Happy Poppy Rocky Tuesday on February 2nd, 2016

Poppy Tuesday on February 2, 2016

Good morning friends.

Happy Poppy Rocky Tuesday. A day filled with Hope and Possibilities. Remember, if Poppy and Rocky can do it, anyone can.  These two troopers proved that if you rise to the occasion and hold onto your faith, anything can happy.

Anytime you may be questioning your faith, just remember the story of Poppy and Rocky.

OK friends. Lets kick this day off with two Positive Notions.

1. Focus on the positive and your path will be positive. Life throws a lot of challenges at all of us, try to stay focused and positive.  When we do that, the challenges start diminishing. That’s where the slogan “Mind over Matter” comes from.

2. If we woke up today, we already won. The rest is just gravy.

See you tonight friends.  Day 389 here in Puerto Rico. Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

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