We do the Best we can with what we have

We do the best we can with what we have

Good morning friends. Dr. Harp Seal was is giving a private consultation this morning over skype.  The gentleman was kind enough to share one of the highlights of his session with the good Doctor.

Dr. Harp Seal said; “We do the best we can with what we have, and should not take anything personally beyond that”  He went on to say; “If you gave your best, you’re a winner.  The universe does not care what your score is, the universe wants your best version of yourself”

Lets kick this day off with two positive notions.

1. I want to be friends with nice people that want to be friends with me.  There’s a lot of good  people out there, many  feel just like you and want to connect with you.  Keep the faith, today is another gift and might just be the best day of your life.

2. Remember, it’s not “The Good old Days”  —- It’s “The Good New Days”  —  All we have is today, and today is a new day.

Have a great Monday friends.

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