The Girl that almost was but the dog won me over

The girl that almost was but the dog won me over

Good evening friends.  OK, it looks like the story of one of my ex girlfriends and her dog won the votes.

So lets get right into it.  this was about 6 years ago. I was 40 years old and was doing the online dating thing like a full time job.  I was a different kind of online dater than most. Most people would have several dialogues over email, then get on the phone and chat for a few minutes and either set up a date or not.  You see I just wanted to go out. So my emails to women online were clear and to the point.

In my email to them I would say “Would you like to meet for drinks or dinner tonight?” 90 percent of people didn’t respond. Out of the 10 percent that did, some would say; “so tell me about yourself” — I would say “I will tell you about myself when we meet”  — Remember friends with online dating, they can read your profile, so its kind of a repetitive question from them.  Normally when i would say that it would end our dialogues and I would never hear from them again. Several people inside the 10 percent would say; ” I like a man who knows what he wants and directly asks for it” — So i would say “that’s great to hear”  But then some of them would say; “The problem is I already have plans tonight.” So I would say to them, OK reach out to me when you’re free and they never would.  But one or two gals out of the ten percent would say; “I can meet you at 6 pm tonight”  — And that’s all it takes folks, just one “Yes,’ and you get to meet a new person.

OK, I’m rambling.  On one particular night I met a woman out who grew up near the town I did and we had friends in common.  Now when I connect, I move very quickly, and I don’t mean in the hanky panky way.  I mean from “I want to see them a lot starting the next day.”  Within 3 weeks we were in a full fledged relationship.  We were talking moving in together, engagement, we were very into each other.  She had a dog, I won’t say his name, but she loved him like I love Sammy, Henry, Patrick, Jeffrey and Kelly.  And I absolutely loved her dog.   Anytime we saw each other I just wanted to play with her dog or take her out somewhere.  God forbid we just sat home and relaxed.

I wanted to be at the bars laughing with people and talking about light, dumb and breezy stuff, the dumber the better. This particular gal I was dating was a doctor.  After a while she said; “Listen, I really want to be together but I want to live  a slower and quieter life”  I knew what she meant, but I was not on the same page.  She was a really nice person too.

So she put it to me, she said “you have to choose us or this running around life that you have”  — And not running around with other ladies, but I just couldn’t sit still.  I didn’t like myself enough to want to sit with myself.  And living the quiet  life with her forced me to be with myself more than i was willing to be.

So we were at dinner and she asked me what i decided to do.  I told her I cannot slow down and live that kind of life. I really have strong feelings for you but I must maintain this pace in my life. I don’t know how to live any other way.  So she said, ” listen, I’m a doctor, this is not going to work out.  I think we have to call it off.

I felt badly because I knew she was right and I knew what a nice girl she was. Nonetheless, I said; “Listen, please don’t take this the wrong way, I have grown very attached to your dog, you work late hours and I have two dogs.  I think your dog would be happier with my two dogs and I, and would you be willing to give him up?”

Well friends, this is when things really went poorly.  She threw a drink in my face and said that was the worst question anyone has ever asked her in her life. She said  how dare you ?   Boy did I feel like a horses patoot.  I tell this story in gest looking back, but i do look back and feel bad about it.

In conclusion, when you and a nice person split for whatever reason, don’t ask them if you can keep their beloved pet they’ve had for 6 years.   #LearnedTheHardWay  #AnotherClassIsleptThrough

Projecting Change: The Empire State Building

Hello friends. We are thrilled to feature “Projecting Change” at The Empire State Building on “The Good News Channel” This is a very special night in NYC at the Empire State Building. Tonight the Empire State Building will display digital light images of endangered species in the hopes of helping the plight of animals.

ESB tiger

Sammy & Family is thrilled about this event and wants to thank the Press Department of the Empire State building for helping us feature this story tonight.  If something ever needed to be center stage, it’s the plight of the animals and their daily struggles.

Bald Eagle

For the first time in New York City history, this stand-alone, architectural projection art event featured towering images of endangered species—more than 350 feet tall and 186 feet wide, and covering 33 floors—on the south façade of The Empire State Building in an art event meant to draw attention to the creatures’ plight against mass extinction.


Photo Credit Jon William Brumbaugh

What could be more center stage than being projected on 33 floors of the Empire State Building. Wow, let me say that backwards, WOW.  The projected images of endangered species will be almost 400 feet tall. The images will start being beamed from 9 pm tonight, right up until Midnight from a building on West 31 Street.

Projecting Change: The Empire State Building

Travis Threlkel founder of Obscura Digital and Louis Psihoyos illuminated the night with live video projections, including (an 8 minute environmentally-focused tableau, combined with iconic imagery of endangered species, that made each 15 minute cycle running throughout the night a unique experience) showing a Noah’s ark of animals including Cecil the Lion, a snow leopard, a golden lion tamarin and manta rays, along with snakes, birds and various mammals and sea creatures choreographed to Racing Extinction’s original songs.  Throughout, the LED lights atop the building were coordinated with the projection, by the building’s lighting designer.

Projecting Change: The Empire State Building

(Photo by Grant Lamos IV/Getty Images for The Oceanic Preservation Society)

Travis Threlkel of Obscura Digital out of San Francisco, and Mr. Psihoyos, director of the Oscar-winning documentary “The Cove” came together to collaborate this once in a lifetime event about one of the most important dangers and challenges on Earth today.  Apparently,  this project was three years in the making.  NYC has strict laws about images being projected in the city.  Especially when it comes to the most famous building in the world.

Projecting Change: The Empire State Building

This Illuminating Endangered Specie Event is coming right on time.  This event comes on the heels of Cecil the lion, who was heinously killed last week in Zimbabwe, and President Obama’s speech in Kenya just last week that the USA is cracking down on the Ivory trade to help protect elephants.

Projecting Change: The Empire State Building

 (Photo by Grant Lamos IV/Getty Images for The Oceanic Preservation Society)

We have written many times before that Mother Nature is tough enough on animals and marine life as it is.  The last thing they need is for people to stack the deck even further against them, and that is putting it mildly. People are crucifying all kinds of species all over the world, with a total disregard for the lives of these beautiful, Majestic creatures.  Whether its Trophy hunting or Canned hunting, and whether the creatures are Majestic or not, its across the board outright heartless.  It needs to stop.

ESB Cecil

 This image is honor of Cecil the lion that was killed in Zimbabwe in early July of 2015 

The Empire State building is notorious for changing its  light colors at the top of the building for major news and events. In December of 2014, The Empire Strikes Back with a lighting ceremony at the top of the Empire State building to honor the annual dolphin slaughter that takes place in Taiji, Japan. The color of the lights representing this Japanese atrocity was red to symbolize all the bloodshed that takes place.  They just recently changed their light colors when The Supreme Court ordered states to recognize gay marriages across the nation. In the spirit of New York City,  The Empire State Building also Lit up in Yankees Blue Pinstripes to Honor Derek Jeter.

Projecting Change: The Empire State Building

Lets hope this Endangered Species lighting event shocks and awes the world into a permanent state of animal kindness, animal equality, animal rescue, animal welfare, and so on, and so on and so on.


 Travis Threlkel founder of Obscura Digital and Louis Psihoyos



Sammy & Family applauds New York City and The Empire State Building for this historic event one of the most important topics in the world today.  For topics related to this matter please see Dr. Harp Seal and Scott’s Smith video and audio messages on animal welfare said in a way like never before.

“The Second Amendment from the Perspective of an Animal”

“Where is the Geneva Convention for Animals?

“Sizing up Hunting by Dr. Harp Seal;

Thank you friends for stopping and reading such an important message.  God bless all animals around the world.

Written by Sammy & Family.  More information on The Empire State Building Below.

About the Empire State Building

Soaring 1,454 feet above Midtown Manhattan (from base to antenna), the Empire State Building, owned by Empire State Realty Trust, Inc., is the “World’s Most Famous Office Building.” With new investments in energy efficiency, infrastructure, public areas and amenities, the Empire State Building has attracted first-rate tenants in a diverse array of industries from around the world. The skyscraper’s robust broadcasting technology supports all major television and FM radio stations in the New York metropolitan market. The Empire State Building was named America’s favorite building in a poll conducted by the American Institute of Architects, and the Empire State Building Observatory is one of the world’s most beloved attractions as the region’s #1 tourist destination. For more information on the Empire State Building, please visit, @EmpireStateBldg, or

About Empire State Realty Trust

Empire State Realty Trust, Inc. (NYSE: ESRT), a leading real estate investment trust (REIT), owns, manages, operates, acquires and repositions office and retail properties in Manhattan and the greater New York metropolitan area, including the Empire State Building, the world’s most famous office building. Headquartered in New York, New York, the Company’s office and retail portfolio covers 10.0 million rentable square feet, as of March 31, 2015, consisting of 9.3 million rentable square feet in 14 office properties, including nine in Manhattan, three in Fairfield County, Connecticut and two in Westchester County, New York; and approximately 727,000 rentable square feet in the retail portfolio. 


“The Second Amendment from the Perspective of an Animal”

“Where is the Geneva Convention for Animals?

“Sizing up Hunting by Dr. Harp Seal;

Thank you friends for stopping and reading such an important message.  God bless all animals around the world.

Written by Sammy & Family.

Poppy Tuesday on July 28th, 2015

Poppy Tuesday.  A day filled with Hope and Possibilities

Good morning friends. Happy Poppy Tuesday. A day filled with Hope and possibilities.

Remember Patrick was in a cage for 8 straight months getting marked down over and over again on price on 61st Street & Lexington Avenue in NYC. Now two years later and Sammy & Family’s 198th day in Puerto Rico, Poppy is the center of our family including 4 other dogs.

I love this boy to to death. I let him get away with anything. He’s the only one of our 5 dogs that drinks from a cup that I bring him and some of my food from my plate that I allow him to have. I do that to make up for tough start he had, he’s loved and spoiled to the core now and he gets a pass on the spoiled-ness with us.

OK, let’s kick this Poppy Tuesday off with two positive notions;

1. If life can turn on a dime for Poppy, it can happen to any one of us.

2. It’s great to be alive on July 28th, 2015.Many people that were here yesterday are no longer with us today. This Tuesday is a gift, let’s put bow around it.

See you tonight friend. Love always, Sammy & Family.



Good morning friends.  Another gift today on July 24th, 2015.  Good, bad or indifferent its great to be alive today. And besides, its Friday, that’s a win right there in itself.

Sammy came by to wish everyone a great today and to remind everyone to stay hydrated.  Drinking water is so easy and yet I personally am always challenged to stay hydrated.  Its like showering, I know i have to do it, but i hate it, lol.

OK, lets kick this Friday off with two positive notions;

1. After a long week of work it can be nice to rest on a Friday night. There is no obligation with the universe to beat the hell out of yourself on a Friday night. Took me many many years to learn that one. In fact ou never have to beat the hell out of yourself. Took me a couple of more years to learn that one too.

2. Rescuing a dog, cat and / or pet is the most rewarding thing individuals or families can do on any given day and at any given time. Your life will instantly have a higher sense of purpose. You will be saving a life, and they will bring immediate happiness to your life.  Win – Win

Have a great Friday everyone.  Day 194 here in Puerto Rico.  See you tonight.  I have reluctantly go take a shower now :)

Sincerely, Scott Evan Smith

Kurt Wenner The Pioneer of 3D Pavement Art

Good morning friends.

We are thrilled to have Kurt Wenner featured on “The Good News Channel” today.  Kurt is arguably the best 3D Street Artist in the World.  When you see his work in this story you’ll see why he earned that status.  He has painted 3D images all over the world.  Kurt literally makes streets come alive with his 3D painting.  Its hard to believe these images he paints are actually flat on the ground but they are.

Dies Irae

1. Dies Irae was my first signature work introducing 3D pavement art as a new art form. It was done in Mantua, Italy, where I lived for 18 years.

Kurt is from  Santa Barbara, California. He attended the Rhode Island School of Design and Art Center College of Design. From there he went to work for NASA as a space illustrator.  Now how many people can say that ?  Very impressive to say the least.  In 1982 he left NASA and headed to Italy to embrace classical art. Kurt had a specific interest in Renaissance classicism, he was very drawn to how people drew 500 plus years back in comparison to how they were drawing in the 20 Century at that time.  Wenner invented a new geometry to create compositions that appear to rise from, or fall into the ground.

The Flying Carpet

2. The Flying Carpet
This image shows my 10-year-old son and a young friend posing on the carpet. It was done during the Corpus Christi holiday in Bettona, Italy, where we lived for six years.  Checkout Kurt’s book;  Asphalt Renaissance;  The Pavement Art and 3-D  Illusions Of Kurt Wenner”

In 1984 Kurt invented 3D Pavement art which today has several names tied to it; 3D Chalk Art, 3D Street Art, 3D Sidewalk are and so on and so on.  If you see a 3D image in the street its roots can be drawn back to Kurt Wenner. He invented  a new geometry to create compositions that appear to rise from, or fall into the ground.  That geometry is now known as ” Wenner’s hyperbolic perspective.”  Now let’s hear from Kurt himself below;

First European Citizens Initiative delivered to European Commission

3. Greenpeace Million Signatures
A million signatures were gathered in Europe to halt the introduction of genetically modified organisms, (GMOs), into the European agricultural environment. The names were printed on the border of the work, which measured 22 meters (72 feet) in diameter.

From Kurt himself; I am an American artist, although I have spent half my life in Italy. I work within the tradition of European classicism and create original architectural designs, paintings, sculpture and decoration. I work in numerous media and venues, but am best known for inventing 3-dimensional pavement art. This very popular art form has become a global and Internet phenomenon, inspiring many artists as well as the public.

Office Stress

4. Office Stress
This contemporary piece shows an ironic vision of the perils of office work. It is seen outside of a government building in Mantua, Italy, where actual bureaucrats did their work.  Checkout Kurt’s book;  “Asphalt Renaissance;  The Pavement Art and 3-D  Illusions Of Kurt Wenner”

My interest in Renaissance classicism started with the simple desire to draw well. I was struck by the vast difference between how students and teachers drew in the 20th Century and the way artists drew 500 years ago. It seemed to me that artists of the past had abilities far beyond those of today.

Kurt Wenner, arguably the best 3D street artist in the world

5. The Picnic. The work was created for an event called “The Big Lunch”, a United Kingdom event where neighbors get together on a specific day for lunch. The event counted an astounding 4.83 million participants in 2014!

My curiosity about this discrepancy took me to Rome in order to seek out and master drawing and painting within the “language” of western classicism. During this time I isolated myself from 20th century art in order to explore the ideals and concepts practiced in earlier centuries. It has since become an ongoing mission to rediscover classical traditions and communicate them to a contemporary audience.


Kurt Working in Herald Square, NYC  

My paintings invite rediscovery of many artistic traditions, and I enjoy incorporating mythology, allegory, literature, and theater into the compositions. I find that even if a viewer cannot reference the story they sense that one exists and become engaged, curious to learn more.

The Moneypit

 6. The Moneypit. This composition, done in London’s Waterloo station, used a side panel and was executed in stereoscopic 3D. When viewed through Color-code glasses, the money appears to float in the air.  Checkout Kurt’s book;  “Asphalt Renaissance;  The Pavement Art and 3-D  Illusions Of Kurt Wenner”

I particularly like to challenge my audience with a wealth of allusions — historical, stylistic, and perceptual. While some viewers recognize and appreciate the content, others admire the richly embellished surfaces or technical ability. I especially enjoy working on large pieces that “encompass” the viewer.

Title: A Millionaire’s Life
7. A Millionaire’s Life
Done in Singapore’s Changi airport, the image shows the luxury lifestyle awaiting the lucky winner of their lottery.

By combining painting with sculpture and architecture, I force them to interact in new ways that often blurs the distinction between them. The traditional appearance of my work is my strongest illusion, as it obscures the bold and original use of perspective I employ.

The Circus Parade

 8. The Circus Parade.  Created for the Sarasota chalk festival, home of the Ringling museum, the 20 by 60 foot image was executed by a team of the world’s most talented pavement artists.  Checkout Kurt’s book;  “Asphalt Renaissance;  The Pavement Art and 3-D  Illusions Of Kurt Wenner”

My artistic motivation is to rediscover, transform, and share insights from the past. I have been fortunate to be able to share my work with millions of people and hope that it will inspire artists and the public to delve into the patrimony of European Art so they can find the wealth of ideas that is so often hidden with the passage of time.

9. Shangrilá. This multi-panel composition was designed for a one-man show in Jakarta, Indonesia, which featured 11 large illusions.

Pearls of Dubai

 10. The Pearls of Dubai.  A composition recounting the history of pearl fishing in Dubai features Sheik Mohammed and Crown Prince Hamdan, called (Fazza).  Checkout Kurt’s book;  “Asphalt Renaissance;  The Pavement Art and 3-D  Illusions Of Kurt Wenner”

11. Kurt on San Juan

 11. On San Juan Island.  Taking a walk on the Wintery beach near my home on San Juan Island.

Friends we will close with this.  I had several correspondences with Kurt and his wife to put this story together.  And despite being the best 3D Pavement Artist in the world who has a very tight schedule, they could not have been more polite and gracious.  Sammy & Family thank the Wenners for joining us today.  It was an honor to run this feature.  To continue to follow Kurt’s projects, below are the links to his website and social media platforms.

Kurt’s website;



My Hilarious Insurance Interview

Funny Insurance Interview

Good evening friends.

We hope everyone had and is still having a great weekend.  Day 189 here in Puerto Rico.  Spoke to some ELS friends recently that are planning a trip here next year which is always nice to hear.  It will be great to see them.

So tonight I want to share a funny story with you.  Why not ?  When i first got to the Island I was looking into some finance jobs being that was my background.  And believe it or not Wall Street does have some presence here but not really applicable to the kind of trading I used to do.  So i told Vanessa I am going to speak to some insurance companies and maybe sell life insurance.  It was something i always had in the back of my head since my father died when he was 46 years old with 6 kids and no life insurance policy.  To his defense, it was not as common as it is today for all the sighs that must have just triggered.

Anyway, moving a long.  I went to interview with one of the big Insurance Companies we all know, I won’t say the name in case anyone might know people at this particular agency.  Point is I had several interviews and they went really well. I was finally asked to come back and meet the gentleman who ran the agency, very nice guy.  So we finally we meet and he had been brought up to speed about me from the other interviewers.  He looks over my resume and kind of looks he wanted some more perspective on what is going on here.

So he says; “Let me get this straight, you don’t speak Spanish, you have No contacts in Puerto Rico, if you got any appointments, you don’t know your way around Puerto Rico to even get to them, you have no car, and lastly you’ve never sold insurance, is that correct ?”  I said; “Yes sir, that is correct”

The man was dumbfounded. He took his glasses off and started rubbing his eyes. Then he was blinking really hard like when you are trying to clear away blurriness.  Next thing I know, he kind of sits back in chair and starts looking around the room. This was kind of odd to me because we both knew it was only the two of us in the room. At this point it was clear to me that this man was literally trying to figure out if he was inside of a dream, or if there really was a complete lunatic sitting across from him at his desk.  I started going through the scenarios that were coming up next.  He was either going to pass out from shock, laugh in my face, or call security.  Fortunately he was graceful about and said; “Why don’t you try something easier like winning the lottery?”

Friends from there, Vanessa and I agreed selling insurance in Puerto Rico was not the right fit.  I laugh every time I think about that last conversation with that gentleman.

In any event, its just a funny story to tell and look back on.  #PointlessInformation

Signing off from Puerto Rico, Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

Physical Workout Regiments can be Contagious

Physical Workout Regiments can be Contagious

Good morning friends. Looks like Vanessa’s working out regiment is starting to rub off on Henry. She leaves for the gym at 5:45 am every morning and looks who was waiting to join her today.

Problem is there are no Dogs allowed in the gym, and most certainly no Bears. Nonetheless, Henry gets an “A” for effort and intention.

Happy Wednesday.

Terri Irwin The Ultimate Wildlife Warrior

Good morning friends.

Today’s featured story is about Terri Irwin, yes the wife of the late great Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter.  As we all know Steve Irwin was tragically killed by in Stingray in 2006.  But today I want to take it back to their beginning.  You see, most of us learned about Steve and Terri Irwin from the popularity and success of their worldwide show “The Crocodile Hunter.  But the wheels of fate were in motion many years before all that.

Terri Irwin, the ultimate wildlife warrior

Terri was born in July of 1964 and grew up in Eugene Oregon with her family who was in the trucking business. During her childhood years, Terri’s dad used to pick up injured animals on the highways and bring them home to help rehabilitate them.  Needless to say compassion for wildlife was instilled in Terri from the very beginning.

Terri Irwin The Ultimate Wildlife warrior

By the time she was 22 years old, Terri was running the family business, worked  part time at an emergency veterinary hospital and operated a wildlife rehabilitation organization called  “Cougar County”  The wildlife organizations was rescuing, rehabilitating  and releasing cougars, bears, bobcats and etc.  Terri Irwin was no ordinary 22 year old, she was wearing many hats, and wearing them well.

Terri Irwin and family

Now let’s take a look at the late Steve Irwin’s earlier years.

The Irwin's family story

Stephen Robert Irwin was born on the 22nd February, 1962, in upper Fern Tree Gully, Victoria, which is about 20 miles form the main business district in Melbourne Australia.  He moved with his parents and two sisters to Beerwah, Queensland, where his folks opened the Beerwah Reptile and Fauna Park in June of 1970. Years later the Irwin’s changed the name to ” Queensland Reptile and Fauna Park” which now of course is  called The Australia Zoo. What a miraculous transition over the decades, but even with all the success the original common denominator has stood the test of time, their love and passion for wildlife.   Continue reading

Poppy Tuesday, the day of Hope on July 7th, 2015

Poppy Tuesday, a day of hope on July 7th, 2015

Good morning friends.  Welcome to Poppy Tuesday, the day of Hope.   Remember Hope’s acronym; “Happy Opportunities Presented Everyday”

Patrick, or Poppy Seeks represents hope.  He was a little songbird howling in his cage alone for far too long.  So what’s the point ?  The point is if something so incredible could happen to little Poppy out of the blue, the same came happen for any one of us.

OK, let’s kick this day off with two positive notions;

1. I’m not looking for external things to make me happy, I am my own source of happiness.  Whomever or whatever i choose to bring into my life only enhances my life, they don’t make my life.

2. I have to remember to keep it simple.  What do I want ?  I want to be happy.  You know what the equation for being happy is ?  Less = More.  Yes, less is more.

Happy Poppy Tuesday everyone.  See you tonight.

We do the Best we can with what we have

We do the best we can with what we have

Good morning friends. Dr. Harp Seal was is giving a private consultation this morning over skype.  The gentleman was kind enough to share one of the highlights of his session with the good Doctor.

Dr. Harp Seal said; “We do the best we can with what we have, and should not take anything personally beyond that”  He went on to say; “If you gave your best, you’re a winner.  The universe does not care what your score is, the universe wants your best version of yourself”

Lets kick this day off with two positive notions.

1. I want to be friends with nice people that want to be friends with me.  There’s a lot of good  people out there, many  feel just like you and want to connect with you.  Keep the faith, today is another gift and might just be the best day of your life.

2. Remember, it’s not “The Good old Days”  —- It’s “The Good New Days”  —  All we have is today, and today is a new day.

Have a great Monday friends.