The Planet and Animals

Animals and the Planet

Good evening friends.

Thank you for stopping by. Its nice to have so many animal lovers get together each night. Much of the world sees animals like a couch or a piece of furniture in their house. Its mind boggling. Sometimes I think I live amongst aliens.

Please allow me to quote one of the most brilliant people that ever lived on this planet. He had a joke with respect to people’s arrogance.  His name was George Carlin.  When people had the hubris to sit around and talk about how we have to handle the needs of the Planet better.  He used to say; “The Planet has been around for billions years and is going to be just fine. The plant has seen specie after specie become extinct. The Planet is Not going anywhere, We Are”, lol. Brilliant.

Its kind of like walking around a Crystal Meth clinic and asking the recovering addicts if they would like some free Crystal Meth tonight and thinking none of them will take it.  Next thing you know you’ve made the full rounds and you’re out of inventory with tons of Pre Orders.

Where am I going with this ? For all the people out there who were taught that animals are less than us, you’ve been taught wrong. The only thing it means that we are smarter than animals, is that we are smarter than animals. It means Absolutely Nothing else.

If the world is treating you cold and unkind, don’t take it out on animals. They actually have received the same treatment you have since the beginning of time. Animals actually understand your pain.

Dr. Harp Seal here. None of our Vanities are important enough to make an animal suffer for our glamour. If you don’t like the way you look, go see a shrink, or get a face-lift. Don’t have an animal tormented so you can wear a Fur coat and be talked about at a party.

The God that Sammy & Believes in does Not condone abusing animals for any reason whatsoever. Not for Vanity, Not for Entertainment, Not even to improve people’s lives.  Experiment with humans, leave the animals alone.  Enough is Enough.

No lives will go in Vain, no Pain will go unnoticed. Dr. Harp Seal and Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

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