Rocky or Butkus ?

Rocky or Butkus

Good evening friends.

Day 318 here in Puerto Rico.  Time is cruising right along.  They say times flies when you’re having fun. Does that mean when you are watching the seconds go by on a clock that you’re having a bad time ?  I was always perplexed by that.

So friends, I have some confusion in my head and was hoping we can all work out together.  I have a question about our new dog.  Before we peruse that question, if you could all be so kind to not be distracted by my bedroom eyes. Its really been a gift and a curse in my life all at the same time. Because of this gift / curse, many times the summons and substance of what I’m trying to say gets diluted by the allure of my eyes.  So please just concentrate on the question below.  Thank you so much.

OK, back to the Rocky story of our 6th dog. We all know Stallone put the “L” in legend through the Rocky character he played.  He struck a chord with the world playing the underdog that was all heart. That is how we came up with the name “Rocky” for this street dog we met the other day.

Just stay with me a second, shouldn’t his name really be Butkus, which was Rocky’s dog in the movie ?

Let us know your thoughts at your convenience.  Signing off from Puerto Rico, Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

You can read Jessica’s Smith’s post tonight on the Facebook page of; “Everybody Loves Sammy

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