Smile because it happened

Smile because it happened

Good evening friends.

Thank you for stopping by. Sammy & Family really appreciates all the kind messages we received for Vanessa’s dad.  That meant a lot to us and was very soothing as well.

I have been thinking a lot of Vanessa’s dad since his passing on Sunday morning.  As I was thinking of him, I kept getting flashes of the movie “Gone with the Wind” in my head.  If you all remember the narrative at the beginning when the words were scrolling by.  They were saying how in a moments time, a civilization was “Gone like the Wind”

That is how it felt on Saturday night saying goodnight to George. And then in a blink of an eye, on Sunday morning he was Gone like the Wind.

Then I had to remind myself when you look at it that way, you miss all the pages in between of which his life was comprised.  Its like going into a bookstore and looking at the front cover where it says; “They fell in love”, and then you go straight to the back cover, and it says; “It ended in tragedy and death”  — Meanwhile there are 500 pages of life that had been lived in between the front and back cover that are being ignored.

So let’s extrapolate that to all of us that have lost loved ones. Once they are gone, that does not negate the lives they lived, or the experiences we shared. All of our fallen loved ones live on through us. Their footsteps are forever, just as ours will be. No matter where we are on the timeline of life, we remain connected.

It reminds me of that slogan;  “Don’t cry because its over, smile because it happened”  — I want to revise that slogan a little if I may.  Here it is; “Mourn because its over and then smile because it happened”

We will see you in the morning friends. Love always, Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

Tonight we pay tribute Jorge Martinez

RIP George

Good evening friends.

Sadly we lost Vanessa’s father, George Martinez on Sunday morning at approximately 2 am. Vanessa found him dead at around 7:50 am lying in his bed. To say we were shocked would be the understatement of the year.

On Saturday day and Saturday night, he was perfectly fine. George was 84 years old. He did Not die of old age. He was in great shape and very active. Him and I recently fixed up several areas of the house, including taking doors on and off of hinges like they were pancakes. George was physically as strong as an Ox.

It appears as though he had heart attack while he was sleeping.

Let me tell you about George Martinez. At 19 years old he fought for the U.S. in the Korean War. After the war he worked for the Government of Puerto Rico in San Juan for 40 years.

Vanessa is 48 years old and lived with her dad her whole life. Her mother died at 44 years old and as a result, George and Vanessa’s bond was beyond anything I have ever seen. It was almost like he wanted to make it up to his daughters that their mother died so young.

He was the best father I’ve ever seen. I am not just giving lip service because he passed away now. He waited for Vanessa, Raquel and Myriam every singe day to either get home from school, and right up until his death, waited for Vanessa to get home from work each night.

His whole life was his family. He was the rock that held this household together. George is another example of what a “Soldier of Love” is. He was happy when his family was happy. If they were happy, he was happy.

George was a major animal lover. And animals loved him too. He was literally like Dr. Doolittle. He talked to animals and they talked to him.

Vanessa and I referred to him as a little Buddha. I seriously would not be surprised if he was actually related to Buddha somehow. He knew about anything and everything. Especially about cars. Cars were his passion. Decades ago his hobby was to race cars. And the last few decades his hobby was fixing cars.

But his knowledge was Not limited to just cars. He knew everything about fixing houses, bathrooms, roofs, landscaping, house appliances and so on and so on. He was a genius with tools. He used them like an artist. George Martinez was a 21st Century Macgyver. His mind was the Ultimate Weapon.

But it was so much more than that. When anyone in this family felt sick, or our backs and necks were soar, he knew exactly the motions for us to make to feel some relief.

He even had a great ear for music. He was always able to predict which up and coming artists would be big stars. George Predicted before they ever made it to mainstream, that Celine Dion, Notorious BIG, Rihanna and several others artists would be the successes they turned out to be.

The thing I loved most about him was that he was a such a considerate man. He had such great manners. George always thought of everyone else’s comfort before his own. He had such respect for people. He also had a lot of respect for himself. Every morning like clockwork, he would take a shower and shave. He never skipped even one day. His dignity and appearance meant something to him until the very last day.

George was always thinking 10 steps ahead of everyone so he can protect his family. He always tried to anticipate any challenges or dangers that could come our way. Sometimes I would tell Vanessa or some of my close friends, it was a little over the top. I felt he nagged us about everything. I say that tonight because I feel bad I said those things. I always knew how decent he was and how he just loved his family so much that he wanted to arm us (metaphorically), with as much protection as possible.

Yesterday when Vanessa was filling out the paper work at the funeral, I was waiting for the people to come pick up George’s body. During our alone time, which was about two hours, I went in there to let him know that he made me a better man. And that I will carry the torch and look out for his daughters the way he did. I told him I loved him and said I was sorry that I did not spend more time with him when Vanessa was at work.

I owe Mr. Martinez my life. He and Vanessa extended their hand to my 3 boys and I when things got extremely hard in NY. I promise to him, to God and the universe, that I will man up and live and die for this family on a dime. The Martinez’s lives and our dogs lives come before my own life.

I loved George like a father. And he used to tell me I am a son to him even when I acted like a 10 year old. In the 15 months I knew him, he taught me all the things my father never got to teach me as a result of him dying when I was 14 years old. George restored that father / son education that I never got in just over a year.

I will Never forget him. I will make him proud. My life does not belong to me any longer. It belongs to his 3 daughters and our 6 dogs.

George Martinez, you were the sweetest and strongest man I’ve ever known. I never knew somebody who can be so tough as nails, and at the same time be sweet as sugar.

George thank you for raising 3 of the best daughters on Earth. Thank you for making the world a better place. And thank you for making me a better man.

From here on out, I will get up and face each day with the same courage that you did. I promise you that.

Vanessa, Raquel and Myriam will love you til the end of time. I will always love you and remember you forever.

George Martinez was a real soldier. A soldier of life. Rest in peace Soldier Martinez.


Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

Fear has caused more failures than Failure itself

Let's Stay Centered

Good evening friends.

We hope everyone had a nice day and is having a nice week. Thursdays are awesome. We can feel the freedom in the air.

I want to share a logistical mental tool with everyone. Anytime we want to go after something, the pundits will come out kicking and screaming. Its not that they care if you succeed or fail, their jobs are to make us doubt ourselves.

Think about a bee swarm for a moment. Do they really care who they are swarming ?  Nope, they could care less. They are in the business of swarming.  And once their swarm takes someone down, they swarm on to the next target.

If you keep your eyes on the target you desire, the bee swarm will pass you by like you are not even there. Life is full of smoke and mirrors and head-fakes.  But just like planes go through the clouds in the sky unphased, so must we. The only thing between us and what we want is fear. And fear is an illusion, nothing more, nothing less.

So what is the point Scott ? The point is that the only time we change course, is when we have changed our interests. But not because of fear. Not because of fear.

Fear has destroyed more people than actual failure has. Let’s repeat that. “Fear has destroyed more people than actual failure did. The ghosts in the haunted house are Not real, and neither or the fears in our heads.

Day 458 here in Puerto Rico. Scott Smith for Sammy & Family. Gemini.

Picture is from; Mind-Body-Green

Pigs Lives Matter

Pigs lives matter

Good evening friends.

Dr. Harp Seal here. We have an important message tonight. While I know this will not influence everyone, I sure hope it influences some.

Please consider giving up Pork. None of our appetites are important enough to inflict such suffering on animals. Please try Soy Dogs. They’re very tasty and more importantly, you will be sparing these beautiful animals from such pain. Pigs are as sweet, intelligent and loyal as dogs. Try to think of it those terms because that’s how it really is.

None of us can change everything, but everyone can change something. Leaving Pigs alone would be a great place to start. Let’s remember, all lives matter.

The Path to a better world flows through the Humane treatment of all animals. Without that, we have nothing.

Sincerely, Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

Picture from ‪NaturalGeographic

To learn more on Dr. Harp Seal 

ELS and Miracles

ELS and Miracles

Good evening friends.

Thank you for stopping by.  We hope you had a nice day today. As a former misery addict, its overwhelmingly gratifying to come before all of you animal lovers as a positive spirit today. Let’s remember friends, the down moments will pass. They always do.

Let’s keep the faith and hope because the sun is right around the corner starting immediately. If you doubt that, think of me and don’t doubt it.  I have been lower than hell, put there by myself of course, and I am a happy man today. So use my trials and tribulations to avert further complications and have faith that you are on the rise.

Its very helpful to have visual associations to resort to like a reflex. Kind of like the Doctor used to tap our knee with a tiny rubber hammer to check our reflex sensitivity

I would like to offer my friends a visual association when you are feeling down and out that you can refer to on a dime.

Here it is.

Remember the Pops, a sweet little guy that kept getting marked down at the store because nobody wanted him.  Remember that Rocky was living on the street thin as a stick and infested with large ticks. Remember Jeffery who was rescued by Vanessa and her dad from a very abusive life.  Remember me who had severe life threatening problems and was a walking dead man on and off for 8 years.
On April 13th, 2012, I was arrested for my reaction over the worst betrayal I had ever seen or experienced in my life regarding Sammy. I am sure many of you saw that in the media. The four year anniversary will be coming up in 6 days from today. I can confidently say that 4 years later, I would go to war again for him or any one of my other 5 dogs in heartbeat. Fortunately I don’t have make those kind of distinctions anymore as I have smartened up regarding the selection of the company I keep.

I remember when I was in the back of the Police Car, I smiled and told the arresting officer, I am going to turn this into the biggest positive of my life.

From there, I met Vanessa on Instagram. The ELS community is much better and bigger than what I had built before. I have now been living in the Caribbean for 451 days today. I live with Vanessa, her dad Jorge, who fought in the Korean War for the U.S. when he was 19 years old, and our 6 dogs.

The ELS story is a story of miracles. One miracle after another.  So if anyone asks me do miracles exist. My answer is simple; “You bet they do”  — The one caveat is that a miracle requires the heart and the guts to believe you are worth receiving one.

I will close with this. I tweeted Irene Cara the other day to remind her she has one of the greatest voices of all time. Irene Cara was on of the stars of the 1980 movie; “Fame” — My lord that gal can sing. If you never heard her, please take a listen to; “Out here on my own”, “What a feeling”, “Hot Lunch”, and the song, “Remember my name”

See you tonight friends. Life was grand today on April 7th, 2016. Scott Smith for Sammy & Family. #Gemini

Continuing the spirit of Poppy Rocky on Tuesday evening

It was great participating

Good evening friends.

Thank you for stopping by. Its always a privilege to have some many friends from all walks of life to come by. Sammy & Family will always be grateful.

It was great to be alive and participating with life on April 5th, 2016. I can remember many a days and nights, not participating with life at all.  If anyone can relate to that, I just want to say it doesn’t have to stay that way. Everyday we wake up, we get another chance to set it straight. Let’s break free from the chains that bind us. After all, we put the chains there, it only takes a decision for us to remove them and be free.

Think about it. We can stop beating the hell out of ourselves right now, no matter what we’re going through. Doesn’t that feel refreshing ? Well that refreshment is ours for the taking.

OK, lets close out with two positive notions;

1. If we did the best we could today, then we don’t need to second guess anything. The cards will fall where they will. If they don’t all in our favor this time, well maybe they will next time. Let’s stay positive and keep our heads up.

2. We have a very important video going up tomorrow morning at 8:15 am. It’s a 6 minute video which is very informative and ends with a behind the scenes look at Dr. Harp Seal getting into his uniform.

Have a nice evening everyone. Sweet dreams.  Thank you God for this gift of today. Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

A Tribute to a heroic dog named Harley

Puppy Mill Survivor Harley, passed on March 20th, 2016

Good evening friends.

Tonight we pay tribute to fallen angel named Harley. He passed away on March 20th, 2016. Folks as you know we have been writing about animals for the past 5 years. This is truly one of the most moving stories I’ve ever heard about.  I am really surprised I never caught wind of this the story until just two days ago. Harley was brought to my attention by our good friend Kathy Watson.

Harley was a puppy mill survivor. His function was to make babies and father them until they were sold and disbursed throughout the country. Harley lived in a cage at the Puppy Mill for 10 years before being tossed in a bucket to be disposed of after the mill had no more use for him. Harley knew of no other life other than living in a wired cage where no love or kindness was ever shown to him.

The wired cage was very hard on his feet too, despite him learning to live with it. That’s part of the reason he waked crookedly. Poor little guy. Luckily for Harley, a kind hearted lady who worked at the Puppy Mill noticed Harley had still been breathing in the bucket with other dead dogs. This decent lady picked him up out of the bucket and brought Harley to a local shelter.

Harley and Mom

Harley and his human mom, Rudy Taylor sharing a moment. 

Once he was treated medically and on the mend, Rudy Taylor, Harley’s Human mom noticed a picture of this crooked one eyed little trooper and felt an instant connection.  Rudy knew he was meant to be with her and contacted the rescue organization immediately.  Next thing you know she drove a few states away from Colorado to pick Harley up and give him the best life possible. But make no mistake, Rudy and her husband knew they had a lot of hardships to unravel for Harley.

Harley had a lot of issues Post Puppy Mill: a diseased heart, a mouth filled with rot, a fused spine, a broken tail, gnarled toes, and legs that were deformed. And then there was the missing eye – the result of his cage being power-washed with him in it (an all too common practice in puppy mills). All of these conditions were the result of years of horrendous neglect and abuse.

Just to point out. Puppy mills can have up to 100 to 800 dogs. In order to clean the cages, many a times they power wash them with the dogs still in the cage. This is precisely how Harley lost one of his eyes. That is so barbaric and cruel, i cannot get over it.

I mean think of the road that that Harley endured, and then just tossed in a bucket to die. But Harley kept breathing and kept the faith. And miraculously made it to Colorado with Rudy and Dan Taylor where this little angel got a second chance at life. What a miracle this was and still is despite Harley’s recent passing.  When Rudy and Dan first rescued him, the vets said he had 3 months to live. Well with love, care and tenderness, Harley lived 5 more years and his story struck a chord with the world. Everyone that met Harley loved him.

Harley and Human Dad

Harley and his human Dad, Dan Taylor

Harley was so resilient to make it through ten years at the Puppy mill. When Harley was finally rescued, he was so grateful and forgiving.  That’s what is so amazing, he still manged to be grateful and forgiving.

Harley brought a massive amount of awareness to the dastardly acts of Puppy mills. He personally has participated in freeing more than 500 dogs in Puppy mills across the Midwest. Harley’s campaign “Harley to the Rescue” raised over $500,000 that helped to facilitate many rescue operations that saved many many dogs. The money also helped to educate children and adults about the horrors of Puppy mills.

As I am writing this i am in shock about Harley being thrown in a bucket and then going on to change the world as we know it. Not only by putting the spotlight on the horrors of Puppy Mills, but inspiring people with disabilities and imperfections like we all have, to illustrate that all of our lives are equally important. And that we all should treat other with respect and decency, no matter what shortcoming any of us have. Harley went on to win the “2015 American Hero Dog” which is the highest honor a dog can receive.  If you want to read more about Harley’s award, click link; and scroll to the bottom of the home page.  

When I think of puppy mills and the lives they create and sell for profits, I can’t believe this is legal. And how about the ones like Harley, who spend most of their lives in a cage, how can that be legal ?  Well here is how; Puppy Mills still exist because they are legal according to the USDA.  Dogs  are classified as livestock and therefor are allowed to remain living in cages.

As animal loving people just because laws allow this, we know people should NOT engage in this. To the people engaged in this line of work, you might be a law abiding citizen, but make no mistake, your character and moral fiber are deplorable.  Puppy Mills are every bit as evil as human trafficking, legal or not.  Demand for puppy’s does Not justify the continuance of this vicious cycle. Money is important in this life, we all know that. But not this important. Absolutely not. No amount of money is worth the kind of hell puppy mills dogs have to endure.  This is a question of people’s character, not money.

I encourage everyone to watch this 4 minute video about Harley the Emerging Hero DogThis is the kind of message that could really change the way we look at life. It’s truly one of the most inspiring videos I’ve ever seen. 

To Rudy and Dan Taylor, thank you for extending your hand to Harley. That gesture allowed Harley to light up the world with love and kindness.

Harley, thank you for making the world a better place.  Rest in peace sweet angel.

No lives will go in Vain. No pain will go unnoticed. Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

Happy Throwback Thursday to Barry and Jo Ann Smith

Happy Throwback Thursday to my parents in 1967

Good evening friends.

Happy Throwback Thursday to my parents on their wedding night in 1967 in Great Neck, New York at a place called; “Leonard’s”

Jo Ann was 23 years old here, and Barry was about 29 or 30 years old in this picture. A snapshot of moment in time.  Its interesting to see a picture like this from 1967 when you weren’t even born yet, and then looking back on it 4 decades later in your 40’s.

I didn’t agree with Barry on a lot of the things and didn’t have much in common with him. But as time marches on, a lot of what he said has played out as he said it would.  My father had no feelings about animals. He was not cruel to them, don’t get me wrong.  But he had no connection with them at all in his life. I never understood that nor identified with it.

He was the type of man that would go to the beach and sprint into the ocean. I never like to get sand or seaweed on my body and preferred to sit by the pool.  He liked to travel and see things, I never enjoyed any of that, none of it. I always preferred to be home.

I think if I ran into him today, I would say; “Do you want to catch a movie?”  He would say; “Not really, do you want to go to a ballgame?”  — I would say; “Not at all”  — And we would shake hands and that would be all.

Barry also went on to have 6 kids, I think that was crazy. We really had very little in common. But as I said, I do respect a lot of his opinions that over time have proved to be correct.

Rest in Peace Barry Smith.

With that. Happy Throwback Thursday to a snapshot of a moment in time.

Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.