Rome was not built in a day.

2. Today does have a chance of being a great day.  Acknowledging that invites positive energy into your life and positive energy attracts positive things.  Waking up today and saying; “Today is going to suck” is extremely counterproductive. Give today a chance, might be the best day of your life.   Why not ?

Happy Wednesday friends.

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