Sammy The Ageless Spirit

Sammy the timeless spirit

Good evening friends.

My boy came to say goodnight.  The little guy will be 10 years old March 14th.  When I first got him I lived on 38th Street and 1st Avenue.  If anyone told me that in 10 years I would be living in Puerto Rico with 5 dogs and a new family, I would have said to those people; “You might want to check yourselves into Rehab”

Sammy & Family has to salute Instagram for connecting us to Vanessa Martinez and Family. And a salute to Social Media as a whole for all our friends from around the world.

From the time he was a baby, I always said; ” Sammy Loves The World”  And all these years later, that notion has stood the test of time.

All those years I couldn’t  straighten out,  he was always there licking my forehead until i was better.  Never failed me.

Signing off from Puerto Rico.  Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

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