Poppy Rocky Lucky Tuesday on February 27th, 2018

Happy PRL on February 27th, 2018

Good evening friends.

Happy Poppy Rocky Lucky Tuesday. A day and night field with hope and possibilities. Remember, if Poppy, Rocky and Lucky can make it, anyone can.

For all of our new friends, Poppy, Rocky and Lucky are 3 of our 7 dogs. The three of them had a very tough start in life. The odds of us all ending up together were zero. But somehow, today, we’re a Wolfpack of 8 including me. Owhoooo.

OK friends, let’s kick this night with two positive notions.

1. Anytime I’m just thinking about myself, I feel agitated. Whenever I’m thinking of others, I feel purposeful. Funny how that works.

2. The reason I put animals before people, is because people can take care of both, animals cannot.

Day 1136 here in Puerto Rico, yes, 1136. Today is day 822 since we rescued Rocky, and day 286 since we rescued Lucky.

Have a great night friends.

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