I made it through a Non rainy day on July 22nd, 2015

I made it through the Non rainy days

Good evening friends.

Thank you for stopping in.  Its great to be here with everyone.  Day 192 here in Puerto Rico.  Sammy & Family hopes everyone had a nice day today.  We still have had no rain here and continue with the water drought where we have water every other day.  Its literally sunny and beautiful everyday.  It reminds me of that movie “Pleasantville”

As for the water drought, at least i have an excuse not to shower on the non water days. I try to take the positives from all kinds of situations.  It reminds me of a couple of my college friends that were always in a good mood.  I used to ask them “why are you guys always happy ?”  They would turn around to me and say; “How come you’re now always happy?” I was like “Whatever you guys don’t get it”

I lived that way for 40 years.  Why do i keep repeating things like that ?  Because i know some of our shy friends out there are stuck like I was.  Its a false pretense to Deliberately not enjoy anything because you know at some point it might end.  Its upside down.  Enjoy what you can and take joy when you can get it.  Don’t worry life will throw enough _hit at you, life doesn’t need you to do its job for him, hes got plenty of challenges to throw at you.  What we don’t need is to make ourselves one of those challenges.  That’s where the expression; “Get out of your own way” came from.

OK friends, let’s close with three positive notions;

1. “Everyday we are born again, what we do today matters most.”   — Buddha —

2. I get up each day and do the best I can and I don’t take things personally.  Why?  Because its not personal, its life.

3. If you have writers block start listening to Barry Manilow music.  Barry was right when he sang ♫♫♫ I am music and write the songs ♫♫♫

Friends pardon my language, but holy shit, Barry Manilow really is Music.  Court adjourned.

Signing off from Puerto Rico, Scott Smith & Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.  And yes, Scott and Dr. Harp Seal are two different people, lol.

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