Poppy Rocky Tuesday on March 15th, 2016

Poppy Rocky Tuesday

Good morning friends.

Happy Poppy Rocky Tuesday. A day filled with Hope and Possibilities. Remember if Poppy and Rocky can make it, anyone can. Keep the faith. And we are running low on Faith, let’s use some more. If you believe, we all have an endless supply of Faith.

Here’s some great mindsets to have.  “Its great to be alive”  — “Things will get better, maybe starting immediately”  — “Each day we wake up, we get another shot to do the right thing”  — “Just because I was like that, does Not mean I have to stay like that”

OK friends, have a wonderful Tuesday. Day 428 here in Puerto Rico and day 118 since we rescued rocky.

I am feeling a lot of miracles today. Let’s keep our minds and hearts open and invite new positive experiences into our lives.

See you tonight.  Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

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