Prayers for you January 30, 2013

230443_569089373121263_1457515523_nGood evening dear ones, from NYC. We are half way through the week. We hope this message finds you well. We wanted to let you know that as well as praying for the animals and those in need every night, we also pray for you, my friends. We are blessed to have you in our lives. We know that to be the truth. Sending our most profound love out tonight to all those animals, children, men and women, that are suffering out there. No matter how hard it is to see your way in the darkness, there is always light. We wish these living creatures healing, love, safety and a warm place to sleep. We send prayers out to our armed forces, who unselfishly fight for our freedom everyday. God bless them and their families. And we pray for the everyday messengers, soldiers of God, giving love to all who need it. Fighting for the innocent and the defenseless. The Everyday heroes. God bless them as well. And to all of the beautiful creatures all over the world, in danger of extinction, used as pawns in deadly situations, neglected , abused, discarded and homeless. You are not alone. We are with you. Do not lose hope. No lives will go in vain. No pain will go unnoticed. Amen. Goodnight. Love, Sammy and family

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