In the name of “D” we pray

Prayers for D, he's fighting for his life and makes the world a better place

Goodnight dear friends and loved ones, this is Jessica.

We hope that you enjoyed your day. Many times even the smallest acts of kindness and scattered moments here and there can mean so much. They can change the course of our whole day.  We pray that everyone has arrived home safely and is relaxing.

We’d like to ask all of our friends out there to Pray for our very dear family friend , who we will call “D” — D is in the hospital at this time and He is facing the biggest fight of his life. We want him to know that he will not face it alone. We met our friend D almost 30 years ago and we simply adore him. He has been an incredible force of positivity and love for our whole family. He is more than a friend to us, he is a member of our family. We hurt when he hurts. But the one thing we know whole heartedly is that this man is a living superhero. He brightens up the lives of everyone he meets and everyone that crosses his path. He has given others hope for all of his life. He has helped people recover from sickness and serious injuries. He has restored the spirits of the broken. He is a very spiritual man and is unconditionally kind to everyone.  He has been there for my family through thick and thin. No one has a heart like his. We love him more than anything.

Please come together in prayer for our loved one. We know that he can pull through this. He is a champion and a fighter like no other, but we need your prayers. We pray that He is fully healed and fully cured. We pray that he has not a day of pain or fear. We pray that he returns home again to all of his loved ones. We pray that God puts his healing hands on our D and performs a miracle. If ever a spirit Deserved that , it would be him. His family needs him, we need him, his friends need him and the world needs him. He is a soul with light illuminating from within him. Dear God please bless this man for all of the love that he gives to others and all of the wisdom he passes on. Show him that kindness that he has always shown to all people.

Scott Smith here for a quick comment on D.  He was there for us in 1984 when our father died. and was the spine of our family for many years until we could sail on our own.  “D” was and is bigger then life.  I will quote e a line from the movie “Shawshank Redemption”  — “Some birds aren’t meant to be caged, their feathers are too bright”

Thank you all so much. Goodnight ❤️

No lives will go in vain. No pain will go unnoticed. ️Amen. Love from,
Jessica Lee Smith,
For Sammy & Family

Robin Williams passed away one year ago today


Rest in Peace Robin Williams a year later

Good evening friends.

Today marks the one year anniversary of the late great Robin Williams, the Actor and Comedian. The news was as shocking as any story i have ever read. He was 63 years old and took his own life on August 11th, 2014.

It’s easy to lose sight of who Robin Williams was with all this news about the suicide. This incident was tragic in every sense of the word tragedy.  But his death did not negate the millions and millions of people around the world that loved him and were affected by him.  Robyn Williams made people smile his whole life.  He truly made the world a better place. The Smith Family misses him dearly as we all do.

It’s interesting, when you think of Tinsel Town, the World’s capital of vanity, its hard to believe Robin Williams was an A-list actor right in the middle of all that.  And yet he was in the middle of all that and managed to stay grounded his whole career.

Robin Williams was a nice man. He was a sensitive, friendly and geniusly funny from head to toe. I mean think about it for a moment, did anyone ever say negative things about Robin William’s character in all these years ? No, they didn’t. From the beginning to the very end, Mr. Williams was just a nice guy, plain and simple.

We all heard of his struggles with alcohol, cocaine and depression. I read over the years the flip side of funny is depression. A lot of comedians have said the funnier you are, the more likely depressed you are. And we can all say hands down how funny Robin Williams was.

The world lost one of the great ones last year on this day.  A man despite all his struggles, made people feel better around the world with all the different and inspirational roles he played.

We hope the survived family is finding peace with his loss a year later. Sammy & Family salutes Mr. Robin Williams  and we’ll never forget him.  Rest in Peace Mr. Williams, nobody deserves it more.

Let us just quote one of his lines from the Movie Dead Poets Society; “We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race and the human race is filled with passion. Medicine, law, business, engineering—these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life, but poetry, beauty, romance, love—these are what we stay alive for.”

Such powerful words. It sure sounds a lot like how Robin Williams actually lived.

No lives will go in vain, no pain will go unnoticed. Amen. Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

Thank you life for letting me live on August 4th, 2015

Poppy the healer 1

Good evening friends.

Tonight I would like to Thank God for letting me participate in life on August 4th, 2015.  I can speak for anyone else but without the man upstairs I was a walking dead man.

OK, so tomorrow morning we have the full feature from The Empire State Building’s Illuminating Light Show of Endangered Species from this past Saturday night. It will be featured on “The Good News Channel” — Folks, wait until you see more of these larger than life images of our beloved animal friends and read the full story on this event.  August 1st, 2015 will go down in history of one of those most historic NYC nights ever.  The history books will speak of this for hundreds of years to come.  OK, but that is tomorrow.

Let’s talk today and tonight. We hope everyone had a fabulous Poppy Tuesday.  I am so in love Poppy its insane. He eats out of my plate, drinks water out of my glass.  Anytime Vanessa says: “Do you realize there are germs in that water from Patrick.?”  I respond with, “Do you realize the chandelier on the ceiling can fall and crack our skulls open at anytime? — Vanessa do you realize we can get hit by a car every time we walk outside?”

I told her, I don’t sweat the small stuff, if Patrick has some germs, and I catch them, I’ll live.  It makes him happy, and that makes me happy.  The rest is in God’s hands.

OK, lets close with two Poppy notions tonight;

1. Everybody has “The Poppy Chance”  — He represents Hope and Possibilities.  And man did I need those two words over the years.

2. I remember when Vanessa and I first got him, it was incredible. And he was so eager to please us so he would not be sent away again.  He didn’t realize if hell freezed over that was Never happening.  But in September of 2013, hell did freeze over and it was almost lights out for me.  The point is not to bore anyone with a story you heard many times, but I knew when i woke up after six days under, it was Patrick’s Heart that was breaking.  I knew Sammy & Henry were going to OK.  They were shaken up yes, but they had been with me a while.  Patrick was with us only 3 weeks before i went down for the count.  When I made it home alive, I never let that little boy out of my sight again. My bond with Patrick is unbreakable and unshakable.  Madly in love with my little boy.

Signing off from Puerto Rico on day 205 , Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

This One’s for you Cecil

Rest in Peace Cecil

Good evening friends.

Sammy & Family pays our respects to the beloved lion Cecil, who was heinously killed about two days ago in Zimbabwe. The  heartless murderer was Dr. Walter Palmer is who a dentist from Minnesota. Dr. Palmer paid $55,000, yes, 55k to track down Cecil and kill him with a bow and arrow.  Cecil was a protected lion in Hwange National Park which apparently Dr. Walter Palmer lured her out of with dead meats where Cecil then became exposed.

Now before we get into this whole story of Cecil and trophy hunting, or any hunting for that matter, I wanted to just cover a few things.  I never got the memo that said people can play God or Mother Nature with respect to what animals live and which animals die, and by what numbers.  Another thing I have said many times is, the only thing is means that people are smarter then animals, is that people are smarter then animals.  It doesn’t mean anything else.  The same is to say if someone is smarter than me, does that give the right to punch me or something ?

Let me break down what “Hunting for Sport” means and doesn’t mean.  You see the term in itself is inaccurate because the word; “Sport’ is in it.  Now last I checked in sports you need two consenting parties to agree to go up against one another.  So lets eradicate the word “Sport” because I am 100 percent certain that animals do not want to participate in this sport.  So that leaves us with downright murder.  To me all hunting is murder.  But for the purposes of this post lets isolate Trophy hunting.  Wait, you know, lets add “Canned Hunting” as well into this post.  Canned hunting is when facilitates keep exotic and majestic animals in a confined area to make sure the hunters get their kill.  Possibly the most abusive form of murder in all of hunting.

Back to Dr. Walter Palmer, the dentist from Minnesota.  To him Cecil was just another kill.  He was an avid hunter and murdered approximately 50 majestic animals over the years.  It appears this murder of Cecil might have been illegal. Cecil was in a protected park and it believe that Dr. Palmer lured her out of the protection zone she can become an eligible kill.  What a classy guy, huh ?  A real gentleman.   He has stated it was a legal kill but it looks like it might Not have been.

Now that brings me to this word called “Semantics”  —  The  fact that a kill is legal or illegal does not change the reality of your action, you still committed a murder.  The defenseless animal has no idea about the laws, he just knows he is painfully dying now with no regard for his life. The same is to say it’s legal to walk around calling people _ssholes all day, but its now right, so we don’t.  But brutally killing and Maiming animals if its legal, no problem, bring it on like football, just another American Pastime.

Many of you know I did a video message called; “The Second Amendment from the Perspective of Animal” on You-tube. The link will be at bottom of this post.  And without getting into the political debate about guns, let me point out that animals are not mentioned in The Second Amendment but they sure are taking the brunt of it by far over anyone else. Most people hide behind The Second Amendment’s original meaning to engage in the thrill of the kill of animals. Video link is below to hear more.

If you listen to this message, you will Never be confused about why this country and other countries of course are so obsessed with guns. If you think its the whole “The Right to Bear Arms” to protect yourself, you are standing upside down.  That is Not even close to the real reason, not even close.  If you want to know further, please watch and listen to that video message below.

Now unfortunately, Dr. Walter Palmer is just one of thousands of people who enjoy killing beautiful creatures.  So does this media frenzy against this Dr. Palmer, the dastardly murderer prevent others from this deplorable pastime, ? I honestly am not sure.  Does it prevent these murderers from smiling in pictures with their cowardly kills ?  Hell yeah. But does that really help the animals, not in my opinion, people will just do it smarter and quieter.

We are in the year 2015, the evidence on animals being sentient beings is a fact and has been clear for a long time now. If people are still out there like the Dr. Palmers, and the Ted Nugents knowing this, they’re bad people. Its simple math. When I was on Wall Street for many years i had seen several people pay to go kill bears in Canada and or Alaska. I mean think of how bored you must be with your life if you need to do that.  Maybe they should make a change in their life, or get a new wife.  But for God sake man, for the love of God, stop killing these animals.  Mother Nature is tough enough on them.  The last thing animals need is for “Man” to keep stacking the deck even further against them.

I must even say I recently saw an interview with Tom Brokaw who was plugging his news book.  Yes, Tom Brokaw the legendary news anchorman. During the interview he spoke so cavalierly about him and his hunting buddies, and who had a good shot and who did not.  Like just a couple of guys laughing,  drinking beers and blowing animals heads off.  So despite Tom’s stature and all his elegance, Sammy & Family kind of sees him like others mentioned in this post.  I’m sure in the minority in that opinion, but we’re OK with that.

Remember friends, this land is their land, this land is our land, this land is made for them and us. Together we stand, divided we fall. The path to a better world flows through the humane treatment of all animals.  Animal equality is a tireless journey, there will be no retreat.  Below are 3 video and or audio links I did in regards to a lot of what’s mentioned in this post.

Rest in Peace Cecil.  No lives will go in vain, no pain will go unnoticed.  Amen. Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family. Videos and Audios below.


“The Second Amendment from the Perspective of an Animal”  —


“Sizing up Hunting by Dr. Harp Seal; —


“Where is The Geneva Convention from Dr. Harp Seal”  —


The picture in Post was off of Google, i believe the source is from NBC News.

I made it through a Non rainy day on July 22nd, 2015

I made it through the Non rainy days

Good evening friends.

Thank you for stopping in.  Its great to be here with everyone.  Day 192 here in Puerto Rico.  Sammy & Family hopes everyone had a nice day today.  We still have had no rain here and continue with the water drought where we have water every other day.  Its literally sunny and beautiful everyday.  It reminds me of that movie “Pleasantville”

As for the water drought, at least i have an excuse not to shower on the non water days. I try to take the positives from all kinds of situations.  It reminds me of a couple of my college friends that were always in a good mood.  I used to ask them “why are you guys always happy ?”  They would turn around to me and say; “How come you’re now always happy?” I was like “Whatever you guys don’t get it”

I lived that way for 40 years.  Why do i keep repeating things like that ?  Because i know some of our shy friends out there are stuck like I was.  Its a false pretense to Deliberately not enjoy anything because you know at some point it might end.  Its upside down.  Enjoy what you can and take joy when you can get it.  Don’t worry life will throw enough _hit at you, life doesn’t need you to do its job for him, hes got plenty of challenges to throw at you.  What we don’t need is to make ourselves one of those challenges.  That’s where the expression; “Get out of your own way” came from.

OK friends, let’s close with three positive notions;

1. “Everyday we are born again, what we do today matters most.”   — Buddha —

2. I get up each day and do the best I can and I don’t take things personally.  Why?  Because its not personal, its life.

3. If you have writers block start listening to Barry Manilow music.  Barry was right when he sang ♫♫♫ I am music and write the songs ♫♫♫

Friends pardon my language, but holy shit, Barry Manilow really is Music.  Court adjourned.

Signing off from Puerto Rico, Scott Smith & Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.  And yes, Scott and Dr. Harp Seal are two different people, lol.

The Memo from God and Mother Nature

I never got the memo that we can play God or Mother Nature with respect to what animals live and which die, and by what numbers.

Good evening friends. We hope everyone had a happy Poppy Tuesday.  Life was good today on July 21st, 2015, it didn’t have to be that way.  Thank God that it is.

You know we have been doing different kind of posts at night and such, I want to promise all our animal loving friends, we never take our eye off the injustices inflicted on our animal friends around the world.  When the time is right I will hit those topics hard like I did with “Where Is the Geneva Convention for Animals?”  — Or “The Second Amendment from the Perspective of an Animal” and many,many more on Youtube and SoundCloud.

At the same token, in conveying our messages for the animals with no voice to defend themselves, Sammy & Family is not here to bring our animal loving friends from around the world down. So its a pick and choose your battles kind of things.  Having said that, animal equality, kindness, rescue and welfare remain the forefront of our voice.

Remember, the only thing it means that people are smarter than animals, is that people are smarter than animals, it means nothing more.  I would love to see the memo or email from God or Mother Nature that says we can decide which animals live and die and by which numbers.  I was never CC’ed on that.  Yes I know, I will check spam.

OK friends, lets close tonight with two messages for our animals friends all over the world.

1. The path to a better world flows through the humane treatment of all animals.

2. Rescuing an animal and bringing them into your home presents such a higher sense of purpose like some have never experienced.  You will be saving a life, and they will make your life.  We call that a Win, Win.

Signing off from Puerto Rico on day 191, Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy and Family.

Sammy & Family on the Evening of July 20th, 2015

Jeffrey and Vanessa

Good evening friends.

Its really nice to be here with everyone.  Thank you for stopping by.  Day 190 here in Puerto Rico.  Friends, to all the writers out here which is pretty much anyone who tries, if you need to be inspired, start listening to Barry Manilow songs and content will be flowing into your head like a CNN broadband pipeline.

With any one of his albums I could write 15 books, 300 pages each.  Sorry, a little tangent there.  We hope everyone a nice day today.  Remember that if you didn’t, a big night sleep can make everything better as early as tomorrow morning.  If you had a nice day, hit the replay button and repeat what works.

OK friends, lets close with two positive notions tonight and a quote from of Barry Manilow Songs;

1. Tomorrow is particularly special because on Wednesday, tomorrow will be gone and never to be had again. What do you want from life tomorrow for a day of your life you can’t have back ?

2. God willing we get the gift of tomorrow, what will we give life back for giving us tomorrow as a gift ?

Now some Barry Manilow lyrics from the song ♫♫♫  Those dreams of yours are shining on distant shores, And if they’re calling you away, I have no right to make you stay, But somewhere down the road, Our roads are gonna cross again, It doesn’t really matter when ♫♫♫   —- From the song “Somewhere Down the Line”

There is Freedom in Surrender

There is Freedom in Surrender

Good evening friends.  Welcome to the weekend.  Day 187 here in Puerto Rico.  I still have not really been outside a 3 mile radius of the house since I’m here.  I’m homebody.  I always rather be with my dogs while Vanessa is at work then anywhere else.  Sounds kind of boring, I know.  But we have to remember what Albert Einstein said; “Logic can take you from A to B, but imagination can take you everywhere.

So the three mile radius stretches a lot further than one would think.   We hope everyone has a nice weekend. Remember weekends are to rejuvenate not to ruminate.

More Albert Einstein, “I Speak to everyone the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the gatekeeper”

OK lets close with two positive notions.

1. There is Freedom in surrender, turn around and face the wide open spaces.

2. Speaking of Freedom, there is a lot of freedom when Friday comes around.  “Freeeeeedom”  — Braveheart —

Love always, Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

Merilee, Merilee, Merilee, Merilee, life is but a Wednesday

Wednesday broken down as an Acronym

Good evening friends.  Day 185 here in Puerto Rico.  I know, I know, its like Scott, do u think we care what day it is ?, lol. I hear that friends, please let me amuse myself.

OK, tonight is called, “Merilee, Merilee, Merilee, life is but a Wednesday”  — Now I know for sure we have not broken “Wednesday” down into an acronym yet.  So here we go, this is on the spot, totally improvising.

Wonderful-Everlasting-Delight-Nurturing-Endlessly-Sweetness-Dynamically-Astonishingly-Yearnfully.  Wow did I force that but kind of feel like i pulled it off.

Let’s close with two positive notions;

1. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  Honestly I have never really understood that one but I know its nice a nice one through experience, so just run with it.

2. If you did your best today you’re a winner.  Life doesn’t care about your score. It just wants your best version of yourself.

With that friends, signing off from Puerto Rico, Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

Good from Kelly & Family on July 12, 2015

Kelly and Family came to say goodnight

Good evening friends.  Happy to be here with everyone.  We hope you all had a great weekend.  If you didn’t, you’re probably going to have a great week.

Despite Sammy & Family changing up our evening posts, we still always pray our animal friends around the world get to live a life of peace and joy.  Mother Nature can be tough on them enough, the last thing animals need is for cruel people to stack the deck even further against them.  It’s not fair to them at all.  Remember, the only things it means that people are smarter than animals, is that we’re smarter than animals.  It doesn’t mean anything else.

OK, lets leave that where it is and close this post with two Positive Notions;

1. Today was a gift, good, bad or indifferent, it was a gift.  Many people that were with us yesterday are no longer with us.      We owe it to them and ourselves to get our faculties together and reset to positive.

2. Uncertainty is a constant in our lives, and so what ?  Whatever life throws at us we’ll handle it accordingly, that I’m            certain about.  That’s the all the confidence I need to reduce the anxieties of the uncertainties out there.

Signing off from Puerto Rico on Day 182, Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.