Dr. Harp Seal, a man of many talents

Dr. Harp Seal, a man of many talents

Good morning friends.   Thanks for stopping by. It turns out Dr. Harp Seal is a man of many talents.  You see Dr. Harp Seal came up the hard way.  He put himself through med school working many different jobs.

One of those jobs which was news to me, was a beautician.  So yesterday we went to Raquel’s home who handles the coloring of Vanessa’s hair.  Dr. Harp Seal knew exactly the blends of colors to use and and exact amounts to get the precise color she wanted.  It was like watching Mr. Miyagi from the Karate kid work his magic.

During Raquel’s break I massaged Vanessa’s scalp as part of the service.  This was a team effort led by the good doctor.

When we left Raquel’s home it occurred to me, Dr. Harp Seal is like the 21st Century “Macgyver” — Remember him ?  The man who can do any ting in any situation right on time from the late 1980’s.

Day 190 here in Puerto Rico friends.  See you tonight.  It’s just another Happy Monday.

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