Thoughts & Prayers for the Victims of Orlando, Florida

Thoughts & Prayers for Orlando

Good evening friends.

Sammy & Family wants to extend our Thoughts & Prayers to the victims and their families of Orlando, Florida.

50 people were killed and 53 more injured senselessly. The shooter did pledge allegiance to ISIS and his parents acknowledged his disdain for Gay people. The White House is calling the attack an act of terror and hate. This was the biggest mass shooting in The United States’ history.

Life is inches and minutes. These killing sprees are so random and cunning. People are wondering what can be done about all this. Even the experts are wondering how to be preemptive against random and endless possibilities regarding attacks.

When terrorists started going after soft targets, that was a game changer for them.

Here’s the thing, terrorists want us to live in fear, they want us to stay home, they want our economy to tank.  Here is the bad news for them, if we accept that when its our time, its our time, then we fear nothing. As long as this country is doing everything we can and we are all staying more alert, then we must continue to live our lives.

A great man once said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”  — #FDR —

This 29 year old terrorist was nothing more than a little _itch with two guns. Where was his big trap before then ?

With that said, a little gun control would be good. This coward bought two guns legally two or three weeks ago or so. Why should any man, sane or not, fanatical or not, be able to shoot 103 bullets to kill 50 people and injure 53 others ?? Think of that, one man shot 103 people. Its outrageous.

Gun control would not have stopped this, but there would be less deaths.  Something to think about.

No lives will go in vain, no pain will go unnoticed. Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

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