Continuing the spirit of Poppy Rocky on Tuesday evening

It was great participating

Good evening friends.

Thank you for stopping by. Its always a privilege to have some many friends from all walks of life to come by. Sammy & Family will always be grateful.

It was great to be alive and participating with life on April 5th, 2016. I can remember many a days and nights, not participating with life at all.  If anyone can relate to that, I just want to say it doesn’t have to stay that way. Everyday we wake up, we get another chance to set it straight. Let’s break free from the chains that bind us. After all, we put the chains there, it only takes a decision for us to remove them and be free.

Think about it. We can stop beating the hell out of ourselves right now, no matter what we’re going through. Doesn’t that feel refreshing ? Well that refreshment is ours for the taking.

OK, lets close out with two positive notions;

1. If we did the best we could today, then we don’t need to second guess anything. The cards will fall where they will. If they don’t all in our favor this time, well maybe they will next time. Let’s stay positive and keep our heads up.

2. We have a very important video going up tomorrow morning at 8:15 am. It’s a 6 minute video which is very informative and ends with a behind the scenes look at Dr. Harp Seal getting into his uniform.

Have a nice evening everyone. Sweet dreams.  Thank you God for this gift of today. Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

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