The Girl that almost was but the dog won me over

The girl that almost was but the dog won me over

Good evening friends.  OK, it looks like the story of one of my ex girlfriends and her dog won the votes.

So lets get right into it.  this was about 6 years ago. I was 40 years old and was doing the online dating thing like a full time job.  I was a different kind of online dater than most. Most people would have several dialogues over email, then get on the phone and chat for a few minutes and either set up a date or not.  You see I just wanted to go out. So my emails to women online were clear and to the point.

In my email to them I would say “Would you like to meet for drinks or dinner tonight?” 90 percent of people didn’t respond. Out of the 10 percent that did, some would say; “so tell me about yourself” — I would say “I will tell you about myself when we meet”  — Remember friends with online dating, they can read your profile, so its kind of a repetitive question from them.  Normally when i would say that it would end our dialogues and I would never hear from them again. Several people inside the 10 percent would say; ” I like a man who knows what he wants and directly asks for it” — So i would say “that’s great to hear”  But then some of them would say; “The problem is I already have plans tonight.” So I would say to them, OK reach out to me when you’re free and they never would.  But one or two gals out of the ten percent would say; “I can meet you at 6 pm tonight”  — And that’s all it takes folks, just one “Yes,’ and you get to meet a new person.

OK, I’m rambling.  On one particular night I met a woman out who grew up near the town I did and we had friends in common.  Now when I connect, I move very quickly, and I don’t mean in the hanky panky way.  I mean from “I want to see them a lot starting the next day.”  Within 3 weeks we were in a full fledged relationship.  We were talking moving in together, engagement, we were very into each other.  She had a dog, I won’t say his name, but she loved him like I love Sammy, Henry, Patrick, Jeffrey and Kelly.  And I absolutely loved her dog.   Anytime we saw each other I just wanted to play with her dog or take her out somewhere.  God forbid we just sat home and relaxed.

I wanted to be at the bars laughing with people and talking about light, dumb and breezy stuff, the dumber the better. This particular gal I was dating was a doctor.  After a while she said; “Listen, I really want to be together but I want to live  a slower and quieter life”  I knew what she meant, but I was not on the same page.  She was a really nice person too.

So she put it to me, she said “you have to choose us or this running around life that you have”  — And not running around with other ladies, but I just couldn’t sit still.  I didn’t like myself enough to want to sit with myself.  And living the quiet  life with her forced me to be with myself more than i was willing to be.

So we were at dinner and she asked me what i decided to do.  I told her I cannot slow down and live that kind of life. I really have strong feelings for you but I must maintain this pace in my life. I don’t know how to live any other way.  So she said, ” listen, I’m a doctor, this is not going to work out.  I think we have to call it off.

I felt badly because I knew she was right and I knew what a nice girl she was. Nonetheless, I said; “Listen, please don’t take this the wrong way, I have grown very attached to your dog, you work late hours and I have two dogs.  I think your dog would be happier with my two dogs and I, and would you be willing to give him up?”

Well friends, this is when things really went poorly.  She threw a drink in my face and said that was the worst question anyone has ever asked her in her life. She said  how dare you ?   Boy did I feel like a horses patoot.  I tell this story in gest looking back, but i do look back and feel bad about it.

In conclusion, when you and a nice person split for whatever reason, don’t ask them if you can keep their beloved pet they’ve had for 6 years.   #LearnedTheHardWay  #AnotherClassIsleptThrough

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