Fun audio on February 15th, 2016

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Good evening friends.

Dr. Harp Seal here for Sammy & Family.  Thank you for stopping by.  Day 402 here in Puerto Rico and day 89 since we rescued Rocky.

We hope everyone has been enjoying this 3 day weekend.  We know the students are.  Nothing like a 3 day weekend if you’re a student. Well pretty much Anyone for that matter.

OK, three random news items here;

1. A little advice if you are going on a 2nd or 3rd date this week. Just a heads up, you can now get flowers and Heart Shaped Chocolates for like 80 percent off from yesterday alone.  That’s really good.

2. Vanessa finally let me in on what Puerto Rico means in Spanish. It means the Port of Gold.  It took me 402 days to learn that. Like i said, I am a very slow learner.  But like they say; “Better late than Never”

3. If most of what we worry about does Not actually happen, Shouldn’t we worry less?  The mathematics behind that are;  Happiness – Worry = More Happiness.  That seems simple enough.

OK friends, that is wrap.  We will see you tomorrow morning.

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