Day 377 here in Puerto Rico


Sammy on January 22nd, 2016

Good evening friends.

Thank you for stopping by. Its always appreciated. Day 377 here in Puerto Rico. Now is that a number or what ?  Today is day 65 since we rescued Rocky off the streets on November 19th, 2015.  That’s an even better number.

We hope everyone had a nice week. Its nice to throw the hat and coat on the rack until Monday. So we hear there is a big storm coming to the Northeast.  Hopefully the media is blowing it out proportion like they love to do. Nonetheless it always makes sense to play it safe. The media loves drama even if wrecks people’s lives sometimes. Pretty pathetic actually. Anyway that is there business.

Our business is to deescalate negativity and escalate positive progress. If there is no progress, then we just need some patience. What we don’t do is walk backwards and into the storm again.

So its Friday night, and the freedom in the air is beautiful.  We have no boundaries on the weekends. What shall we do, or not do if one desires.  No boundaries in a constructive way I mean of course.  No boundaries does not mean blacking out for 3 days and nights and waking up in strange places. So take that “freedom” point I made with a grain of salt.

OK, lets kick this weekend off with two positive Notions.

1. If I can’t control what people think about me, why would it let it bother me. That’s like voluntarily sending ourselves to prison.  What any of us do that ? No, we would not.

2. If your week did Not go that well, try Not to ruminate on it. If you do your getting kicked in the butt twice, wasn’t once enough ?  Its over, try to let it go. With a good night sleep you’ll feel refreshed by tomorrow morning.

Signing off from Puerto Rico, Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

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