A Tribute to a heroic dog named Harley

Puppy Mill Survivor Harley, passed on March 20th, 2016

Good evening friends.

Tonight we pay tribute to fallen angel named Harley. He passed away on March 20th, 2016. Folks as you know we have been writing about animals for the past 5 years. This is truly one of the most moving stories I’ve ever heard about.  I am really surprised I never caught wind of this the story until just two days ago. Harley was brought to my attention by our good friend Kathy Watson.

Harley was a puppy mill survivor. His function was to make babies and father them until they were sold and disbursed throughout the country. Harley lived in a cage at the Puppy Mill for 10 years before being tossed in a bucket to be disposed of after the mill had no more use for him. Harley knew of no other life other than living in a wired cage where no love or kindness was ever shown to him.

The wired cage was very hard on his feet too, despite him learning to live with it. That’s part of the reason he waked crookedly. Poor little guy. Luckily for Harley, a kind hearted lady who worked at the Puppy Mill noticed Harley had still been breathing in the bucket with other dead dogs. This decent lady picked him up out of the bucket and brought Harley to a local shelter.

Harley and Mom

Harley and his human mom, Rudy Taylor sharing a moment. 

Once he was treated medically and on the mend, Rudy Taylor, Harley’s Human mom noticed a picture of this crooked one eyed little trooper and felt an instant connection.  Rudy knew he was meant to be with her and contacted the rescue organization immediately.  Next thing you know she drove a few states away from Colorado to pick Harley up and give him the best life possible. But make no mistake, Rudy and her husband knew they had a lot of hardships to unravel for Harley.

Harley had a lot of issues Post Puppy Mill: a diseased heart, a mouth filled with rot, a fused spine, a broken tail, gnarled toes, and legs that were deformed. And then there was the missing eye – the result of his cage being power-washed with him in it (an all too common practice in puppy mills). All of these conditions were the result of years of horrendous neglect and abuse.

Just to point out. Puppy mills can have up to 100 to 800 dogs. In order to clean the cages, many a times they power wash them with the dogs still in the cage. This is precisely how Harley lost one of his eyes. That is so barbaric and cruel, i cannot get over it.

I mean think of the road that that Harley endured, and then just tossed in a bucket to die. But Harley kept breathing and kept the faith. And miraculously made it to Colorado with Rudy and Dan Taylor where this little angel got a second chance at life. What a miracle this was and still is despite Harley’s recent passing.  When Rudy and Dan first rescued him, the vets said he had 3 months to live. Well with love, care and tenderness, Harley lived 5 more years and his story struck a chord with the world. Everyone that met Harley loved him.

Harley and Human Dad

Harley and his human Dad, Dan Taylor

Harley was so resilient to make it through ten years at the Puppy mill. When Harley was finally rescued, he was so grateful and forgiving.  That’s what is so amazing, he still manged to be grateful and forgiving.

Harley brought a massive amount of awareness to the dastardly acts of Puppy mills. He personally has participated in freeing more than 500 dogs in Puppy mills across the Midwest. Harley’s campaign “Harley to the Rescue” raised over $500,000 that helped to facilitate many rescue operations that saved many many dogs. The money also helped to educate children and adults about the horrors of Puppy mills.

As I am writing this i am in shock about Harley being thrown in a bucket and then going on to change the world as we know it. Not only by putting the spotlight on the horrors of Puppy Mills, but inspiring people with disabilities and imperfections like we all have, to illustrate that all of our lives are equally important. And that we all should treat other with respect and decency, no matter what shortcoming any of us have. Harley went on to win the “2015 American Hero Dog” which is the highest honor a dog can receive.  If you want to read more about Harley’s award, click link; http://harleypuppymilldog.com/ and scroll to the bottom of the home page.  

When I think of puppy mills and the lives they create and sell for profits, I can’t believe this is legal. And how about the ones like Harley, who spend most of their lives in a cage, how can that be legal ?  Well here is how; Puppy Mills still exist because they are legal according to the USDA.  Dogs  are classified as livestock and therefor are allowed to remain living in cages.

As animal loving people just because laws allow this, we know people should NOT engage in this. To the people engaged in this line of work, you might be a law abiding citizen, but make no mistake, your character and moral fiber are deplorable.  Puppy Mills are every bit as evil as human trafficking, legal or not.  Demand for puppy’s does Not justify the continuance of this vicious cycle. Money is important in this life, we all know that. But not this important. Absolutely not. No amount of money is worth the kind of hell puppy mills dogs have to endure.  This is a question of people’s character, not money.

I encourage everyone to watch this 4 minute video about Harley the Emerging Hero DogThis is the kind of message that could really change the way we look at life. It’s truly one of the most inspiring videos I’ve ever seen. 

To Rudy and Dan Taylor, thank you for extending your hand to Harley. That gesture allowed Harley to light up the world with love and kindness.

Harley, thank you for making the world a better place.  Rest in peace sweet angel.

No lives will go in Vain. No pain will go unnoticed. Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

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