Sammy & Family will Not turn a blinds eye to animal cruelty going on around the world

We don't turn a blinds eye to animal cruelty going on around the world

Good evening everyone. We have a lot of new friends in the Everybody Loves Sammy community and also now with “The Good News Channel” — We are happy and positive people in today’s times.  With that said, I want to say that Sammy & Family will never turns a blinds eye to the animal cruelty we see around the world.

We will Never forgive or forget what is going on with Pilot Whales in the‪#‎FaroeIslands‬, Dolphins in ‪#‎TaijiJapan‬, Dogs and Cats in ‪#‎YulinChina‬, Harp Seals in ‪#‎Canada, Bulls in ‪#‎Spain‬ and so on and so and so on and so on.

I will further the point by saying the people who participate in these horrors are equally as guilty as the people and groups that organize them.

My name is Scott Smith, a man of no real importance. While i am in this life I will make sure these acts of evil are called what they really are. These animals and marine life are experiencing a 21 Century Holocaust right here, right now.

Shame on the policy makers of these countries for allowing such atrocities to take place. Money is important, we all know that. But its not this important. There was a time where is seemed acceptable to exterminate Jewish people, or to have black people as slaves and treat them like cattle, or genocides in Rwanda and the slaughtering of American Indians. But it was Not OK, it never was OK and never will be OK.

We look back on those events now and say we can’t believe people could be so vicious and cruel, and yet they’re doing it again ten times worse to animals.

Let me close with two quotes from Dr. Harp Seal.

1. “The path to a better world flows through the humane treatment of all animals.”

2. “Animal equality, a tireless journey, there will be no retreat”

Sincerely, Scott Evan Smith


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