Andrew Cotton; I love my family and I love to surf

Good morning friends.

We are very happy to feature Andrew Cotton on The Good News Channel today.  You probably remember him from last year surfing one of the biggest waves in history in Nazare Portugal. Andrew is no ordinary 35 year old man.  Most people hunker down at home when a storm is coming.  But that’s when Andrew heads out and comes alive. You might think of him as some sort of storm chaser, but its different in the sense that when he finds a storm, he runs out into the ocean to surf waves the size of skyscrapers that many times come crashing down on him.

Biggest wave surfed ever in Portugal

 Probably the most publicized wave I’ve ever caught  that day and it was giant. Biggest, scariest waves I’ve ever seen. We surfed for 4 hours, dodging peaks and trying to get in position and I only caught this wave.

What I liked most about Andrew after corresponding with him and reading up on him is his attitude.  He is extremely positive.  One quote of his really caught my attention in an interview he did with in April of 2014, he said; “Surfing doesn’t revolve around getting a good sponsor. It revolves around you as a person, it’s how you treat your surfing and your goals.” It’s that same attitude that helped him push through the doubters over the years.

After several knee injuries, people said its time to give up surfing. Andrew didn’t see it that way, it just meant he had to train even harder.   Then when he had two kids, people would say to him; “It’s time to grow up and get a real job.  But to Andrew this was a real job, the dedication and sacrifices he’s had to make to get where he is goes head to head with any so called “real  job.”

Team Cotton

It all starts with Team Cotton, Honey my daughter, Ace my son and Katie my wife. This was at Woolacombe in North Devon close to where I live on our 2 minute beach clean. Great little habit to get into and doing our little bit to keep the beach litter free. Check out;

He started surfing when he was 7 yrs old growing up on the North Devon Coast of the UK.  Ever since then, catching waves and being around the ocean was his life.  At the age of 25 Andrew needed to start earning consistent money and trained to become a plumber.

Cotton 4
Probably the best wave I ever caught in Ireland back in 2012. It got me to the final 5 of the WSL big wave awards which held in LA, unfortunately I lost out to Garrett McNamarra’s wave at Nazare in Portugal where I was the one who towed him into that wave. 

After sometime he realized the 9 to 5 work life was going to keep him away from surfing for too long and maybe even for good.  That was something Andrew was not willing to do.  He was meant to be a surfer, a big wave surfer

Cotton 9

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Born to Be Wild with Morkel Erasmus out of Africa

Today we have the privilege of  featuring Morkel Erasmus out of Africa.  He’s  one of the Best wildlife photographers on the Planet. And still, he keeps it simple, he loves Africa, loves its people, its wild places and its wildlife.  Great quote from Morkel; “To me, nature photography is all about being in the moment, and capturing that moment in a way that can relate to someone who didn’t have the privilege of being there with me”

Morkel is a passionate wildlife photographer and part-time photographic safari guide based in South Africa. When he’s not in the field, he works as an Industrial Engineer working in the supply chain industry.


  Elephants drinking water at Chobe River in Botswana.  To join Morke on a Safari;

From Morkel himself now;  “My love for nature was shaped by many trips with my family to the Southern African wilderness as a child growing up – picking up a camera was when it all really clicked for me (pun intended).


Spotted hyena in the rain.  Hasthtag #Wow on this picture.  To Join Morkel on a Safari;    Continue reading

Alex Barnett; A Family man and a Comedian

Good morning friends.  We have a very special feature today on The Good News Channel.  We always talk about funny being  positive too because laughter helps us live longer.  And if want to laugh, where do we turn ?  We turn to comedy. So today we are featuring a real comedian leaving the dream, doing stand up comedy, podcasts, writing and producing for shows, commentator on shows, a family man so and so and on.

Alex 1

We’ve all heard the expression; “Jack of all trades, master of none”   Well Alex Barnett is a walking revision of that, “He’s a Jack of many trades, master of many things.  But whether he is doing this or doing that, at the core Alex Barnett is a family man.

Alex Barnett, Comedian and Family man

Alex Barnett’s Website;

My comedy is about family, specifically my family.  As the White, Jewish husband of a Black woman (who converted to Judaism) and the father of a 3 year-old, Biracial son, I focus my attention on the challenges of being a parent in a bad economy and the issues that confront interracial families (including the dynamics between members of the same family who are of different races).  In the Age of Obama, my material is very timely, relevant, and (if I may say so myself) very funny.

Alex Barnett Feature

Alex Barnett on Twitter;

I’ve performed at clubs, colleges and venues throughout the country.  I’ve appeared on the Katie Couric Show, been featured on Sirius/XM Radio’s “Raw Dog Comedy,” NBC’s EVB Live, Bloomberg Law TV, ComedyTime TV, RT TV America and NYC-TV and in VH1.comThe Wall Street Journal, The Huffington Post, and  I also won the 12th Annual Gilda’s Club (Northern NJ) Laugh-Off.

Multi Racial Family ManMy wife, son and I are a multiracial family.  We’re part of a small, but growing trend.  We’ve encountered a variety of “interesting” (some bad, but others good) experiences along the way — looks, questions, comments, head-nods, and high-fives.  And, based on comments to this blog and to my Facebook page;, I know that we’re not alone.  Based on our own experiences and those of others, I launched a podcast called the Multiracial Family Man.  You can find the latest episode here:  iTunes:    Continue reading

The Movie Rewrite for “The Life of Pi”

The movie rewrite for "The Life of Pi"

Good evening friends.

Welcome to the movie rewrite for “The Life of Pi.” — Now the truth is “Life of Pi” ended pretty well. But some parts have to be rewritten, which in turn will cause the end to change too.

Pi’s quote; “I was weeping because Richard Parker left me so unceremoniously. It broke my heart. You know my father was right: Richard Parker never saw me as his friend”

So in the Rewrite we’re going to mend Pi’s broken heart. Lets pick it up from the scene where after all the battles with Mother Nature, they finally made it safely to Mexico’s shores.

This is where the Tiger (Richard Parker)  jumps out of the boat and runs directly into the jungle without even glancing back back at Pi. After 227 days at sea, not even a glance.  You can feel the anguish when you think of all that time together at sea.  But we also have to remember what Pi said, “Tending to Richard Parker’s needs gives my life purpose” — And that purpose kept Pi marching forward each day and essentially kept him alive.

Remember, Richard Parker the Tiger grew up in a zoo and while he was always in training, he didn’t  have to fend for his food, it was provided for him.  And despite the magnitude of the shipwreck which set Pi and the Tiger on a 227 day journey, Richard Parker still didn’t have to fend for himself with food, Pi provided it by fishing for both of them.

The tiger finds himself  in the jungles of Mexico alone having to provide for himself for the first time. This was the scariest time in Richard Parker’s life.  Now if you remember in June of 2012, the tiger Vitaly in the movie “Madagascar 3” was always looking out for his circus buddies and was quite the risk taker.  Vitaly was now part of a failing circus that the Madagascar team hooked up with to make another attempt to reach home.  When they escaped the circus they fled to Mexico as well.  It turns out Vitaly and the gang were hiding out in the same Mexican Jungle that Richard Parker now finds himself in.  Being the Madagascar Crew had been there a few months already they helped provide Richard Parker with food.

Within a few weeks, Vitaly and Richard Parker were best friends. After all, they are both tigers and both grew up in a zoo entertaining people from near and far. So being the brave tiger that Vitaly likes to be, he suggests to Richard Parker they head to Hollywood to put their skills at use.  Vitaly was a smooth talker so took the role of the manager, and Richard Parker would be the actor.

When they got to Hollywood Vitaly  immediately gets Richard Parker the tiger an agent.  The agent sends Richard Parker on a call for a Frosted Flakes commercial, only now they wanted a real life Tony the Tiger actor instead of just the cartoon we’ve all grown accustomed to.  Low and behold, Richard Parker was a natural entertainer and a perfect fit. Richard Parker got so comfortable in his role, he suggested to Frosted Flake Cereal company that their slogan should be; “Have Frosted Flakes for breakfast and give your life purpose”

Needless to say that slogan became the main tagline for Frosted Flakes Cereal across the world. Eventually Pi caught wind of all this media surrounding the New Tiger’s face and tag line for for Frosted Flakes and realized it was Richard Parker.

Now at this point , Pi is a middle aged man living in Canada with his own family. Eventually, while The Frosted Flakes company was touring the world with their new ad campaign, they made their way to Canada; “eh” lol.  Slang joke right there.

Pi made sure to be at the location he heard the Cereal gang was coming to.  When he saw Pi after all this time he heart was pounding.  As Pi approached the Tiger Richard Parker, Richard ran up to him and said; “your father was wrong, I did see you as my friend, I didn’t look back because i saw the two Japanese investigators approaching from a far to rescue you.  I didn’t want to be captured and killed”  — Pi felt the weight of the world just unravel off his shoulders.

Pi looked Richard straight in the eyes and said; ” How did you come up with that slogan: “Have Frosted Flakes for breakfast and give your life Purpose?”  Richard Parker said; “I got it from you Pi, I knew that keeping me alive took you into adulthood and gave your life purpose”

The End…..  The Movie Still would’ve been great.

When did this school get so Small ?

Dr. Harp Seal message; " When did these schools get so small?"

Good morning friends.  You can read this message here, or just below the text, you can listen to the Audio;

Dr. Harp Seal here.  Thank you for stopping by.  So today, lets take a walk down memory lane.  Most of us have driven by or even revisited our grade schools that we attended decades later.

And what’s the one thing we all say to ourselves ?  When did this school get so small, I don’t remember it being so small. Now of course, intellectually we realize the school is the same size, and its us and our experiences that have gotten much bigger.

So what’s the point ?  The point is, the things that are troubling us right now, at some point in time will also seem small,  just like the grade schools we attended do to us now.  This is very important to be aware of because a lot of times when we are inside of a crisis, it feels like it will never end.  We have to remember that in time this problem will be reduced to what it actually is. Its this awareness that will help propel us forward right now.

Audio message;

This American Girl, Camille Willemain

Three years ago I made a decision that dramatically changed the course of my life. After being laid off by two different jobs within six months, breaking up with my boyfriend, and feeling more lost and uncertain than I ever had before, I did something totally uncharacteristic. I put everything I owned into storage and took a one way flight to Costa Rica.

This American Girl lives in Costa Rica now and knows it better then anyone. Check out her book; The Ultimate Guide to Costa Rica;”

Article continues now, keep scrolling down;
This American Girl
 Swimming under a waterfall in Costa Rica.  Camille has a book about her home called; “The Ultimate Guide to Costa Rica;”
This American Girl Traveler

Discovering hidden ruins in Ankor Wat, Cambodia.  One of the most magical places on earth.  More on This American’s Girl’s travels;

My plan was to return two months later and move to NYC to start graduate school. Instead I sold my car and the rest of my belongings and began an indefinite voyage around the world. Costa Rica showed me that I was happier in the jungle than in concrete and I preferred to be barefoot than in heels. For me, there was no going back.

This American Girl Traveler
Quote by Camille;  “It’s less about focusing on where I want to go, and more about focusing on what I want to create. After all, my physical location is outside of me, while my creation begins from within me”

Learn Costa Rica through Camille Willemain’s eyes;

At Calpe Alicante spain.   More on Camille’s travels;

 Since then I’ve traveled on my own through Central America, South America, Southeast Asia, Europe, and North Africa

This American Girl

 At home in Costa Rica, where all a girl needs is the jungle and her bicycle.  Camille has a book about her home called; “The Ultimate Guide to Costa Rica;”      Continue reading

The Good News Channel will be Central Part of the Community

The Good News Channel to be central part of the community

One of the key pages on the Website is called; The Good News Channel. We are making a strong push for this page to be the central part of the community.

The Good News Channel is comprised of Positive featured stories from people all over the world doing great stuff. We have done over 20 features so far and they’ve all been very well received.  We have covered positive stories out of Australia, South Africa, China, two in India, The Philippines, New York City, San Francisco, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Turkey, Greece and so on and so on.

Also on The Good News Channel Page is The Good News Ticker.  It’s a Scrolling News Wire Ticker of positive news. The news comes from all of us. Members can participate and enter positive blurbs at any time. It’s literally a ticker of Good News. We encourage people to share positive news going on with them, or something positive they have read about. Funny is positive too, remember that laughter helps us live longer.

This is why Sammy & Family created “The Good News Channel” Its a place to visit positive attractions, blurbs, and inspirational quotes to set your day on the right foot. Its a give and take platform. It only takes a sentence or a couple of key words to change a person’s perception in an instant. Come take a look;

Dr. Harp Seal on Call

Dr. Harp Seal on call

Good morning friends.  Jo-Ann Smith here from Sammy & Family.

During July of 2013, while walking in front of my building on Long Island, I tripped on a broken sidewalk, which was never repaired and broke my ankle. As I lay on the sidewalk until the ambulance arrived, it never even occurred to me that I would need 5 1/2 hours of surgery, requiring screws and plates to hold the ankle together. After a week in the hospital, I arrived home in a wheelchair with everyone asking me how it happened. The real answer wasn’t very romantic to simply trip on a sidewalk was totally embarrassing and actually comical. I I flirted with the idea of telling a more exciting version and to say that I fell off a gondola while skiing the Black Diamond slopes of the Swiss Alps.
I was fortunate enough to have the best doctor in the world “on call.” There is no other like him, the one and only much beloved, Dr. Harp Seal.  My many weeks being confined to a wheelchair and bedridden was tolerable only because of him. His kisses, encouragement, and continual love is the best prescription for any ailment. I smiled every morning when I woke up to find him asleep with his head on my lap. He certainly was a comfort as he stayed by my bedside with his personalized care.  He brought a smile back to my face. Waking up to his unconditional love was a gift. I’m so proud that my grandson is the incomparable Dr. Harp Seal and I’m so grateful that he took such good care of me.

Happy Throwback Thursday friends.

To learn more about Dr. Harp Seal, click link;

The Placebo Effect is the Key to Life Extension

Good morning friends.

Dr. Harp Seal here.  Thank you for stopping by,

So today, lets talk about how the concept and realities of the Placebo effect will help us live longer.  Some might call this mad science, but remember what the late great Steve Jobs said; ” Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the one’s who see things differently.

So again, a Placebo is anything that seems to be a real medical treatment.  It could be a pill, a shot, or other fake type treatments. Researchers use Placebo’s in actual test studies to compare the results with the patients that were administered the real treatment.

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