Welcome to March from The Soldier of Love

The Soldier of Love came to say goodnight

Good evening friends.

The Soldier of Love came to welcome everyone to March.  We heard our friends back East are getting hit with more snow.  Now that is the definition of persistence at this point.  I can feel the exhaustion out there, totally relate.

We hope everyone had a nice weekend.  You know haircuts don’t change who we are but they sure make us feel refreshed. Look how revitalized Henry is looking right now.  I waited too long to get them their haircuts, I will be more timely in the future.  Sammy is getting groomed next Saturday right on time for his big 10th Birthday Bash.

I’m sure everyone feels a sense of relief knowing the details of Sammy & Family’s grooming status and such.  We have been trying to keep the night posts a little lighter.  Not to turn a blinds eye to things we have written on in the past, but there is a time and place for that.  When we do write on those subjects I will give everyone a heads up in advance.

Life can be grand, for Sammy & Family that should include all the animals too.  It just isn’t as sweet without their joy.

Signing off from Puerto Rico on day 50,  Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

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