Never Judge a Book by it’s Cover

Never judge a book by it's cover

Good morning friends.

Did you ever try to take a picture of 5 people with 5 dogs standing only 3 feet back ?

The entire room was in a state of disarray.  We took 100 pictures and this was the best we got.  I kid you not, Steven Spielberg and George Lucas could not  have pulled this off.

Vanessa took this picture and basically was leaning back on one leg, using one arm to get it done.  It might not be a great picture quality wise, but the execution of the picture was artistic.

Hey man, when it comes to family, if you gotta bob and weave, you bob and weave.  On the left is Myriam, Raquel’s twin sister, and Vanessa’s younger sister, then comes Jorge, he’s big Papa, on the floor in the middle is Myriam’s son Raymond, in the middle of the couch with Henry on his lap, is Mryiam’s husband Raymond, yes his name is Raymond also.  On the far right with Sammy on one leg, and Patrick on the other leg staring at his human is the lethally handsome Scott Smith.

And friends with that, happy Sunday Funday.  Signing off for the morning and afternoon on day 78 in Puerto Rico, Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

Dinner Talk With Sammy & Family

Dinner talk with Sammy & Family

Good evening friends.

Once again Friday always seem to show right on time.  Its great to be here with everyone.  My favorite part of each day is checking in with all of our friends in the mornings and touching base again in the evenings.

The mornings we all pump each other up for the day, and in the evenings on ELS, it’s kind of like families that gather around the dinner table where each family member has to say something about their day.

So I will start.  Today, woke up and had two hazelnut flavored coffee, then like everyday, immediately regretted it because then my hands shake for two hours.  Then i take care of all the posting throughout all our social platforms and website. After that, I take all the dogs outside, first Sammy & Jeffrey, then Kelly, Patrick and Henry together.

Then i usually tell Jorge, Vanessa’s dad that I am exhausted as if i put in a real hard day.  After a 30 minute rest, i usually start working the platforms and website again.

Then i annoy Vanessa to leave work early everyday for at least two hours.  Then the next morning, I hit the replay button and pretty much do the exact same thing.  It might now sound sexy, but its peaceful and I’m happy.

How was your day friends ?

Signing off from Puerto Rico on Day 76, Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.


The Movie Rewrite for “Braveheart”

The movie rewrite for "Braveheart"

Did you ever wish the movie “Braveheart” ended differently ?

Well in order to ease William Wallace’s troubles, we brought in Superman, Gladiator, Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, Mad Max and Dracula. I don’t mean to be boastful, but this rewrite is nothing short of a Masterpiece.

With all the violence in the movie, you almost forget it’s a love story. As we have learned throughout history, and our own lives, people go to war for many reasons. Going to war for love is as good a reason as any, maybe better. The legendary character “ William Wallace “ was played by Mel Gibson.  OK, here we go;  Continue reading

There’s a New Aviator in Town


Good morning friends.

When we think think about Aviation, we immediately think of The Wright Brothers, Amelia Earhart, Howard Hughes and in today’s times, Jet Blue.  But if history has taught us anything, new innovators and innovations are always in the works.

Well my friends; There’s a new Aviator in Town.  He may not be the conventional aviator like the one’s listed above, but make no mistake, he’s the real deal.  Friends, let me introduce to you; “The Sammyator”

Have a great Thursday.


109 year old man knits sweaters for Penguins

Good morning friends.

Alfred Date at 109 years old is apparently the oldest person living in Australia.  He’s not your ordinary over a 100 years old kind of guy.   He ‘s been knitting sweaters for over 80 years now. Last moth Alfred caught the attention of the world with sweaters he knitted for the Penguin Foundation for Penguins affected by oil pollution.

Sweaters for the Penguin Foundation

The picture above is a group of toy Penguins wearing the knitted sweaters actual penguins will wear in time of need. Continue reading

You say Tomato, I say Tomahto

You say tomato and I say tomahto

Good morning friends.

This is a perfect depiction of when Henry is not sure if he heard “Dinner is ready” or if he heard his human family say; “let’s go to the Diner”

Dogs are so in tuned to certain words its incredible.  In any event Henry wins, because if dinner was ready, he would get food, and if we go to the diner, we would bring food back for him.  Win Win.

Happy Tuesday.

It’s Just another Happy Monday


Happy National Opposites Day

Good morning friends.

Leave it to Dr. Harp Seal to figure out another method of combating the Monday Blues.  We all remember the song by The Bangles in 1985 called; “It’s just another manic Monday”  —  Dr. Harp Seal has revised the lyrics to apply a little reverse psychology if you will.

Here’s the revised lyrics by Dr. Harp Seal;

♫♫♫ I’m happy its Monday, Cause that’s my fun day, it’s my I have to run day, so i can reach Pay Day ♫♫♫

And with that friends, have a great Monday.

June Stoyer fighting the Great fight on many fronts

Truth Team June

We are so proud to feature, the incomparable June Stoyer, on our Good News Channel today. She is an animal activist, an environmentalist, a clean energy expert, an expert on the declining bee population and its threat to Global Agriculture, and so on, and so on and so on. June is a legend in her field, and has educated and inspired millions of people from all over the globe. She is a certified Master Composter, and a Master Gardener.  She is a very special woman, who has made a great impact on our world.  After speaking with her on phone this week I said to myself, “Thank God there are people like June is world”

Organic Strawberries

A native of Long Island, New York, she was raised in the  Catskill Mountains on an organic farm.  June was inspired by her own Fathers love and passion for organic farming. It was being born and raised in that wonderful environment, that planted the seed of what she now educates so many others on.  A way of life.  A kindness toward all living things.  June is literally an Organic Guru.

Animal Activist

June is also a very passionate animal defender, and activist for their rights and welfare. She educates others and raises awareness on important animal issues, and takes a special interest in speaking out for the cause of endangered wildlife. She is a powerful voice for gentleness toward all life. She is one voice that changes the world.

June's Radio Show
June is a brilliant journalist. She is the Executive Producer  and host of “The Organic View” Radio Show, which has more than 3 million people listening in. The show is a live, interactive, internet talk-radio show that features key leaders and scientists.  It is the first show of its kind, and the longest running educational show on the internet.

Please Save our Bees

Please support our efforts to protect #bees, help#beekeepers & #banneonicotinoids! Please donate to The Organic View Radio Show

June keeping people's spirits up

Andrew Grill, CEO of, a top social media measurement expert, named June Stoyer to be in the top 1% most influential people on all of social media. She has also consistently had a Klout score of 70.  Social Media Measurement Expert and CEO of, Andrew Grill, announced that June Stoyer is in the top 1% of Influencers on social media. She also maintains a consistent Klout score of 70.  New Hope Media has also named “The Organic View” as the one of the top 10 shows to listen into and follow.

“June Stoyer is #4 on the Top 100 Clean Energy Blogs and Industry Innovators of 2013 by Robert Kim. Mr. Kim’s lists appear in places like Forbes.”

We can all learn so much from this incredible woman. Thank you June. For all that you do.
Social Media:
Twitter: @JuneStoyer @TheOrganicView




International Day of Happiness 2015

International Day of Happiness

Good morning friends.

Today is “International Day of Happiness”  —  How awesome that it lands on a Friday.  That’s a double dose of happiness.  So I searched the best quotes in the past of the “International Day of Happiness” all morning to find the best ones.  I will share three of them.

1.  Happiness is a warm puppy.  — Charles M. Schulz —

2.  Happiness is like a kiss. You must share it to enjoy it.  — Bernard Meltzer —

3.  Sanity and happiness are an impossible combination.  — Mark Twain —

And with all that, Happy International Day of Happiness and Happy Friday.