A Miracle we named Rocky

A miracle named Rocky

Good evening friends.

Its great to be here with everyone.  Thank you for stopping by.  So the rescue yesterday was named today. Raquel came up with a brilliant name.  I was hoping for “Miracle”  — But this might be better.  Raquel decided to name this miraculous dog; “Rocky”

I cant believe I didn’t think of that being Rocky Balboa is probably the greatest character the movies ever created.  Better yet, the Rocky Character was based on Sylvester Stallone’s real life. Not in the boxing sense, but in the “Underdog” sense.

And who was more of an Underdog then this dog we rescued yesterday ? And when you think of the word “Underdog” — You might as well be thinking about Rocky.  So that is how Raquel came up with the name Rocky.

Rocky spent the night at the Vets last night.  He needed a medicine bath, ticks removed and his ears cleaned.  When i picked him up today and was playing with him at the Vets, he was so playful and has a huge happy smile. Rocky is a very special dog, extremely special. We can’t wait to show you his larger than life smile. Despite everything that caused him to be on the street, Rocky is innately a happy and loving boy.  Now that happiness can flourish, grow and inevitably make plenty of people happy through his life.

Signing off from Puerto Rico on day 315, Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

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