The Glass is Half Full versus The Glass is half empty

The Glass is half full versus the glass is half empty

Good morning friends. Dr. Harp Seal here.

We have a fun one for you this morning. We all the know principals behind the slogan; “The Glass is half full or “The Glass is half Empty”  — Lets take a closer look at each one.

You see, technically speaking, The Glass is half full and half empty. So lets look at each one so we can see the divergence that is created by choosing one over the other.

OK, lets consider an upbeat person who has a half glass of water.  He will say to himself, “I am really going to enjoy whats left of this glass.”  — So he drinks the glass of water and is thoroughly satisfied.

Now lets consider more of a downer kind of person.  He also has a half glass of water. but this gentleman says to himself; “I wish I had a full glass of water. I wonder where i can get some more water”  — In conclusion, when Mr. Downer drinks his half glass of water, he does Not enjoy any of it and is left completely unsatisfied still looking for more water.

This is a great illustration about how positive thinking really does make our lives better. Its not just an old wives tale. Positive thinking is a real tool that is applicable to all of us. We all get to use it and benefit from it.

With that friends. Have a wonderful Monday. We’ll see you tonight.

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