The Seal Hunts in Canada were Never ok

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Scott Smith here.  Thank you for stopping by.

Sadly its that time of year again where Canada gives clearance for Seal Clubbers and Shooters to violently kill baby harp seals for their fur.

As many of you know this is one of the main reasons I created the Dr. Harp Seal character.  We have spoken on many cruelties inflicted on all kinds of animals around the world, but tonight we take it back to Canada and the despicable Seal Hunts or “Sealing” as they call it.

Recently Sir Paul McCartney and Rebecca Aldworth from the Humane Society International took to the media airways urging Canada to end the senseless slaughter of baby Harp Seals taking place off the East Coast of Canada.  A lot of people had hoped the Canadian Government might shut it down in 2015, but shockingly they authorized the killing of 400,000 Harp Seals, about 65000 Grey Seals and 3000 hooded Seals.  The majority of them at just a few weeks of age are shot or clubbed to death.  Rebecca Aldworth has witnessed 17 seasons of Sealing and describes the unfathomable suffering these baby seals endure while being killed.

The thing that is so outrageous is Sealing has been a dying industry for years.  Seals are being bludgeoned to death for Fur nobody really wants or needs.  Hardly anybody’s buying it anymore and its banned in over 30 countries.  And yet the Canadian Government continues to subsidize this horrifying cruelty.

I have personally spoken to Tracy Weeks at the International Fund for Animal Welfare over the years, she has an incredible knowledge on Sealing and I really appreciate the time she has given me.  Tracy speaks about the IFAW’s holistic approach towards finding a solution for animals and people, that’s how programs work.

I have also spoken to Diana Marmorstein at, she’s another very dedicated advocate on this subject.

Now I want to take it a step further.  I want to go on record and say, To me, even if  the Sealing industry was booming with record profits, It’s still should have never been allowed.  The fact that its a dying industry is not the reason to leave it, the fact that this is a 21st Century holocaust on Seals is the reason to stop.

Money is important in life, we all know that.  But no money on Earth is worth this, I don’t care what the sum is.

I want say it like is here.  The law makers in Canada that allow this will have the stain of blood on their hands forever. There was a time when people thought it was OK to exterminate Jewish people during World War 2, or having black people as slaves, or Genocide in Rwanda, but it was Never OK.  And Seal Hunts or Sealing was Never OK either.  And as for the Seal Clubbers and shooters just trying to pick up extra cash before the fishing season starts, Shame on you. Seriously shame on you.

Anyone who thinks The Holocaust is over needs to speak to the Seals being brutalized to death in Canada and find out if that’s true.

I”ll close with this, My name is Scott Smith, and while this means nothing to Canada, I will never forget them allowing one of the most evil acts of animal cruelty known to man.

Thank you for listening.

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