Print Money for the Animals and then Print more

Print Money for animals

Good evening friends.

Well its Wednesday night and that means i can be a little more aggressive with tonight’s post. Have no fear, nothing R rated. I put a post on Dr. Harp Seal’s Facebook Page  today that I want to share tonight with some additions.  Below is the post from today;

“Any agencies or rescue centers euthanizing animals with gas chambers should not be considered a rescue center. Using gas to put down animals is anything but humane.

If states are underfunded, print the money like we do for everything else. Print it. Who cares ? The world does it for wars, stock markets and so on and so on.  If we run out of ink, buy more cartridges, if the printing machines break, build new ones, but just keep on printing”

Additions below, very good stuff, please read on;

Central banks spend trillions of dollars, yes trillions buying equities, bonds, currencies and so and so on to stabilize markets.  The financial times wrote an article about this last year.  The point being is Central Banks are a major reason, if not the main reason for the rise in equity prices the past few years. Let me repeat, trillions and trillions they spend and invest. Where do they get a lot of that money ? They print it.  Costs and expenses are meaningless if you can just keep printing.   Grant it that dilutes the value of your dollar, but that argument is long gone, nobody cares. I’m not even going to judge it at this point.

What I want to shout to the world is if Central Banks are basically rigging markets with all this printing going on; we should never have to hear that Animal Control Centers, or the Aspca or politically run Rescue Centers use gas chambers to kill animals because its cheaper. The Germans said the same thing in World War 2.  I’m sure we all read about Auschwitz.  The Nazis had it down to a science.  Well the same thing is happening to animals right under our noses here in the 21st Century.

So again, costs and expenses are meaningless, why ?  Because of the printing presses.  So I say, print and print away, and when we’re done printing, print some more.  Sounds reckless right ? Easy money policy around the globe is doing this right now and has been doing it for years. So print for a humane reason.  Print money for the  animals because they’re worth it.

And one political remark, when people say; “How is America going to pay for Obamacare?”  You guessed it, Print, who cares ? Again, we print for wars, stock markets, and anything and everything else.

For God’s sake, print money for the animals.  In the words of AC/DC; ♫♫♫ Come on, come on, listen to the money talk ♫♫♫

Signing off from Puerto Rico, Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

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