In the name of “D” we pray

Prayers for D, he's fighting for his life and makes the world a better place

Goodnight dear friends and loved ones, this is Jessica.

We hope that you enjoyed your day. Many times even the smallest acts of kindness and scattered moments here and there can mean so much. They can change the course of our whole day.  We pray that everyone has arrived home safely and is relaxing.

We’d like to ask all of our friends out there to Pray for our very dear family friend , who we will call “D” — D is in the hospital at this time and He is facing the biggest fight of his life. We want him to know that he will not face it alone. We met our friend D almost 30 years ago and we simply adore him. He has been an incredible force of positivity and love for our whole family. He is more than a friend to us, he is a member of our family. We hurt when he hurts. But the one thing we know whole heartedly is that this man is a living superhero. He brightens up the lives of everyone he meets and everyone that crosses his path. He has given others hope for all of his life. He has helped people recover from sickness and serious injuries. He has restored the spirits of the broken. He is a very spiritual man and is unconditionally kind to everyone.  He has been there for my family through thick and thin. No one has a heart like his. We love him more than anything.

Please come together in prayer for our loved one. We know that he can pull through this. He is a champion and a fighter like no other, but we need your prayers. We pray that He is fully healed and fully cured. We pray that he has not a day of pain or fear. We pray that he returns home again to all of his loved ones. We pray that God puts his healing hands on our D and performs a miracle. If ever a spirit Deserved that , it would be him. His family needs him, we need him, his friends need him and the world needs him. He is a soul with light illuminating from within him. Dear God please bless this man for all of the love that he gives to others and all of the wisdom he passes on. Show him that kindness that he has always shown to all people.

Scott Smith here for a quick comment on D.  He was there for us in 1984 when our father died. and was the spine of our family for many years until we could sail on our own.  “D” was and is bigger then life.  I will quote e a line from the movie “Shawshank Redemption”  — “Some birds aren’t meant to be caged, their feathers are too bright”

Thank you all so much. Goodnight ❤️

No lives will go in vain. No pain will go unnoticed. ️Amen. Love from,
Jessica Lee Smith,
For Sammy & Family

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