The Movie Rewrite for “Pay It Forward”

The Movie Rewrite for "Pay It Forward"

The Movie Rewrite for “Pay It Forward”

Let’s start with a quick snapshot. Pay it forward is a great concept and would do a lot of good for this world. Imagine if each one of us woke up everyday and said to ourselves, “Self, let’s express 3 acts of random kindness to 3 people in need. What a wonderful world that would be. Now add on top of that, the 3 people you helped would go out there and help 3 random people also. Just visualize that for a moment; “positive acts growing exponentially through the veins of society.” I guess it’s true what they say, “People have the Power.” So that’s our take away message for this movie. Great message but certainly did not have to end that way.

The Rewrite begins now:

To start with, this is the same kid from the movie, “The Sixth Sense” from 1999. His famous line in the move was, “I see dead people.” So, he already has a tendency to think about death and we know that people attract what they think (Laws of Attraction). So, let’s change that. Being “Pay it Forward” was made in 2000, this kid had a full year to learn to think differently. Between therapy and hypnosis, he had visions of being a superhero for kids being bullied and random acts of kindness, where he thought people were deserving and worthy. Now, if you remember in “Pay it Forward,” the kid’s best friend was very asthmatic and got picked on a lot; not a happy life for his friend. Luckily for that friend, the “Sixth Sense” star went to see his best friend’s allergist to pay it forward. The allergist had such gratitude for his new outlook that he swore the next time that he saw his asthmatic friend he would help him. With that, the allergist gave the friend an inhalator that neutralized his asthma and released steroids into the body, causing a temporary strength to the level of the Hulk.

Now, let’s fast forward to the end of movie when the 3 bullies pick on his friend again. His friend starts panicking upon their arrival and takes a breath from his new inhalator. His asthma and his demeanor immediately change. He notices his new found strength and immediately repeats a quote from the 1993 movie, “A Bronx Tale” and says, “Now yous can’t leave.” The 3 bullies are in shock at how the tables have changed. But the Hulk-like figure shows mercy towards them and pays it forward to them. While this is going on, the “Sixth Sense” kid sees it from afar. When he noticed that his friend flipped the script on those 3 kids, he cruised home peacefully with no harm. As a result of the mercy shown, The 3 bullies became role models for “bullying bullies.” And the trickle down effect took place. There were less and less bullies everyday.

So in conclusion, we have a “win win” situation as described below.

We have exponential growth of positive “Pay it forwards” going on at all times, growing bigger and bigger.

And we have the “Bully the bullies” movement going on, until the growth rate of bullies was Zero.

The End….. The movie still would have been great.

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