The Good News Channel will be Central Part of the Community

The Good News Channel to be central part of the community

One of the key pages on the Website is called; The Good News Channel. We are making a strong push for this page to be the central part of the community.

The Good News Channel is comprised of Positive featured stories from people all over the world doing great stuff. We have done over 20 features so far and they’ve all been very well received.  We have covered positive stories out of Australia, South Africa, China, two in India, The Philippines, New York City, San Francisco, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Turkey, Greece and so on and so on.

Also on The Good News Channel Page is The Good News Ticker.  It’s a Scrolling News Wire Ticker of positive news. The news comes from all of us. Members can participate and enter positive blurbs at any time. It’s literally a ticker of Good News. We encourage people to share positive news going on with them, or something positive they have read about. Funny is positive too, remember that laughter helps us live longer.

This is why Sammy & Family created “The Good News Channel” Its a place to visit positive attractions, blurbs, and inspirational quotes to set your day on the right foot. Its a give and take platform. It only takes a sentence or a couple of key words to change a person’s perception in an instant. Come take a look;

Dr. Harp Seal on Call

Dr. Harp Seal on call

Good morning friends.  Jo-Ann Smith here from Sammy & Family.

During July of 2013, while walking in front of my building on Long Island, I tripped on a broken sidewalk, which was never repaired and broke my ankle. As I lay on the sidewalk until the ambulance arrived, it never even occurred to me that I would need 5 1/2 hours of surgery, requiring screws and plates to hold the ankle together. After a week in the hospital, I arrived home in a wheelchair with everyone asking me how it happened. The real answer wasn’t very romantic to simply trip on a sidewalk was totally embarrassing and actually comical. I I flirted with the idea of telling a more exciting version and to say that I fell off a gondola while skiing the Black Diamond slopes of the Swiss Alps.
I was fortunate enough to have the best doctor in the world “on call.” There is no other like him, the one and only much beloved, Dr. Harp Seal.  My many weeks being confined to a wheelchair and bedridden was tolerable only because of him. His kisses, encouragement, and continual love is the best prescription for any ailment. I smiled every morning when I woke up to find him asleep with his head on my lap. He certainly was a comfort as he stayed by my bedside with his personalized care.  He brought a smile back to my face. Waking up to his unconditional love was a gift. I’m so proud that my grandson is the incomparable Dr. Harp Seal and I’m so grateful that he took such good care of me.

Happy Throwback Thursday friends.

To learn more about Dr. Harp Seal, click link;

The Placebo Effect is the Key to Life Extension

Good morning friends.

Dr. Harp Seal here.  Thank you for stopping by,

So today, lets talk about how the concept and realities of the Placebo effect will help us live longer.  Some might call this mad science, but remember what the late great Steve Jobs said; ” Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the one’s who see things differently.

So again, a Placebo is anything that seems to be a real medical treatment.  It could be a pill, a shot, or other fake type treatments. Researchers use Placebo’s in actual test studies to compare the results with the patients that were administered the real treatment.

Continue reading

Never Judge a Book by it’s Cover

Never judge a book by it's cover

Good morning friends.

Did you ever try to take a picture of 5 people with 5 dogs standing only 3 feet back ?

The entire room was in a state of disarray.  We took 100 pictures and this was the best we got.  I kid you not, Steven Spielberg and George Lucas could not  have pulled this off.

Vanessa took this picture and basically was leaning back on one leg, using one arm to get it done.  It might not be a great picture quality wise, but the execution of the picture was artistic.

Hey man, when it comes to family, if you gotta bob and weave, you bob and weave.  On the left is Myriam, Raquel’s twin sister, and Vanessa’s younger sister, then comes Jorge, he’s big Papa, on the floor in the middle is Myriam’s son Raymond, in the middle of the couch with Henry on his lap, is Mryiam’s husband Raymond, yes his name is Raymond also.  On the far right with Sammy on one leg, and Patrick on the other leg staring at his human is the lethally handsome Scott Smith.

And friends with that, happy Sunday Funday.  Signing off for the morning and afternoon on day 78 in Puerto Rico, Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

Dinner Talk With Sammy & Family

Dinner talk with Sammy & Family

Good evening friends.

Once again Friday always seem to show right on time.  Its great to be here with everyone.  My favorite part of each day is checking in with all of our friends in the mornings and touching base again in the evenings.

The mornings we all pump each other up for the day, and in the evenings on ELS, it’s kind of like families that gather around the dinner table where each family member has to say something about their day.

So I will start.  Today, woke up and had two hazelnut flavored coffee, then like everyday, immediately regretted it because then my hands shake for two hours.  Then i take care of all the posting throughout all our social platforms and website. After that, I take all the dogs outside, first Sammy & Jeffrey, then Kelly, Patrick and Henry together.

Then i usually tell Jorge, Vanessa’s dad that I am exhausted as if i put in a real hard day.  After a 30 minute rest, i usually start working the platforms and website again.

Then i annoy Vanessa to leave work early everyday for at least two hours.  Then the next morning, I hit the replay button and pretty much do the exact same thing.  It might now sound sexy, but its peaceful and I’m happy.

How was your day friends ?

Signing off from Puerto Rico on Day 76, Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.


The Movie Rewrite for “Braveheart”

The movie rewrite for "Braveheart"

Did you ever wish the movie “Braveheart” ended differently ?

Well in order to ease William Wallace’s troubles, we brought in Superman, Gladiator, Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, Mad Max and Dracula. I don’t mean to be boastful, but this rewrite is nothing short of a Masterpiece.

With all the violence in the movie, you almost forget it’s a love story. As we have learned throughout history, and our own lives, people go to war for many reasons. Going to war for love is as good a reason as any, maybe better. The legendary character “ William Wallace “ was played by Mel Gibson.  OK, here we go;  Continue reading

There’s a New Aviator in Town


Good morning friends.

When we think think about Aviation, we immediately think of The Wright Brothers, Amelia Earhart, Howard Hughes and in today’s times, Jet Blue.  But if history has taught us anything, new innovators and innovations are always in the works.

Well my friends; There’s a new Aviator in Town.  He may not be the conventional aviator like the one’s listed above, but make no mistake, he’s the real deal.  Friends, let me introduce to you; “The Sammyator”

Have a great Thursday.


Small Tweaks, Big Gains

The Good News Channel

Small tweaks, big gains.

Good morning friends. slogans and Cliches have been around for centuries for a reason.  Inside these slogans are built in algorithms tied to millions of examples of experience.

Laws of attractions are not voodoo science.  Its real, you will attract what you think.

This is why Sammy & Family created “The Good News Channel”  Its a place to visit positive attractions, blurbs, and inspirational quotes to set your day on the right foot.   Its a give and take platform.  It only takes a sentence or a couple of key words to change a person’s perception in an instant. Sometimes people feel down and out and they don’t have anything positive to say, been there many times myself, even more of a reason to throw yourself into a positive setting. Continue reading